You must be catching glimpses of the possibilities that are manifesting for you, now that you’ve put in all that hard labor that delivered you to this rung of the ladder. When you started this latest effort, your focus was not necessarily on the end result, but on the labor of Love you were taking on. That is precisely what got you here. There’s nothing like Love-filled effort to get you to higher ground, ESPECIALLY when you’re not reaching for it. Now that you’re here, the vital ingredient you’ll need to take the next meaningful step is Self-Love…unconditional Self-Love… A belief in you so profound that nothing in the world could stop you from moving in the direction that seems to offer the most fulfillment.
It won’t be that different from the path you’ve been on, but the focus MUST shift back to you.
***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.
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