2017 Pisces New Moon /Soular Eclipse

Anne HarrisMoon Report








9:58am ET, 6:58am PT, 2:58pm GT

8 Pisces 12

Today’s Pisces New Moon Soular Eclipse is taking place at 9 Pisces, where we awaken in the dark to all of the sacredness found within the depths of Self that are intwined within our deepest, long-held fears.  It is a reset of our consciousness so that we may embrace the Light of Self in a new way from an upgraded perspective.  Pisces consciousness contains the spiritual wisdom gained from overcoming our fears with Love.  With this Soular Eclipse event intricately involved through aspect with the Pisces/Virgo polarity axis of consciousness, we are defragging and wholing our Selves into the 5D Christed perspective where fear cannot reside and from where we live and manifest our highest consciousness reflecting ideals and personal vision.  A Pisces Earth Star Chakra aligned with this Soular Eclipse is opposite a Virgo Soul Star Chakra.  A bridge is being created between them that asks us to experience the integrated wholing of spiritual with physical reality.  It is all about making the invisible realm visible so that it can be directly experienced in our day-to-day life.  It is an understanding of the wisdom and sense of Oneness that lies within each of us waiting to be brought to Light in our consciousness so that we can experience it directly.  Its that sense of “knowing” our long-held Christed consciousness within that seeks expression in our lives.  Not some foreign concept, but our deepest truth if we dare to become conscious of it by choice.  It is the magic that we know in our Heart as Love that we then offer to others in a form that is of practical service in everyday life.  It is Love-in-action that is useful, applicable, and enriching in our experience and relationship with life as it manifests before us.  It is the dream of Self coming to life in useful, practical ways that serve All.
Neptune, who is in a new seeding of consciousness with the Sun and Moon today, is the dispositor of this Pisces New Moon Soular Eclipse.  He is at home in the Piscean ocean of consciousness over which he presides with dignity and ease of Self expression.  Therefore, enlightenment is the key word for today’s chart .  It is a defibrillating moment for our consciousness in order to jumpstart an enlightening upgrade with the power to awaken us into conscious awareness of the invisible 5D world within which our Self resides in greater wholeness and integrity.  Spirit is knocking on our door for conscious entrance into our Heart, Mind, and multidimensional physical worlds.  It is asking us to create and experience what we envision through the creative imaginings of our Essence (Sun conjunct Moon).  “Integrity” is becoming our new foundational mantra, as this is the state of being whole and undivided; at one with all that is honest, moral, ethical, virtuous, decent, fair, sincere, truthful, and trustworthy.  As One with All that resides in the natural and cosmic Law of Love.
We are just ending an intense Uranian disposed eclipse season of awakening to the truth of our “reality”.  “Reality” is the projected reflection of our Self that brings the unseen within us individually and/or collectively to Light.  The intensity of this eclipse cycle has been for the higher purpose of presenting us with moments of conscious choice so that we can create our Selves anew based on what resonates with our Self truth “NOW, in each moment as a choice presents itSelf for consideration and response.The intense frequencies have been helping us to release all that was not in alignment and resonance with our unique perception and expression of Self.  With each clear, conscious choice, our DNA has been reconfigured to maintain frequency resonance and structural integrity with that choice.  The more Loving the choice, the higher the frequency, the clearer the signal, and the more crystalline in nature, making the newly activated DNA sacred geometrical encodements bioavailable once again.  These higher frequency DNA encodements have been waiting patiently in readiness in an etheric blueprint storehouse long subjugated in bondage to our habitual, 3D fear-based choices.  The Pisces South Node’s placement in today’s chart is trying to bring to our conscious awareness our deepest fears, so that more enlightened choices can be made by our newly upgraded mental body.  Mercury conjunct the Earth Star Chakra (South Node) today is seeding us with an upgraded perspective of these fear-based, karmic choices that can now be wholed and healed through the Christed lens of Love.  Our upgraded mental body wants to be free of the old fears that have enslaved our minds for so long, and that created the Old Guard’s dominance and control patterns.  The Heart is where we find our higher consciousness roots and directions that are then reflected to the upgraded higher Mind so that it can decode the high frequency solar and cosmic information. The Cosmos has been revealing itsSelf lately as if to confirm our newly reactivated consciousness decoding capabilities.  Higher frequency resonant potentials reveal themselves for conscious experiential opportunities simultaneously with resonance capability.  In this way, the Path opens before you as your are ready for it and make the choices to follow.  Like the Master who appears when you are ready, this Master is a portion of our higher Self that is found within our consciousness awaiting to be activated by choice.  As consciousness is unlimited, it is each of our choice as to how and what we will experience, and at what level of frequency resonance with attendant perspective and experiential options.  The higher the frequency chosen, the clearer the perspective and the purer the Love experience of consciousness.
