Cosmic Consciousness Weekly

Christine ClemmerCosmic Consciousness Weekly


For the week of February 15 – 21, 2021

The week ahead delivers some powerful gear shifts and revelations that initiate the new possibilities of growth and expansion to come.  With the Sun changing signs and entering Pisces, Mercury stationing direct, and Ceres moving into Aries, there’s a lot of active energy ready to spark and ignite a higher vision from our newly awakened consciousness.  What matters most is our committed presence from the heart, and our willingness to choose Love as the default setting.


Mercury stationed retrograde on January 30th, but entered his retrograde shadow back on January 15th.  This week, on Saturday 2/20, Mercury will station direct at the exact same degree as 1/15.  We are not who we were then, so much has shifted.  We have access to new consciousness, new perspectives, and new ways of thinking.  We’ve been cleaning out the closet of old outdated patterns and inner dialogues so that we can clear space for something new, a revolutionary upgrade that brings us to higher ground, ready for expansion.  This particular retrograde cycle has awakened the importance of Love as a lens of consciousness and context of communication within our own inner operating system.  Love is the necessary attunement for our greatest expansion.


When we come from Love – at the personal, social, and spiritual levels – our operating system activates like an antenna, and we fine tune ourselves as a divine instrument of Love.  Love is the universal language that unifies, expands, and awakens the atmospheric potential to manifest a higher vision, literally out of thin air.


This retrograde cycle has given us all an opportunity to witness ourselves in action, observing the thoughtforms and patterns within us that can trigger us into automatic pilot responses or impulsive loops of repetitive cycles.  We may have already cultivated empowering patterns that elevate, and we may still recognize old habitual patterns that limit and shut down possibilities.  The purpose of this retrograde was to wake up and observe ourselves, through the highest lens of Love, and shift what needs to shift.  The truth is, we are infinitely limitless.


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Cosmic Consciousness Weekly

Christine ClemmerCosmic Consciousness Weekly


For the week of February 8 – 14, 2021

The week ahead delivers some interesting, spontaneous eruptions of new consciousness that calibrate Love at the highest order through the heart and nervous system of every being.  We know this week is Valentine’s week, commonly referred to as a time for heartfelt expression of Love, however this week in particular is also awakening new possibilities of Love, and how we expand together through this elevated lens of consciousness.


Love as a “personal feeling” is elevating and ascending to Love as a “fixed state of consciousness” and reflection of Unity.  Love informs and inspires our entire operating system, actively expresses through every cell of our being, and can be seen and felt through the atmosphere.   Love is the default setting at the most personal and collective level, and is the key to our forward revolutionary movement and progression as a society.  Love is the universal language, the computer code of the mathematics behind all of creation.  Understanding and integrating Love as a frequency within our inner operating system is essential.


The new social consciousness that was initiated back on 12/21/2020 with the Jupiter Saturn conjunction at 0 Aquarius brought our entire collective awareness to higher ground for unprecedented possibilities to expand and grow…together.  Expansion requires sustainable systems and structures that can support dynamic change and transformation that allow all of us to move forward.  New consciousness requires new agreements, contracts, and ways of operating in order to fully integrate and embody.


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Cosmic Consciousness Weekly

Christine ClemmerCosmic Consciousness Weekly


For the week of February 1 – 7, 2021

Get ready for a week of unexpected twists and turns, revealing some hidden surprises and profound moments of awakening.  Mercury is officially retrograding through the sign of Aquarius, and anything can spontaneously appear through thin air, ultimately elevating our attention towards a higher vision.  Our willingness to be uncomfortable, to stretch out of our own comfort zone and preferred default setting, is key.


It’s important to note that when any planet goes retrograde, we have the opportunity to take a deep dive of introspection through that archetype, coming home to Source as we true ourselves up and ultimately receive new upgrades and insights.  When Mercury journeys retrograde, especially in the sign of Aquarius, our entire inner operating system has a chance to recalibrate and awaken to higher consciousness.  Any disruptions or delays during this time are well worth the discomfort.  Similar to our computer systems and technology, when downloading a new program, we may have to temporarily go offline until the downloads are complete.  However, once the reboot occurs, our system is functioning at an unprecedented frequency, and the old default settings recalibrate and transform.


The fact that Mercury is retrograding through Aquarius right now is extremely important given that our new template for social consciousness was just activated on December 21, 2020 with the Jupiter Saturn conjunction at 1 Aquarius….the spark of a new revolution that will take place over the next 20 years.  We are moving forward, together, and it matters that our lens of social consciousness elevates to a dimension of unity and oneness, through Love.  As we unify, we strengthen, expand, and elevate.  We flourish and thrive together, when we have the consciousness in tact to operate holistically as One.


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Cosmic Consciousness Weekly

Christine ClemmerCosmic Consciousness Weekly


For the week of January 25 – 31, 2021

The week ahead reveals higher meaning from last week’s Mars Uranus new cycle.  The upcoming Full Moon in Leo offers blessings of gratitude, shining light from the awakened heart to see a new vision taking root.  We’re in a brand new world, and yet still overlapping old themes and threads that are seeking a dynamic presence of Love to transform.  Keeping our hearts open, unconditionally, is key.


Moment to moment, our presence is being called forth…in a deeper, more meaningful way than ever before.  That presence is the consciousness of our awakened heart, and it plants into the Earth like a seed of Light, activating the soil with alchemy.  As we practice bowing our heads towards the Earth, with reverence, Love, and humble appreciation, we surrender our ego and offer the purest Light from our hearts.  This is the active presence that has the potential to manifest miracles, new growth, and alchemical transformation.


Whether we like what we see moment to moment or not, it’s our consistent practice that cultivates the sacredness of the altar we kneel before.  That altar is the Earth we stand upon.  That altar is the Earth that holds the hearts of every living being – past, present, and future.  Whether we agree with each other or not, we are All here, in this moment, standing upon the same altar of sacred ground, sharing the same inhale of atmospheric breath.  We know the power of blessing our food before we eat… we can also bless the air we breathe, before we inhale, and bless the ground we step upon, before we take a step.  Our intention matters, our presence matters, and the quality of our consciousness matters.

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