This may not be the easiest week for you, but it can easily become the most significant you’ve ever known. It all comes down to the efficient allowing of all intense emotions that come up this week. Those emotions are not who you are, but they are the motivational forces that need to make it into the light to be worked with efficiently. Make it your purpose to allow those emotions to rise without identifying your Self with them. Let them come, let them go. Don’t analyze or judge them, just watch them go by. As they do, they will inform your higher Self, in ways you’re unaccustomed to, about how to let your heart move you. THINK WITH YOUR HEART this week and you will come to understand the true meaning of your life.
You are the great balancer of spirit and body.
***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.
**Stephanie is now offering personal 5D PLANET READINGS. TO SCHEDULE YOUR PRIVATE SESSION, please CLICK HERE:
REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN FOR MY NEW 2016/2017 COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS CERTIFICATION PROGRAM! Learn the new language of 5D with Stephanie! Classes begin September 6 with an 8 week adjunct course to calibrate the chakras to the 5D frequencies. CLICK HERE for the details!