Weekly Forecast for July 8, 2022 Cosmic Consciousness Edition

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly







This is a fertile week for growth and evolution, with lots of movement and your job is to stay high, stay awake – and keep an open mind and heart, no matter what is happening.


On July 8 the Sun squares Chiron (Wounded Healer Archetype) and you feel what’s out of alignment, re: freely being your Self in your present circumstances. If this comes up, pay attention and get the memo so you can address any area needing attention or care with support from a helper. Anything that inhibits your Self-expression is ripe for exploration as a portal to your life purpose or your personal “yellow brick road.”


Mercury squares Jupiter on July 9 and you may be hot to trot with big ideas and conversations in which you overcommit to promises you may not want to fulfill later. Think things through before you speak, write or respond. Mercury in Cancer wants to help and Jupiter in Aries is like a locomotive – and in a square it has no brakes, so your best intentions can lead you to overdo it. On the other hand, it can expand your thinking to help you broaden your vision, so if you are seeking a new teacher, viewpoint or solution, use this energy to expand, grow and learn. Just watch the commitments :))


On July 10 the Sun sextiles Uranus and there may be a plot twist that leads you somewhere new or your Inner Rebel may kick in. Be proactive and do something innovative or different than usual to direct the energy – step out of the box and boldly express your uniqueness. Dress up, dress down, go somewhere new, just do “the thing” in a way that lets your Spirit shine.


July 11 is the 2nd exact Pluto Return of the US (the 1st was Feb 20, the 3rd is Dec 28, 2022). This is when Pluto returns to its exact position at the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. We continue to watch the walls come tumbling down in government, banking and other institutions, as hidden corruption, greed and shaky structures continue to be revealed and fall apart. We volunteered to be here to hold the Light during the deconstruction of the old – and to usher in the new, progressive rebuild that is slowly emerging


On July 13 we have a Full Super Moon at 21º Capricorn @ 11:38am PDT, the closest Full Moon to the Earth of the year, so its impact will be felt tremendously. This Full Moon is at the degree where Pluto and Saturn were on Jan 12 when Covid hit, bringing you back for a check-in to see how far you’ve come since that time – and who you have become since then. Notice what has fallen away that you really didn’t need…


Capricorn rules structure, responsibility, discipline, commitment, goals and reality – and this is a major reality check. Boundaries are a Capricorn topic and with the Sun and Mercury in caring Cancer, having healthy boundaries is a must. If you need support to learn how to create healthy boundaries, get it. It is your job and will change your life!


Capricorn is the sign of authority and it’s also your Inner Authority. Are you connected to your Inner Authority and living your truth or do you need agreement, permission or approval in order to be who you are or to choose a course of action? The energies of the Universe support you in coming into your power and Authority, which require you to trust your Self and know what you know. If more people were in their authority and power, we would have much less violence. Obedience (compliance, submission) is the abdication of power and authority.


The Moon conjoins Pluto, which brings up primal issues around safety, trust and power. If your fears have kept you in a limiting lifestyle, you may be ready to rise above old beliefs that kept you small – and you can also notice if/how/where you give your power away. Who are you trying to please?


Uranus and the North Node of Destiny trine the Moon in Capricorn, supporting change that leads to your Highest Good. Pay attention to inner signals, intuitive guidance and opportunities that arise and you will be led to the right people, places and things. This can involve breaking free of commitments that are draining or making decisions that defy the old programming that has been running your life for years. You may be surprised by what shows up in your world as the coming weeks unfold!


Mercury sextiles Uranus, creating innovative breakthroughs, solutions, progressive ideas, alternative paths and possibilities that lead to greater freedom. Venus trines Saturn (Ruler of Capricorn), indicating clarity about your values and that’s your GPS, as you create your life. You know what feels right for you. It gives you a feeling of stability and grounding. All this is contained in the setup of the Full Moon.


