THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 2/8/16

Ray RolandoChannel of the Week

channeloftheweekPORTAL OF POSSIBILITY –

So, life lessons are coming fast now, are they? Of course. You are there. Where? Remember that horizon you were keeping your focus on for the last handful of years? You are approaching the zenith of that right now. To break through requires tons of trust and courage.

So what happens when the tool of trust is not working for you? We understand there are times when trusting in only the human sense is difficult. You go to the head, and leave the heart for a time. This, too, is ok and ALL part of the grand Mastery that IS you. When this occurs, fret no more. Instead, use your beautiful mind to navigate back to your heart.

When you find yourself struggling for answers, dig deep in your mind for the tool that feels most powerful to you in the moment, whatever that may be or look like. IF we were to suggest one to you, it would be the combination of the tools of your breath, then self-love and self-forgiveness.

Every time you want to step out of trust, or feel frustration or anger arise about the process, take a deep breath, which will help detoxify your thoughts. Then, perhaps certain, more truthful (or higher) awarenesses may come to you about your next possible choice(s). If so, maybe you can choose to reach for loving yourself through the impulse to not trust, and FORGIVE yourself for doing so. This is where mastery of the self begins… self-love and self forgiveness, which brings self-compassion and full self-acceptance.

And this is the pathway back to the heart. From there, ANYTHING is possible. For the heart is the Portal of Possibility, where physics and limited potential are transcended and magic occurs. Once you return there, gently ask your head to serve this magical place within you. Even if you must fake it until you make it, the practice of reigning in the wild thoughts and returning to the heart upon the breath and higher choices is the way out, and the path to mastery.

Even when it all seems daunting, KNOW that you can do this. You must. It is your destiny.

With so much love in our hearts for you,


Become a member of Ray’s new website,, to receive Activated Monthly Audio Downloads from the Ascended Masters, and weekly channeled Healing, Guidance, and Divine Wisdom from the Archangels.

Join our mailing list to receive a channeled audio gift, “The Unveiling”, from Archangel Michael and Master St. Germain! CLICK HERE.

For powerful one-on-one experiences with Ray, including personalized channels, readings, and ascension wellness coaching, or for general inquiries, please contact Colby by phone at 1-845-637-5191, or by email at

THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 2/1/16

Ray RolandoChannel of the Week

channeloftheweekESCAPE THE HUMAN? –

You are here TO be human. Do not get so caught up in what it means to be spiritual, or attaining enlightenment, that you forget that the vehicle for both IS the human journey. The experiences that you have in the physical, human form are opportunities to polish out your perceived inequities, or inconsistencies within you.  Identifying your “faults”, “character flaws”, “sub-par” behaviors, patterns, and the like and being you unapologetically is the ENTIRE point.

In truth, you cannot assist another, or achieve inner or outer peace, without accepting all of you on some level(s) first.

If you still believe on ANY level that “they” are somehow NOT part of you, think again. You should, in fact, be seeing EVERY opportunity to see the Law of the Mirrored Self in some way(s) whenever you are in relationship to another. Seeing the wholeness, oneness, of it all and thanking it with true gratitude for all of its messages is where “in light in man” (enlightenment) exists.

Oh, and stop the search. You know, the search for enlightenment… around every possible turn, bend, or avenue? It is not in any of those places. It is already within you, and when you can release the expectations of and for it, it will literally DROP INTO, or rise up from, your human experience. That is the nature of the game – to not reach for the fruits, but allow them to drop from the tree when they are ripe. You need not worry about farming, and tending to the crop. God and the Universe has that part “under control amidst the chaos”. Your trust in that process is what makes you ripe so that the ah-hah moment is realized.

Please, allow us to indulge you for a moment with a non-rhetorical question. Have you ever had a moment while taking a walk, or sitting at a desk, or driving a car and something suddenly “dawns on you” about a person, place or situation and then all the pieces sort of just come together to show you a bigger picture? Yes? Ok. Now, did you ever notice that this usually occurs seemingly all of a sudden, out of nowhere, and without trying? THAT IS ENLIGHTENMENT. Specifically, the part about not trying… that is key here. It just comes to you when it does. It is like lightning striking you amidst the seeming chaos. That is Divine Order.

