
Stephanie AzariaWeekly Horoscope - Pisces

This can prove to be a creative week for you, far beyond the usual, courtesy of a powerful Venus Mercury conjunction midweek. Mercury is retrograde, and these two amazing dispositors of the Mind and Heart will come together again in September, meaning that what begins to manifest this week has a major unfolding process to undergo. Sometimes manifestation happens in slow motion. When it does, you have to know it’s best that way, and let the unfolding begin. Follow your creative instincts, and let them take you inward. Don’t be concerned with ultimate results. Give each step your undivided attention and keep your focus on your Self and how you are expanding through it all. There is so much to realize about your Self and your purpose right now, and it’s all setting you up for what happens next.
It’s a magic carpet ride.

***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for TheCosmicPath.com. It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.

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