Though its effects will last for the next 6 months until the eclipse cycle in August, this Uranian wormhole (eclipse cycle) that we are exiting today has been inviting us to be who we truly are.  It has been escorting us to today’s Neptunian disposed event where we are being filled with a yearning to merge consciously with the Divine within each of us individually and collectively.   This deep yearning is a by-product of knowing more fully who we truly are from the awakening that has occurred within this extraordinary eclipse cycle.  So much has been revealed in the last 3 weeks to show us the truth of our Self and the long-experienced disconnect from that truth due to habitual fear-based choices when creating our “reality”.  The biggest truth exposed by recent events is that “reality” is totally choice-driven.  Once choices become consciously made, “reality” becomes malleable before our very eyes; a mystical experience that arises out of the Heart’s creative womb.  When we yearn to merge with the Divine as our Self expression, we then open our Selves up to the transformative Plutonian frequencies that escort us to this “known”  Divine realm deep within.  Mars is helping us today to make this a reality.  It is being seeded with the consciousness-raising energy of the Great Awakeners (Uranus and Eris) in order to upgrade and transform its expression of Self into the new cycle of consciousness being implanted within each of us today in which the Heart enacted in physical experience is the mandate for expression and service to All
  At the recent Leo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, we were given the sacred geometrical visual of our evolutionary path – Spirit manifesting out of the mystical Divine Feminine Womb within each of our hearts.  It was pointing the way to Saturn, as if to say, “Manifest ME, Spirit arising from your Heart in thoughts, words, beliefs, and actions, as these form the world that you experience.”  This IS the Christed Path.  This IS Christ consciousness made manifest into the living Sun/Son of God-Source.  This is how each of us radiates our Self-Source as Love outward; by exemplifying and living our highest consciousness in each moment of any of our incarnations, wherever we may be aware of our Self in any of our many “realities”.  The abundance of Pisces energies today offer us this mystical experience.
Ascension is all about consciousness; how we work with it, interact/respond with it, and  express and experience it.  The art of Self-mastery is the wise and masterful use of your energy field to source all of your experiences.  It is the Christed level of consciousness in action and expression where you step up to become the sustained frequency of Love.  This is the vibrational frequency and energy signature of Source, the Originator of All who works through the Heart and Mind to manifest Spirit into Matter as conscious, physical expression.  Everything is based on choice, an intricate dance of perspectives directed and choreographed by Self on all levels of the hierarchical experience of its Self, designed to look at Love and feel its depth, breadth, richness, and color in both its presence and absence.  When the Heart and Mind work as One effortlessly, being and doing simultaneously in one flawlessly orchestrated act of creation. each creation then becomes a Love/Light pulsation emitted from Self like a solar flare in order to evolve the experience of Self as Love.  When we ARE Love, we are in a state of Being.  The state of “Being” is just resting as the feeling of a frequency that is sustained effortlessly in coherence without a flicker or dip.  “Being” is riding the frequency feeling inside that is consistent with the feeling of Love while the world shapes itself around and before you to step into and experience.
Today, we have stelliums of focused Pisces, Aries, and Taurus energies that are seeking physical expression.  As we know, Pisces and Aries energies connect the spiritual and mental bodies at the balance point of the Divine Masculine where Spirit becomes aware of itSelf through the Christed higher Mind’s mental focus on only Love.  It is this focus that manifests the Divine in our physical world.  The Sun in Pisces conjunct the Moon in Pisces today are the linchpin that connect the Sun and Moon to Neptune in Pisces on one side and the Sun and Moon to the Earth Star Chakra in Pisces conjunct Mercury in Pisces on the other side.  The Earth Star Chakra is also in a tight Great Eliminator aspect with MakeMake in Libra.  All the old karmic debris that does not resonate with and reflect cosmic level natural Law based in Love is being seeded for elimination from our consciousness.  Chiron and Pallas are adding their Piscean reflecting influences from a short distance away.  Chiron is leading the Pisces stellium of archetypes (Pallas, Neptune, Sun, Moon, Earth Star Chakra, and Mercury) into an etheric connection with the Aries stellium.  Chiron is in a Great eliminator with Jupiter retrograde conjunct Haumea retrograde in Libra, ensuring that today’s rebooting of consciousness is aligned with the purity and wholeness of Haumea’s 5D perspective of consciousness.
