Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie Azaria & Shelly LealCosmic Consciousness Blog

HERE’S MORE COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS FROM  Shelly LealJan Finley, Christine ClemmerSonreya, Beth Nolte, Cari Campbell and Bernice Kadatz!

If you missed Stephanie’s master class “The Turning Point” it’s not too late. Click Here to purchase your copy.
AN UPDATE FROM  STEPHANIE: I am recovering slowly but surely, still having some trouble with my eyes, waiting, according to doctor’s orders, another few weeks to see if things get better. The sabbatical I’ve been on is doing me a world of good. I am feeling far more buoyant and hopeful for the future and what it holds. I am incredibly grateful to Shelly for holding down the fort for me as she has, and for all the others who contribute to the site on a regular basis.

Looking for a reading? For a 5D astrology reading based in Cosmic Consciousness, please email Shelly at


Black Moon has been dancing in and out of Aries for over a year, moving between Pisces and Aries and Aries and Taurus. She retrograded back into the sign of the divine spark of creation 3/30, just long enough to commune with Eris, and today Black Moon goes direct here for the last time. It is as though the arrow has been pulled back and it is now released, ready to spring forward, as she turns her attention to Taurus and Gemini for the rest of the year. This is our last time to address what impedes our capacity to grow as creators.
The social planets are active today as well. Jupiter resources Juno and Eris; Saturn makes a great eliminator with Orcus. Our social consciousness is expanding, and we are turning towards engaging again. But we all have changed, becoming more aware of our unity and interconnectedness, and our responsibility to honor that unity with honesty and integrity, to bring our whole Selves to the table.
Our soul purpose is changing and our mental operating systems are changing with it. We are becoming more aware of what we think and how we communicate. We are not in a vacuum, we are affected by those around us and the collective itself; and as we elevate our mental processes, so does it elevate for everyone.
Here is Ellias Lonsdale’s mediation for the Black Moon going direct in Aries, reprinted with the author’s permission from his book Star Sparks:

Aries 22:        Puppets coming alive at night.

            “Being entranced with oneself and everything one can create, imagine, conceive and become. Finding one’s self to be enthralling, stunning, more than ever could be thought or manifested outwardly. Disappearing into the fabulous folds of one’s own internal depths, as well as the multiple ripples of a similar kind in the world around.
            An extreme state. One of the most bendable, expandable, and super-fertile of conditions. Essentially being open to the personal soul in all its contours forever.
            This is a path where self has to be engaged. You cannot get around yourself. Instead, the personal soul, the immediate experience, is sensed to be so very engrossing and consuming. It would be dishonest and hypocritical to pretend in any way that there’s anything else going on– other than a self like this one dancing with destiny in a free, wild, spontaneous fashion.
            Elaborate permission granted for every side of self and its most intimate world to play inside. A determination that’s not to suppress or deny, not to relativize or minimize interior experiential journeys and explorations of this all-powerful creator of worlds.
            A sense of pushing this kind of thing to the brink and beyond. No place to stop. No rules, no laws, no standards. Just the sheer experiential thrust of whatever can be dreamed up, innovated, and made possible.
            Certainly a streak of being provocative and pushy and self-obsessed. Easily a pure overflow of internal life force into every kind of arena that can be harnessed and channeled and gone into way far inside the night.
            Yet also a design, an intent, an exceedingly strong desire to break through anything and everything, including this pattern itself. The fever of it can go on forever. Yet the inside witness seeks the ultimate outcome at all cost.”