Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog

                     Mercury enters Aries

PLEASE JOIN ME TODAY, SATURDAY APRIL 11 AT 12 NOON EDT FOR MY ANNUAL LIVE SPRING EQUINOX WEBINAR. You already know this is the most unusual and unprecedented season we’ve faced in a long while… There’s so much to share… If you can’t make the live call, your registration will automatically secure a copy of the Mp4, but please join us… there is nothing more important or powerful right now than a high-minded Satsang. (Fee: $35)  REGISTER RIGHT HERE, and PLUS MEMBERS, CLICK HERE

Great News Everyone! My Teacher, Derek O’Neill is offering FREE Conference Calls, twice a week through April, which he is calling Community Calls for Calm. Please CLICK HERE for details and to register…

HERE’S MORE COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS FROM  Shelly LealJan Finley, Christine ClemmerSonreyaand Vivian Small!

This is a huge weekend, one which includes plenty of Black Moon activity and Light Bridges too. All this in the middle of the two holiest of holy days, the time of the resurrection. May we all be inspired by the moment we are in. I am going to make this short and sweet once again. This virus remains mild, but there is truly nothing mild about it. It’s exhausting. I want to save my energy for tomorrow’s webinar, and I hope you’ll join me…

As you can see the day is filled with important planetary activity. Most significantly Mercury crosses the world axis and enters Aries. This should have a profound effect on the news. Aries starts everything up again. New cycles abound.
Theres’s an interesting intersection today made up of the Black Moon Salacia communion in a Light Bridge with MakeMake and all in stepping stone to Quaoar. That is one 5D intersection, and it makes me feel yet another level of new energies breaking through from the higher dimensions…
I promise to include everything I can in the webinar today, and as soon as I recover I will be able to devote so much more of my Self to these daily blogs. Everyone stay well…We are in this together..
Here is Ellias Lonsdale’s meditation for today’s Black Noon Salacia communion, reprinted with the author’s permission from his book Star Sparks.

Aries 5:  A statue of a god worn smooth by devotees’ kissing.

               “I am here to personify an archetype. I must become my best and show the way. I have no choice in the matter. Unless I exceed my previous limits at every key juncture, I know I am not doing what I’m here to do and I can’t bear to let everybody down. I am here for a purpose and I cannot delude myself that I can do as I please.
               My dilemma is that I am as sharply motivated as can possibly be and those who encounter me want to set me up to be an expert, to be somebody special, to be above them and beyond them, while I know with the greatest of instincts that it can’t be done that way any longer. So I must refuse to be the hero, the scapegoat, the center of all projections, throw it off and become everybody. Then I can get through to the others and not be stopped by this crazy old style of religion and idolatry.
               I am exceedingly fortunate, in that I can see through what each and all are doing faster than they can do it. I am ahead of the game. I make sure to keep my way free and clear. And I delight in my capacity to cut through the crap, get on with what matters, and be done with the ritual of dismemberment.
               The only hard thing is that I just have no patience in me for human frailties. I am not at all amused by stuck patterns and obvious lies. And I’m not shy about getting it across that you can’t get away with that stuff around here.
               People accuse me of being too much and of keeping the pressure on. They’re right. But I am showing a tiny fraction of what I’ve got here. And the edge I put on events is laid back and easy going, compared with how it feels inside to be up against dense and stupid routines.”


“May we all grow in grace and peace, and not neglect the silence that is printed in the centre of our being.
It will not fail us.”
~Thomas Merton