Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog

Check out all the new Cosmic Consciousness from Christine Clemmer, Shelly Leal, and Nicholas West!

While a new planet (as yet unseen) was introduced to us as a major new part of our soular system, Venus crossed the Galactic Center and the world axis. I saw a comment on Facebook today that stated, “David Bowie left and a new planet appeared… I don’t need the news” It’s funny, but it’s also eerily accurate in the way it feels, isn’t it? If we can so readily See the evolutionary brilliance of a soul like David Bowie, we can See, period. That’s a new thing. We ALL would have said we knew how brilliant Bowie is/was, but to See that he has evolved to the planetary level is a brand new idea/thought/reality. Thus we enter a new consciousness.



1 23 16 Jupiter Soul Star New Cycle


1 23 16 Venus Enters Capricorn







As if the news of the past few days isn’t enough, we are in for yet another major day, one that includes a huge blizzard that is aimed directly at Washington DC. (I am writing this blog before the storm hits the northeast, and it feels fairly consistently as though it isn’t going to hit my area (very northeastern New Jersey) as hard as they are touting. A blizzard has an obvious Neptunian element to it, and Neptune is in an ongoing bridge (opposition) with Orcus, who welcomes us to the invisible realm (how’s that for some imagery of a blizzard?). Neptune has also just been triggered by a trine from Mars. That is definitely exacerbating this storm.


Furthermore, Mars is moving quite slowly, as he is going to go retrograde in 3 months, (April 16), but he will only travel 28 degrees in all that time. When Mars goes retrograde, he will be in a square with Neptune. This evokes the perception that it’s going to be one snowy winter. But I believe, more than anything else, that the collective consciousness is what determines the weather, which is why it is so unpredictable. If we were more certain, more faithful, that our thoughts create the world, it would be a lot easier to avoid these storms.


Today is the day Jupiter comes together exactly with the Soul Star Chakra, aka the Moon’s North Node. A blizzard is not Jupiter’s domain, but if there is one, and if Jupiter is active on the same day, it’s not a big surprise that the storm is a whopper. With the storm taking aim at Washington DC, it’s easy to project anger or karmic retribution as the reason, but the Jupiter North Node conjunction promises a major clearing, one that is evolutionary. And as we have learned in recent months, the most important growth easily comes out of the most uncomfortable events we experience. This HAS TO be a good thing.


The Jupiter Soul Star dance continues through to the summer time, but it is exact today. (I believe there will be at least two more exact connections, but they are hard to figure out, because the Node goes direct and retrograde with great frequency.  It will become apparent, and I will be sure to let you know when it happens again. But look around. A new planet, a physical law that no longer holds to be True, the loss of some of the greatest icons on the planet… these are all related to this conjunction. What seems most relevant is that it’s just beginning.


And last but not least, the Leo Full Moon occurs tonight at 8:45pm EST. The Full Moon always brings heightened emotional responses, and this one, reflecting the Aquarian Sun, reflects important and unusual Truths. Aquarian energy always awakens, and within all these rare and simultaneous planetary occurrences, there is definitely some profound revelation to be had.


Please check out Emily Samet’s Full Moon article for much more on today’s Full Moon.


Here is Ellias Lonsdale’s meditation for the Full Moon, reprinted with his permission from his book Star Sparks:


Leo 4:   A gardener collecting cow manure.

We can find new life by shadow work. We can tap a bright path forward which bases itself upon digesting and assimilating and metabolizing every previous cycle, especially in it’s harshest lessons and heaviest self-confront.

                We are able to go as far in an expansive direction as our previous contractions paved the way for. And somehow we know this. For we find it is the fertile mistakes, the major errors and excuses which pull us most deeply through into a new life here in the earth.

                However, the constant embodiment of this frequency is a sobering and a tempering that is character forming, but profoundly unwelcome to the ego-mind. And the resistance we build up to this outworking as being inevitable and inescapable, is thick, is persistent, and is backed up by the world around in every way.

                Therefore, we must enlist help, support, empowerment in a direction that is threatening and overwhelming to most that we meet. We are compelled to draw forth every ounce of true reflection we can possible find anywhere. For everything depends upon taking up a path into the shadows which no ego-mind wants and nobody in this vicinity knows the uses of deeply enough.

                We are thrown here into the earth, to seek our sustenance and reflection in the hidden cracks. We are pulled to mysteries, to awakenings, to clues and cues and wild surmises. For everything we meet is a symbol, a pointer, a portal. And it all depends upon whether this one can be walked through to the other side.

                A deep earth path which reclaims what civilization has paved over. An ardent quest into infinities that hold the keys to earth evolution. A burning desire to meet the self through it’s shattered earth reflection. And the wildest of needs to go against what is convenient and comfortable, to smell what others deny.”


“The strings to our past are burned because we need a new beginning.” 

– Caroline Myss

If you’d like to have a personal reading from Ellias Lonsdale, you can. Call 831 425-3134 to set up an appointment.