Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog

Your world is spinning in your hand



Check out all the new Cosmic Consciousness from Christine Clemmer, Shelly Leal and Anne Harris!

This first full week of the new ‘1’ vibration is all about Mercury. The NEW Mercury that is. Mercury is now fully recognizable as the new archetype of the Divine Masculine, presiding as he does over the higher mind. It was much harder to recognize him when he was all mixed up with the lower mind. The lower mind is nothing if not confusing. But we have found our way out of that very repetitive cycle of fear based reaction and into the more objective and lofty perspective of the more love-oriented mentality, and that has delivered us to the much more accurate experience of the masculine/feminine Self. And that balance is what we are working on now.


Mercury leaves his shadow this week, (on Thursday) and moves over the world axis into Libra on Friday. 29 Virgo/0 Libra is that same portal of Truth that has been activated for a few weeks now. This particular portal (formerly known as a cusp) connects the emotional body with the physical, and therefore represents the heart of the divine feminine.

For the new archetype of the divine masculine to move through the heart of the divine feminine is an important moment for each of us. These energies are not easy to navigate, because they are so unfamiliar and new. Mercury is just coming out of his storm period (note Hurricane Matthew, so far one of the strongest hurricanes we’ve seen in a while on the east coast), and beginning a whole new chapter.

In this new chapter Mercury takes on the new physicality, or should I say, familiarized him Self with it. It’s all brand new, and to emphasize this, the Great Messenger comes together with Eris, Uranus, Sedna, Quaoar and MakeMake this week. It’s vital to remain open to all that emerges, reserving judgement all together. Allow your Self the full experience of what is manifesting in your world, because only then will you be able to KNOW what the new Mercury archetype offers.

There’s no way to understand any of it going in. In fact, the only way to grasp any of this new paradigm is to allow it to unfold. Nothing is the same. If we’re going to grasp the new world at all, (and the new world is, in fact, a new belief system), we must allow our Selves the experience of it. Only then will we be able to realize what it is.

The new archetypes are at work this week. Let them reveal to us, each in our own way, what we have realized and therefore what we can manifest. Nothing is the same. Nothing is as it used to be, and we are collectively arriving at the place where the new world is flashing its previews.

You know what it’s like to go to a movie and spend the first 20 minutes watching previews of what’s coming? When a preview comes on, you have no idea what you’re going to see. You open and you allow that few moments to move you, in whatever way it does, and when the preview is over, you’re left with an idea about what it’s going to be about.

This whole week is like that. Take a front row seat and watch the previews. Do your best not to judge them, or decide what you will and won’t like. You’re in for all of it. The more you can embrace, the more joyful you’ll be.

When you watch those previews, be sure to stay focused on you.

“You yourself are the eternal energy which appears as this Universe. You didn’t come into this world; you came out of it.

Like a wave from the ocean.”

Alan Watts