Are you aware of that you may have stopped offering up the TLC you learned the hard way to provide your Self during the past few years? Take a moment to become conscious of any need to Love your Self more. No matter what you’re feeling right now, compassion for your Self is the one thing that’s missing. Whatever feels out of whack needs some genuine care and kindness that comes directly from you. Others may be there to offer assistance, but nothing can possibly feel as significant as your own willingness to come to your own aid. So much has changed and there’s plenty of new energy firing up to take you down those brand new creative avenues you’ve been conjuring up for so long. Don’t get caught up in questions, just let your heart move you.
If you trust it, it will.
***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.
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