Cosmic Consciousness Weekly

Christine ClemmerCosmic Consciousness Weekly


For the week of February 1 – 7, 2021

Get ready for a week of unexpected twists and turns, revealing some hidden surprises and profound moments of awakening.  Mercury is officially retrograding through the sign of Aquarius, and anything can spontaneously appear through thin air, ultimately elevating our attention towards a higher vision.  Our willingness to be uncomfortable, to stretch out of our own comfort zone and preferred default setting, is key.


It’s important to note that when any planet goes retrograde, we have the opportunity to take a deep dive of introspection through that archetype, coming home to Source as we true ourselves up and ultimately receive new upgrades and insights.  When Mercury journeys retrograde, especially in the sign of Aquarius, our entire inner operating system has a chance to recalibrate and awaken to higher consciousness.  Any disruptions or delays during this time are well worth the discomfort.  Similar to our computer systems and technology, when downloading a new program, we may have to temporarily go offline until the downloads are complete.  However, once the reboot occurs, our system is functioning at an unprecedented frequency, and the old default settings recalibrate and transform.


The fact that Mercury is retrograding through Aquarius right now is extremely important given that our new template for social consciousness was just activated on December 21, 2020 with the Jupiter Saturn conjunction at 1 Aquarius….the spark of a new revolution that will take place over the next 20 years.  We are moving forward, together, and it matters that our lens of social consciousness elevates to a dimension of unity and oneness, through Love.  As we unify, we strengthen, expand, and elevate.  We flourish and thrive together, when we have the consciousness in tact to operate holistically as One.


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Cosmic Consciousness Weekly

Christine ClemmerCosmic Consciousness Weekly


For the week of January 25 – 31, 2021

The week ahead reveals higher meaning from last week’s Mars Uranus new cycle.  The upcoming Full Moon in Leo offers blessings of gratitude, shining light from the awakened heart to see a new vision taking root.  We’re in a brand new world, and yet still overlapping old themes and threads that are seeking a dynamic presence of Love to transform.  Keeping our hearts open, unconditionally, is key.


Moment to moment, our presence is being called forth…in a deeper, more meaningful way than ever before.  That presence is the consciousness of our awakened heart, and it plants into the Earth like a seed of Light, activating the soil with alchemy.  As we practice bowing our heads towards the Earth, with reverence, Love, and humble appreciation, we surrender our ego and offer the purest Light from our hearts.  This is the active presence that has the potential to manifest miracles, new growth, and alchemical transformation.


Whether we like what we see moment to moment or not, it’s our consistent practice that cultivates the sacredness of the altar we kneel before.  That altar is the Earth we stand upon.  That altar is the Earth that holds the hearts of every living being – past, present, and future.  Whether we agree with each other or not, we are All here, in this moment, standing upon the same altar of sacred ground, sharing the same inhale of atmospheric breath.  We know the power of blessing our food before we eat… we can also bless the air we breathe, before we inhale, and bless the ground we step upon, before we take a step.  Our intention matters, our presence matters, and the quality of our consciousness matters.

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Cosmic Consciousness Weekly

Christine ClemmerCosmic Consciousness Weekly


For the week of January 18 – 24, 2021

The week ahead delivers an intensifying crescendo into a profound new beginning, sending ripple effects through our consciousness and our planet for quite some time.  New beginnings through moments of awakening spark revolutionary change.  Although we may not see the impact of that change right away, the ripple effects are activated like sound waves from a gong.  The lens we’re living through matters, now more than ever.


This week’s Mars Uranus new cycle holds the potential for a massive awakening (beyond the ordinary wake up call) that ultimately restores our relationship with the divine nature of humanity, the nature of our planet, and the laws of nature that govern us All.  When we use power and force to override nature, we can be rudely interrupted and deeply humbled when the restorative alignment and reconciliation process occurs.   It’s not always instant, oftentimes there are warning signs and ripple effects of atmospheric shifts coming, quite noticeable as they crescendo and come to a head…initiating change.  Our willingness to be present, to be awake, and to embody our true nature is of the upmost importance.


Mars has recently traveled through an epic retrograde journey through his own sign of Aries, beginning with the shadow phase on July 25th 2020, and concluding on January 2, 2021.  For a very long time in our culture, Mars represented the masculine archetype of the warrior, the aggressor, initiating conflict, war, and power struggles.  We’ve held a long standing collective identity of Mars as the ruler of the masculine, and culturally we’ve been taught that men are meant to fight, and that power comes from active force.  With this recent retrograde cycle, and the elevation to 5D consciousness, we’re realizing and awakening to the authentic role of Mars as the co-ruler of the feminine, the white dot in the black half of the yin/yang symbol.  Because Mars connects us to our bodies and the Earth, Mars reminds us to embody our nature (the heart), and to honor our bodies in harmony with the collective environment.  We access true strength and power when we live in accordance with nature.


When we awaken to our true nature, when we self-realize, we can embody that god spark of Light and Be who we came here to Be.  If we try to override our true nature and the messaging system of the heart, we engage in a power struggle against the laws of nature, and the divine intelligence of Source.  If we use our free will to force ourselves to go against our nature, to break away from our divine essence, we generate imbalance and disharmony.  When we use our free will to align with nature, our thoughts and actions are motivated by the heart, and we engage in cohesive resonance with our environment and the laws of nature.


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Cosmic Consciousness Weekly

Christine ClemmerCosmic Consciousness Weekly


For the week of January 11 -17, 2021

This week delivers the final conclusion of the Scorpio wormhole/eclipse passage that began on November 14th, and we’re crossing yet another important threshold of a significant ending/new beginning.  Expect the unexpected as we experience some sudden shifts and pivots along the way.  Like a plane coming in for a bumpy landing, it’s important to find our seats and buckle up.  It’s been an intense and unpredictable ride!


This week’s Capricorn New Moon is the completion of that passage, and a new beginning of the next chapter…more change.  In order to establish new ground, we must be willing to let go of the current ground we’re standing on.  We can’t get to 2nd base if we cling to 1st.  Every conscious leap into the unknown requires faith and trust, and access to a higher vision.  Otherwise, we’re just spinning in circles and chasing our tails, repeating the past all over again.  We’ve been there, done that, and this is an opportunity to truly initiate our greatest reinvention, the resurrection that transcends where we’ve been for lifetimes.


We’re returning to our true nature, and in the process, learning to honor and take care of nature…our environment, each other, and the higher laws and principles that serve to protect.  This shift in consciousness doesn’t just happen overnight, there are moments of awakening that shake us to the core, allowing us to loosen up our attachments to what we think we’re seeing, and shine light through the blind spots of our limited perceptions.  Dynamic change and transformation require consistency, diligence, and practice.  Over time, we begin to see the higher vision manifesting and taking shape, but in the beginning, it starts with our commitment to be the change, whether we can see it or not.



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