Cosmic Numbers

Jameson BairCosmic Numbers

9-8-2018 Today is a universal 1 day, reflected in the ephemeral 8 energies of September. I said not too long ago that 1 is just 8 viewed in profile, sort of a glib way of expressing their thematic connection. September is illustrating it for us nicely: We are feeling the all-and-more-ness of the 9 energy, the very heavy burden that …

Cosmic Numbers

Jameson BairCosmic Numbers

9-7-2018 If the 7 energy represents the mirror that is self:Self, 9 is the mirror of identity:Identity, the one we craft within versus the One that is expressed without. The word identity may seem synonymous with self, but in fact, it is another layer, like the clothes we wear (9) over our body (8) which is the fulcrum for the …

Cosmic Numbers

Jameson BairCosmic Numbers

9-6-2018 A universal 8 day, for your nerves: Breathe in, breathe out, and know all is well, as today is a day of balance. You may not be feeling the balance in the sitting position, however; September continues to call forth personal mastery at every corner with more diverse expression, more action, more change from increasingly complex or complicated minds, …

Cosmic Numbers

Jameson BairCosmic Numbers

9-5-2018 As the wormhole continues to deactivate, we feel reverberations from July today. June may have been felt yesterday among the diverse spiritual winds blowing every which way, but we are decidedly much more inwardly focused today on this universal 7 day and hidden 7:7 star gate and hidden 11:11 star gate. The 9 and 5 of the month/day echo …