With dreamy Neptune squaring Venus at the same time, I think its blurring the edges of our mental constructs that are well defined – and limiting, creating opportunities for greater possibilities. Our dreams aren’t nearly as vast and expansive as the infinite potential of the Universe is. So don’t fear Neptune’s interference with your busy mind – it’s an opening, as it dissolves inner boundaries that you can’t see, to open you to inner worlds beyond the ones you know of now. You will be traveling to new spaces!


What a fertile week for growth and evolution!


Spiritual practice: open to a bigger picture to discover new possibilities and alternative paths.


“To infinity and beyond!” ~ Buzz Lightyear, Toy Story


As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together. xo



© 2022 Lisa E Zimmerman. All rights reserved.


Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer and Coach, and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an empowered, meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey. ❤️

Weekly Forecast for July 1, 2022 Cosmic Consciousness Edition

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly







Happy July! We open the week with a busy few days and then downshift into changing planetary signs and calmer energies that soothe our spirits, offering us a much gentler environment and a slower pace.


After a week of Plutonian moves (Supreme Court rulings) and Neptunian reveals (Jan 6 hearings), the atmosphere is turbulent, which feeds into the Mars-Pluto square (stepping stone) on July 1. Mars in Aries is a warrior and will fight, and Pluto in Capricorn is power structures and power plays. Tempers can flare easily, so be smart, mind your manners and avoid power struggles. Realign with physical exercise or spiritual practices that bring you back to center so you are in YOUR power and not reactive.


On July 2 Mercury makes two very different aspects. First, Mercury manifests with (trines) Saturn, which supports bringing ideas into form: practical thinking, communications, agreements, contracts, planning and organization. Decisions are easy when you are clear, but later as Mercury (forms a stepping stone) squares nonlinear Neptune, you may lose focus, energy or become confused. Mercury square Neptune is intuitive, experiential, calls your energy within and is good for rest, leisure, creativity (making and enjoying), being in nature and spiritual practices.


Lower expressions of Mercury-Neptune are doubt, disillusionment, depression and undermining who you are and what you do. If you experience this, it’s an old pattern – a story/label someone put on you long ago that has resurfaced for YOU to recognize as a false belief that you can (and must) release in order to be FREE. The “not enough” identity. If you don’t know how to get free, ask for help. It’s your job!


Overnight on July 4/early July 5 Mars and Mercury both change signs. Mars (action) leaves fiery Aries and moves into slow, earthy Taurus, which feels like moving from the fast lane onto a country road. No rushing, but grounded, deliberate moves, and the focus is on practical matters related to $$, the body and comfort (all Taurus issues). Mars in Taurus wants to get things done, without drama, in a relaxed way. More is not better now :))


Minutes later, Mercury leaves busy Gemini to enter sensitive Cancer. Rather than socializing, Mercury is in a nurturing mood, preferring to be with its tribe and family (of blood or choice), maybe at home and with those who feel “safe.” Cancer is connected to feelings and vulnerability, so your thoughts may be focused on getting your needs met, your personal life and emotional connections. All things that came to the fore during the pandemic when so much of external life was stripped away and we were reminded of what is really important.


Mercury finds resource with (sextiles) Mars as they both arrive in their new signs, with a clear path to achieve a goal, as communication flows easily. This is perfect for sales, persuasion, pitching a project or sharing, as well as asking for support. This is also good for taking actions to fulfill your intentions. Remember, the North Node of Destiny is also in Taurus, urging you to help make your life more secure and comfortable, so take good care of yourself!


On July 6 Venus finds resource with (sextiles) Chiron (The Wounded Healer Archetype), creating opportunities for healing heart wounds, ways in which you devalue your Self and others, relationship issues and on an esoteric level, healing the heart of humanity (maybe that would include Neptune). This is a good day for making amends, awakenings, random acts of kindness and compassion, especially Self-compassion – and yes, this should be every day…


I wish you a happy holiday weekend and a week focused on your well being and the Greater Good for All. Do not allow the drama of the 3D world pull you into fear, worry or a fight. If you are here to be an activist, be strategic and operate formally from a high consciousness, knowing that this is your path. Otherwise, contribute to the cause with love, support, education, healing or whatever you care about, sharing the gifts you have to offer.


