July 23, 2017
5:46am ET, 2:46am PT, 10:46am GT
0 Leo 44
The Leo New Moon today serves as the entrance to an extraordinary, life-changing wormhole. No one will be the same when we exit at the time of the Virgo New Moon on September 19th. Contained within this unprecedented wormhole are two Leo New Moons in a row separated by an Aquarius Full Moon, the yearly Lion’s Gate passage at the time of the Aquarius Full Moon, Mercury’s retrograde cycle, and two eclipse cycles with a rare Full Solar Eclipse passing directly over the United States of America. Today’s Leo New Moon is activating this wormhole at the first degree of Leo. On August 21st, we will experience the second Leo New Moon at 29 Leo, the Master degree of the Heart. With the Full Solar Eclipse occurring on this rare, second Leo New Moon, we are being imbued with the Heart of the Cosmos. We stand at the precipice to the Universe within us with a newly burgeoning co-creative perspective that will emerge out of this wormhole to help us see more clearly that the Cosmos is contained within us and to know that we are It’s representatives here on Earth.
This Leo New Moon and wormhole is a passageway deep into the Heart of ourSelf. The Great Lights and rulers of our spiritual experience of our Self during embodiment (the Sun and Moon) are joined in conjunction at 0 Leo 44/45 (1 Leo). Our full consciousness is anchored in the purity of the Heart today. The conjoined Sun and Moon are in a very tight seeding with Varuna, the Cosmic Perspective. Varuna is residing next to the Sun on the Master degree of Cancer consciousness. She is empowering our consciousness with the ability to access the Heart’s full Power as we learn to be at peace with our emotions, seeing and honoring them as the Divine guides that they are in our Earthly journey toward the embodiment of Love. Bracketing the Sun and Moon next to the Moon is Mars, just 1 degree away at 2 Leo. Mars represents all things physical and the actions that we take to make them possible.
This tight, multi-dimensional Leo New Moon stellium of the Heart’s Power (Cancer) and Love (Leo), is disposed by the Sun, who represents our consciousness. We are being asked today to begin to embody our spiritual consciousness of Love by consciously manifesting its higher, cosmic perspective as the world we experience.
It is all about actualizing Spirit in the physical world from the heart. That requires waking up to the truth that each of us, by Divine intent and decree, is Spirit experiencing our life through a body that allows us to physically know the world of our choosing and making as we take action. This isn’t rocket science even though it can feel like it currently if the Heart is compromised by the lower mind’s separating perspective. This is a change in consciousness that allows the Heart to lead instead of the head/mind. Feelings tell each of us what we really want to experience. Easy or difficult, we have chosen each and every experience we have for the gift of learning about who we are in relationship to Love. There is no outside yardstick for what Love is for each of us. The plumb-line is inside. If you are at conflict in any way, not resting in a state of being at pure peace with your energy and in full command of it, then your aren’t aligned with your deepest knowledge about Love, the fabric of all Life itself and every physical experience therein.
We are each becoming aware of this highest truth in our thoughts now courtesy of the Quaoar/Saturn/Ixion alignment with the Galactic Center, our Source who reflects its Source, who reflects its Source into infinity. Our deepest urgings now are to BE LOVE consciously by choice and action. That is why there is so much conflict currently reflected everywhere we look in our daily lives. The conflict is to show us what we have been creating in our more unconscious state of existence these last few aeons on Earth. The conflict is a gift to show us what is not working; what needs a more loving perspective and choice of action. One that is more inclusive, accepting, allowing, supportive, nurturing, and sustaining for all.
We can rail against this and avoid all we want. We are given free choice to turn a blind eye. However, the stakes are getting higher and the consequences more uncomfortable and untenable due to the higher-frequency energies that we are being bombarded with from the Cosmos. They are lighting us up from the inside via our inner alignments with these higher (5D+) energies. They reside in our consciousness throughout our energetic and physical vehicle as planetary influences. When information in the form of Light is sent from Source that resonates with and activates these planetary influences, they activate the same aspects of consciousness within us. These higher energies are more closely aligned with a purer source of Love. What is not Love cannot be sustained in the intensity of higher-frequency Light.
So, what are the big aspects that are being lit up within us today as the seed information for our journey through the as yet unknown Love wormhole that our consciousness is entering? What does Source want us to remember, embody, and use consciously as we walk into a new world of Love’s expression?
With the Sun and Moon integrated today in an intense seeding from Varuna and Mars, we are being seeded with the awareness that our consciousness IS Source’s/Cosmic consciousness that we manifest as our physical world. Uranus is in a stepping stone (square) relationship with the Sun and Moon, helping to awaken us to this new revelation so that we can embody what we are now aware of through choice. Pallas Athena is also in a stepping stone relationship with the Sun and Moon today informing us that by choice we can also step into the wisdom of the Divine Feminine’s Heart. The Sun and Moon are in a Great Eliminating relationship with Quaoar and Black Moon Lilith helping to remove from our awareness all thoughts that are not aligned and resonating with the true Divine Feminine’s Heart knowledge. Meanwhile, MakeMake is resourcing (sextile) this New Moon event by infusing our consciousness with the Cosmic and Natural Law of Love as the guiding principle for our unifying experience of consciousness here on Earth. The Sun and Moon are also manifesting (trining) Chiron’s influence today. The healing of our fears created by separation from our higher Self and the subsequent wholing into Love that results when we align with Self is being made evident in our world for those with Cosmic Eyes to see.
A Leo Moon seeks to know her Self in the Heart. She seeks to be the full expression of the Christed Self, the higher Self who only knows itSelf as Love. The Leo Sun seeks to reign and command from the inner world of feeling in order to honor the Christed Self as it is made manifest from the Heart. From the position of 1 Leo, our consciousness is being asked to find the place within that doesn’t rail against the challenges found on Earth. We are being asked to focus our consciousness, instead, on on our passion for soul growth, seeing all challenges as opportunities to become more aware of Love’s Truth, each of our own unique way.
As we step into the Great Unknown of this wormhole today, our Prime Directive is to BE the LOVE that we are. We are entering deeply into the sacred chamber of the Heart in order to finally meet our Self. It is a wondrous moment, indeed……..
With Love for All…….
Anne Harris can be reached for comments at ptherunlimited@aol.com