Despite the fact that Mercury is retrograde, he is making a number of very significant connections this week, including an all-important meeting with Venus on Wednesday. This conjunction will go a long way toward helping you to realize what the past couple of months have been all about, and will likely clear up a number of questions you’ve been heavily pondering lately. This week marks a true end AND beginning. The end of the last few months of intensive, unrelenting activity, but lacking clarity about it all, and the beginning of a path that brings far more crystal clarity and the attendant confidence that goes along with feeling grounded in what you’re doing. This turning point requires your undivided presence. Luckily, that’s your forte.
Think of this as a gear shift that, once successfully navigated, delivers you solidly to a completely unprecedented life chapter.
***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.
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