With the Leo New Moon on Tuesday you’ll find you’re entering a new chapter that delivers you to the Truth of your own inner authority. New themes and chapters of your life are the result of all the recent expansion you’ve undertaken. You’ve opened your heart, put down the sword, and it’s led you to the kind of Self-empowerment you only dreamed of before. Mars, your main planet, changes signs on Tuesday, and along with the new Moon helps to produce a very positive backdrop for you to get on with the unprecedented activities you have planned for your Self. Be sure to take the time to nurture the new seeds you’ve planted. Beautiful flowers grow out of the concerted effort to make sure they are viable. There is definitely a phase of major growth beginning to unfold.
It’s all about stepping into you.
***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for TheCosmicPath.com. It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.
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