Stay tuned. More will be revealed, as you are just in the middle of this movie (and you are the projector!).


Stay tuned…


As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together. xo


© 2022 Lisa E Zimmerman. All rights reserved.


Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer and Coach, and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an empowered, meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey. ❤️

Weekly Forecast for July 15, 2022 – Cosmic Consciousness Edition

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly

As we traverse the final week of the Sun in Cancer, we’re still in the wake of the July 13 Full Moon that revealed hidden agendas, covert info and lifted veils that created a reality check on various levels, personal and collective, due to transformational Pluto’s presence near the Moon. And it’s not over, as messenger Mercury will be on the move through mid-week, connecting, gathering data, investigating, processing and speaking up, as it connects with one planet after the next.


On July 16 the Sun and Mercury form a new cycle (are conjunct), which supports meetings, sharing and seeking clarity via conversations – and don’t be afraid to ask questions if you’re unclear. In Cancer, the Sun and Mercury can be touchy and easily hurt, but they really crave emotional connection, so if you make that your goal and focus on getting needs met, you will be on the right track. This combo is very receptive to sharing as long as they feel safe, so don’t push.


On July 17 Mercury and the Sun manifest with (trine) dreamy Neptune, which is a soft, diffuse energy of nonlinear flow that allows you to turn off your mind for a day of retreat and restoration. Neptune loves a sensory spa – beautiful music or art that stirs your spirit, the beach, laying in the grass, a cool breeze, meditation, reverent prayer, precious babies (human and fur), communion with soul family. Whatever fills your heart with love and compassion. Creativity, nature, spiritual practices.


Neptune resonates with Being. Exhale and feel yourself unwind. This energy is the antidote for the chaos that that stresses your mind and nervous system that you can access at any time. Consider this day a spiritual refill. for your well being.


Also on July 17, Venus moves into Cancer, sign of home, family, food, emotional safety, needs and vulnerability. Safety is a major issue – and the root of many personal problems in society, as boundary violations in childhood create trust wounds that keep people separate and fearful of intimacy. As I said, we crave connection. Venus in Cancer loves family – of blood and of choice. Sweet and sentimental. A safe space is a beautiful gift and that’s the offer here. A perfect day to be with those you love and care about.


On July 18 Pluto (bridges with) opposes mental Mercury and the investigation is on, as Mercury-Pluto is the detective, wanting to know what’s real, seeking hidden info and the truth (as in factual). Something will likely come to light, whether purposely hidden or a breakthrough that gives you a sense of empowerment. Maybe this new truth changes your conceptual framework, shaking up your world in a way that requires a major adjustment that you weren’t anticipating. Any of these can happen and however it goes, you can only build a stable life on what is real and true, so don’t resist. Embrace it all.


Mercury moves into Leo on July 19 and it has something to say, probably based on the experience it has had over the past few days. Stay tuned. Mercury in Leo is very creative, wants to express itself and be heard, so speak up – but be mindful of what you’re saying.


Also on July 19, Chiron (Wounded Healer/Spiritual Teacher) Stations to turn Retrograde through late Dec ’22. As it stops to change direction, it is extra powerful and it radiates energy available for healing and awakening. Depending on where you are in your journey, you will experience this either by becoming aware of what’s not working or if you’re already aware of your issues, this is an opportune time for connecting with healers, helpers, and teachers, being ready to integrate old identities and evolve. Ask for what you need. The goal is freedom – to become who you came here to be without living from the old programming. Forgiveness of Self and others figures prominently.


Later on July 19, the Sun bridges with (opposes) Pluto, activating a power play or you claiming your power. This can play out in the collective or personally, if Pluto is sitting on a planet of yours directly. If so, Pluto has been there for a while already, so you’re having a Pluto experience of transformation and are in the process of having a “cosmic makeover” already.


