Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog



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 What an interesting 5:5 Star Gate day. ‘5’ is the energy of communication and humanity. It is also a big vibration of change. This is definitely a changing day in the bigger scheme of things. There are four planetary connections occurring today, reflecting some big inner happenings for us to be aware of. The Aries Moon is void until 1:11 pm EDT, when she moves into Taurus and the dark of the Moon, but there is so much profound subtler energy going on, it’s not likely to feel much like a void Moon at all.

5 5 16 Sun Saturn Great Eliminator

Where to begin? The Vesta Sedna energies are reverberating all day, and the Sun and Saturn come together in a Great Eliminator just after midnight EDT. Everything the Sun and Moon do today and tomorrow, leading up to that Taurus new Moon is a part of the lunation, which means the energies of this Sun Saturn inconjunct are a big factor that will be greatly evident during the next two weeks.

With all the planets in Taurus now helping us to ground all those ‘way out there’ energies of the past few weeks, this Sun Saturn Great Eliminator can go a long way toward helping us to stay tuned to our inner teacher. Honestly, there is nothing more important in this world right now than your own authentic inner voice.

The void Moon technically gets kicked off at 12:18am EDT this morning, after coming together with Uranus. But in true Uranian fashion, here is a very unconventional twist that can’t be ignored. Uranus and Eris are about to make history by coming together for the first time in human consciousness, reflecting the ascension that is taking place here on Earth. This is such an important event, that it might be said the Moon is not void at all, until she comes together with Eris this morning at 2:25am EDT.

To be truly technical, Eris is not a main planet in our soular system, though her importance and significance can not be denied. If we are going to move Cosmic Consciousness into the new world, we will have to begin including these new archetypes, and counting them as just as important, albeit more multidimensional to our experience.

So let’s say the Moon goes void at 2:25am EDT instead of 12:18am… The one big difference this makes is that the Sun Saturn Great Eliminator occurs BEFORE the void occurs, and that can be huge. A planetary connection occurring inside a void is an inner experience. If it occurs while the Moon is not void, it is far more tangible to our day to day life.

There are three other planetary connections today, including a Venus Mars Great Elininator, ALL inside the void Aries Moon. This seems to me to point to something related to the divine feminine on the planet. Watch for some important paradigm shift to occur.

The dark of the Moon begins this afternoon and takes us all the way to the new Moon tomorrow afternoon. This is SO interesting, because it seems as though the void Moon is far more active and energized than the Dark Taurus Moon, which should give us all a chance to breathe deeply and find our newest ground.

Stay tuned to you!

“Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself, and know that everything in life has purpose. There are no mistakes, no coincidences, all events are blessings given to us to learn from.”

– Elisabeth Kubler-Ross