There are important choices to make this week, and they will keep on coming until you finally decide to choose Love over anything fear-based. Everything that happens now is designed to help you clear away the debris of the past and forge a new road to fulfillment and joy. The Full Moon next Saturday night is perfect for grounding into a new set of beliefs. That means you have the space of this entire week to clear away those more habitual negativities that have been holding you captive for so long. It’s a new world, and a new world calls for a new set of guidelines from which to create unprecedented experiences. You are the pioneering spark of all new creativity. If you don’t know this about your Self, it’s time you did.
Choose only the thoughts that will lead to a new experience.
***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.
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