This week is ripe for new ideas and receiving messages (verbal and non-verbal), that shape your thinking and plans as you consider the future. Uranus and the North Node of Destiny are aligned, creating changes that lead us in new directions for the Greater Good.


Stay tuned, stay open, stay connected to your Inner Guidance, which is your North Star. Don’t allow outside noise to distract you from what is true for you. Simplify. Create space and down time.


As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together. xo


© 2022 Lisa E Zimmerman. All rights reserved.



Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer and Coach, and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an empowered, meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey. ❤️

Weekly Forecast for September 2, 2022- Cosmic Consciousness Edition

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly







This is a relatively quiet week that you can use to regroup, as the Sun in Virgo continues to seek efficient and effective strategies for sorting and organizing your life. With five planets Retrograde (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) + Chiron, you’ll be reassessing, so don’t get too attached to any one method, path or position regarding your future.


We begin the US Labor Day holiday weekend in the slowdown of Mercury, as it approaches its Station Retrograde next Friday, Sept 9. Pay attention to messages you receive (inner and outer), as you’ll be reviewing this material in the weeks to come.


Mercury in Libra highlights relationships, partnerships and all one-on-one dynamics, so this will be your laboratory until Sept 23 when Mercury Retrogrades back into Virgo. Notice where you are out of balance in your relationships – too much sacrifice, compromising, accommodating – or are you demanding and dominant? Mercury in Libra rules diplomacy, fairness, balance and justice. The ultimate is a win-win!


On Sept 2 Mercury opposes Jupiter in Aries (the first of three) – and trines Mars in Gemini. Mars sextiles Jupiter, which is dynamic, but Mercury opposite Jupiter can over-estimate, over-promise and with the best of intentions, doesn’t operate in grounded reality. Big visions, bright ideas and a leap-before-you-look mentality, with no details and unexpected challenges can easily arise.


This is highly optimistic energy with big ideas for the future – but Mercury soon Retrogrades, when it will reconnect with Jupiter (Sept 18) to receive new info and you may need a course correction – and then it will oppose Jupiter again on Oct 12, when Mercury is Direct and in a new place altogether. The third opposition of Mercury-Jupiter will bring the conclusion of this story arc, which will likely be different than the vision you started with.


The upshot of Mercury opposite Jupiter: enjoy the inspiration and enthusiasm, proceed and explore, while you see what works/makes sense (Virgo) and bears fruit as you go. Doors will open where you’re on the right track and you can adjust your plans, actions and intentions as needed.


On Sept 5-29, Venus leaves flashy Leo to enter humble Virgo, who demonstrates love via service. Venus in Virgo needs to be productive and will happily focus on your health and well being in practical ways. Take advantage of this productive energy and give loving attention to your body and physical regimens!


On the downside, Venus in Virgo can be hyper-critical of your physical appearance (or those of your partner or children) – so do an ego-check if you compare your looks to your younger Self or others, especially online. Don’t get carried away by a need for perfectionism in any area of life – that’s a red flag and different than a healthy job well done or knowing what’s good enough. Being able to make the distinction between the two is an analytical Virgo skill.


Venus and Mercury are in mutual reception through Sept 22, as they are in each other’s signs, working together and helping each other (Mercury rules Virgo and Venus rules Libra). This is a beneficial combination of harmony, balance and productivity on multiple levels that can be very useful.


The rest of the week is quiet leading up to Mercury Retrograde on Sept 9 and the Pisces Full Moon on Sept 10. Use the weekend for down time if you can and give yourself a rest. A major part of the Self-care routine is mental-emotional-spiritual – the Pisces/Neptune domain – and space and rest provide you and your nervous system with great healing. Build in all that you can, with love.


As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.


© 2022 Lisa E Zimmerman. All rights reserved.


Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer and Coach, and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an empowered, meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey. ❤️