And NONE of it can occur without the journey of humanness.

EVERY one of your experiences leads you to those moments, and then to the even bigger ones. Think about it… your life is never the same after those moments because you are forever shifted in some way towards greater awareness – not only about that situation, but toward the bigger picture of how that situation plays into the greatest book you will ever write – YOU. The most interesting part is that it is almost like the reverse effect of the Russian Nesting Dolls (matryoshka dolls). Instead of getting to the smaller and smaller doll until there are no more because you have hit the core, you expand and expand and expand from the core essence into unlimited potential.

That… just for that moment… is enlightenment. Do not try to hold onto it. Let it go, for it brings the next experience of it so much more quickly.

So be sure to enjoy the journey. There might be so much more you are willing to SEE there now that, perhaps, your eyes could not or would not have noticed before.

With so much love in our hearts for you,


Become a member of Ray’s new website,, to receive Activated Monthly Audio Downloads from the Ascended Masters, and weekly channeled Healing, Guidance, and Divine Wisdom from the Archangels.

Join our mailing list to receive a channeled audio gift, “The Unveiling”, from Archangel Michael and Master St. Germain! CLICK HERE.

For powerful one-on-one experiences with Ray, including personalized channels, readings, and ascension wellness coaching, or for general inquiries, please contact Colby by phone at 1-845-637-5191, or by email at

THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 1/25/16

Ray RolandoChannel of the Week

channeloftheweekILLUSION OF YOUR WORLD –

You believe that your world is “real” but it is not. Your world is but a game that you are learning to navigate lifetime after lifetime. Generally, you come in each lifetime having the grace from your previous spiritual attainment in the last one. So you never start over. You begin from whence you left off.

If you are reading this message, please understand this – you have had at least enough grace to have just read those last few sentences. Not everyone knows and/or understands this. Not everyone is yet meant to. But it is all perfect.

Can you see that?  That is, can you see the the perfection in it all despite sometimes (or a lot of times) still “believing” in all the drama? The only thing that is real is LOVE. Everything else is an illusion. What you make of that grand illusion is ALL a choice. How you choose to see your world of illusion can either bring you into a state of bliss or suffering. If you choose to see it all as occurring FOR you FOR your growth, bliss is yours… perhaps eventually, but it will come with commitment to the path of being a spiritual warrior.

When we say it is an illusion, we mean it is all a perfect setup. It has been staged for you to come back to ONLY love and truth, and the vibration of peace. To do so, you must karmically undo the doing, unlearn the learned. Even just reading these words, while they may be confusing, is energetically beginning to untrain the trained brain and negative ego. Reading this is like your conscious mind finally (if not already) being given the chance to say, “Yes, I knew it – there is definitely more to all of this!” Yes, there is. And you are right in the midst of that immaculate discovery once again.

The physical world is nothing more than an advanced dream state. But you must learn to navigate it with mastery. To attain this mastery, you must use tools like courage, your breath, discernment, awareness, and choice. You must learn to feel subtly into the truths as they are occurring, and find the silver lining in everything. We know, on some level it all sounds/feels like “same old stuff, but HOW do we do this?” The answer is two-fold: 1) TRUST MORE and 2) The HOW has already begun in you, otherwise you would not still be reading or looking for these messages of support.

We recently spoke of the thinning of veils in previous downloads and transmissions. We had said that you would begin making easier connections to all of the “Cosmic Teachings” because your world was changing and the masses are becoming more open to meditation, mindfulness and yoga. So we tell you to stick it out and you will prevail, you are prevailing, in the long run. The “when” somewhat depends on you.

Have you truly sought those individuals out who you either know, or believe, may be able to shed some light on these still seemingly esoteric “concepts” for you? Someone(s) who can “help make connections with and for you to make concepts your reality and your current reality a thing of the past? If not, and you know someone(s) who you think can assist, now is the time to act. Reach out to them. They are ready for you and, now, you are ready for them. For, if you choose it, the time for being a character in the game ends, and the time for creating the game has begun.

