That goal you’ve been working hard to make happen has been eluding you because the retrograde Mars is insisting you go inward before going ahead. The Full Moon this coming Saturday goes a long way toward helping you to understand the whole process much more fully. One thing is for sure: when your energy is not producing real results, no matter how much effort you put in, it’s NOT time to act. You’re going to feel this Truth profoundly by the time Mercury goes direct on Sunday. There’s a perfect moment for everything, and that moment has nothing to do with time. It has to do with the proper alignment of your mind, heart, body and spirit. Everything comes together in that moment, and that’s the one we call perfect, and it happens when it happens.
Let go of the need to ‘get there’.
***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.
EVERYONE’S GUIDE TO THE NEW 5D PLANETS: An all new webinar from Stephanie Azaria, THIS COMING SUNDAY! CLICK HERE for details and to REGISTER.