Saturday’s Full Moon gives you a rare glimpse into the part of your Self you’ve been having the hardest time dealing with: the place where your mind meets your heart. There’s a balance that is required here, and you may find this strange, but the places we resist the most are the very places where the most important transformation is happening. There comes a point in these very difficult transitions where the only thing to do is let go and let it be. This is no strange place for you, you’ve done it many times, and always because you felt you had no alternative. Do your best to recall how much freedom those choices gave you and decide to do it again now, before it becomes your only choice.
Making this decision because you recognize its value is what all the delay’s been about.
***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.
EVERYONE’S GUIDE TO THE NEW 5D PLANETS: An all new webinar from Stephanie Azaria, THIS COMING SUNDAY! CLICK HERE for details and to REGISTER.