Within the nearby Aries stellium that is being led by Eris, we find Mars conjunct the Great Awakeners, with Venus approaching this awakening of the fully realized Divine Feminine into physical expression.  Venus has been in preparation for this great awakening that will occur in “right time”. In the meantime, her Divine Feminine counterpart, Mars, is bridging, integrating and expanding into Haumea’s higher consciousness perspective of the Self’s parts wholed into one expression of Love.  Mercury in Aquarius is resourcing Mars from the higher Mind perception of our “further” or higher Self’s perspective of Love.  With Ceres, Sedna, and the Part of Fortune reflecting their energies through a Taurus lens in what looks like one giant stellium of Pisces, Aries, and Taurus energies coming into physical expression, the great rising of the Divine Feminine into full awareness of Self is being birthed into being by a Mind rooted in and focused only on the Love that resides in the Heart of the Divine Feminine.  It rising into physical expression as the gift from Source long-held in our cosmic history for remembrance at this time.  Juno and Ceres are resourcing this Soular Eclipse event to help birth the physical experience of 5D  unity consciousness as an internal part of our new beginning.  Haumea is resourcing Saturn conjunct Ixion to ensure that this higher consciousness belief system becomes our foundation for the creation of our new 5D experience of reality here on Earth.
There is lots of action occurring within the the Divine Feminine today in order to balance, upgrade, and empower her physical expression as the Goddess of Love who has always known her Self in the Spiritual realm.  This is what is in the process of coming into physical manifestation.  Mars, the Divine Feminine “right action” of Love in action, is stepping up to the transformational energies and integrating this new expansion of consciousness and wisdom that will allow the physical expression of Love in action.
Our Cosmos has opened itSelf to our conscious awareness within this eclipse cycle.  At the beginning, we were gifted with the awareness of Arawn, the Bringer of the Light.  Then we were gifted with the awareness that we are engulfed and embraced like a nesting doll within a previously invisible galaxy…….that we are part of a larger Whole.  And on Wednesday, we were treated with the awareness of 7 Earth-sized planets that are orbiting a nearby Star.  Universes and realms are opening before our very eyes as our consciousness is being uplifted by the current influx of Cosmic frequencies that encode our capability to perceive this higher frequency-resonating information.  We are being given visible proof of our physical human ascension as the keys to the kingdom of consciousness are opening the previously secret doorways within each of us.  These doorways to higher consciousness were carefully  guarded in encodings within our DNA for unveiling in “right time”.  That “right time” is NOW.  This Soular Eclipse is opening the doorway of our Heart that will lead us to our rebirth on the March Equinox (3/20/17).  Therefore, it is vital that each of us align our feelings with those of the highest frequency of consciousness available to us in each moment.   Those frequencies that stir your Heart, as this is what you will source your world from in this new world and new beginning that is opening before us.
We are reaching a point of cohesion where fragmented parts will seem as if to “snap” back into an integrated whole for greater integrity of Self.  The escalating forces of tension that all are experiencing in their lives currently are increasing tensile strength to the needed and necessary point of cohesion.  This is the final wind-up to to the appropriate propulsion point that will release, recalibrate, and reintegrate in one  simultaneous BIG BANG moment that may not be quite as dramatic or evident as anticipated.  For subtle magnitudes of epic proportions are often reached within the seemingly simplest moment, events, or choices.  Whole worlds are born out of the simple act of loving.
It is important that you mindfully and skillfully quiet your spirit, mind, heart, and body to a state of maximum receptivity and allowance.  No resistance can be allowed to distort the Pure Love moment that awaits.  This Cosmic Kiss is the Seal of God given to imbue Divine Sovereignty and Self-Creative lineage to all who are receptive.  There is nothing to do, nothing to seek, nothing to work on or towards.  There is only resting in Love and letting that pour outward as Self-expression in service to All.  Just keep letting go and surrendering to Love in every moment, with every breath of Life that you inhale and exhale, radiating it forth as your expression of Self.
 With Love for All……

Anne Harris can be reached for comments at ptherunlimited@aol.com