Would you rather continue to “feel” like victims (even if at times), or empower yourself COMPLETELY to the world around you? In fact, what if you could realize that the world around you was created entirely by you? We say “realize” because to many of you this is intellectually understood, but still you need to KNOW this at your core, in your heart, and allow the negative ego (the monkey mind of negative thought patterns and socialized fear) to be bypassed.

To this we say, if you are still suffering, then you may have some of the teachings, but now you need to do the work with them. This is a call to arms, Arjuna. Now is as good a time as any to pick up your bow of meditation and BE the Spiritual Warrior you were born to be. You can do this. You must. For it has been written.

With so much love in our hearts for you,


Become a member of Ray’s new website,, to receive Activated Monthly Audio Downloads from the Ascended Masters, and weekly channeled Healing, Guidance, and Divine Wisdom from the Archangels.

Join our mailing list to receive a channeled audio gift, “The Unveiling”, from Archangel Michael and Master St. Germain! CLICK HERE.

For powerful one-on-one experiences with Ray, including personalized channels, readings, and ascension wellness coaching, or for general inquiries, please contact Colby by phone at 1-845-637-5191, or by email at

THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 1/18/16

Ray RolandoChannel of the Week

channeloftheweekKEY TO UNLOCKING TRUTH –

You know when something is “true” for you and when it is not, do you not? And how do you know? We have talked with you about truth having a vibration in prior messages. So how does one on the Earth plane find this truth, this vibration?

Generally speaking, the truth just is. Humans know when they are telling themselves the truth and when they are telling partial truths. They need only sit still and ground long enough for that truth to sink in. Of course, the human fear enters the equation that if the human actually looks at the fear that it will destroy them. So the human resists, which causes unrest, more confusion, more fear. Eventually, it may even lead to physical shifts within them – pain, weight gain, other health issues or concerns.

But the belief that truthfully looking at something will destroy you IS PURELY illusion. Actually, it will liberate you. For you cannot be destroyed. You ARE energy.

While it can be true that your reality is an illusion, or that illusion is your reality, to find the middle path (yoga), or liberation, one must get fully centered within their being by sitting still enough for YOUR Cosmic Blueprint to talk to you. ONLY then will reality and illusion meet, neutralize one another, and give way to the God-self where ALL inquiries cease to exist and ONLY truth prevails.

Introspection is the greatest tool you have at your disposal after the breath. For introspection leads one past illusion, stories and drama, and directly into the fire of truth that leads ALL souls FULLY HOME… otherwise known as enlightenment. To sit in introspection requires trust, faith and courage. To be courageous is to be a spiritual warrior. And if you are not fully there yet, recognize that you just courageously accepted that you are not, AND that this recognition in itself is courage at work within you. That alone should help ease your worry.

But worry not. It is wasteful in the long run. Be only mindful of when fear or doubt or worry arise. When they do, notice the thought… for that is all that it is. No more. Just a thought. As you do this, your courage will grow. Courage to look a little deeper this time, next time, and so on. Finally, you will realize that you are actually sitting in “truthful” meditation as a result of this practice.

That is all that this plane of existence is… a practicing ground where tests are thrown at you often. Will you go into illusion – worry, fear, and anxiety – or will you come to the reality that those are NOT love? If you choose the latter, you will BE IN LOVE. And from this place  A  N  Y  T  H  I  N  G   is possible.

The key is to allow your thoughts to move fully through you. For they are attempting to escape you, while you are grasping at them for fear of change. Accept that change is the way, and release your concerns and step into growth. Be with the feelings, allow them to rise and MOVE OUT of you. Do not cling for fear of change, for that IS the illusion. Remember, everything changes all the time – this is the nature of nature, and to resist it leads to suffering. Instead, being in flow with change brings abundance, love, and happiness.

With so much love in our hearts for you,


Become a member of Ray’s new website,, to receive Activated Monthly Audio Downloads from the Ascended Masters, and weekly channeled Healing, Guidance, and Divine Wisdom from the Archangels.

Join our mailing list to receive a channeled audio gift, “The Unveiling”, from Archangel Michael and Master St. Germain! CLICK HERE.

For powerful one-on-one experiences with Ray, including personalized channels, readings, and ascension wellness coaching, or for general inquiries, please contact Colby by phone at 1-845-637-5191, or by email at