The events of the past week required you to hold a steady course and stay centered despite some ancient, core fears nipping at your heels. You’re about to realize what an amazing job you’ve done, and you’ll get to partake of the benefits that come only to those who walk the straight path with heart. ‘Heart’ is your middle name. Feeling more confident pretty quickly gives you the courage to take another step or two into the unknown. There are forks in the road ahead, and choices to be made about which direction you’re going to take. Don’t go into your head about it when you have such a magnificent heart to rely on. An open heart always provides the answers. There is no such thing as right or wrong, and you cannot possibly make a mistake.
Your purpose is to Light the way.
***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.
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