Cosmic Consciousness Weekly

Christine ClemmerCosmic Consciousness Weekly


For the week of January 18 – 24, 2021

The week ahead delivers an intensifying crescendo into a profound new beginning, sending ripple effects through our consciousness and our planet for quite some time.  New beginnings through moments of awakening spark revolutionary change.  Although we may not see the impact of that change right away, the ripple effects are activated like sound waves from a gong.  The lens we’re living through matters, now more than ever.


This week’s Mars Uranus new cycle holds the potential for a massive awakening (beyond the ordinary wake up call) that ultimately restores our relationship with the divine nature of humanity, the nature of our planet, and the laws of nature that govern us All.  When we use power and force to override nature, we can be rudely interrupted and deeply humbled when the restorative alignment and reconciliation process occurs.   It’s not always instant, oftentimes there are warning signs and ripple effects of atmospheric shifts coming, quite noticeable as they crescendo and come to a head…initiating change.  Our willingness to be present, to be awake, and to embody our true nature is of the upmost importance.


Mars has recently traveled through an epic retrograde journey through his own sign of Aries, beginning with the shadow phase on July 25th 2020, and concluding on January 2, 2021.  For a very long time in our culture, Mars represented the masculine archetype of the warrior, the aggressor, initiating conflict, war, and power struggles.  We’ve held a long standing collective identity of Mars as the ruler of the masculine, and culturally we’ve been taught that men are meant to fight, and that power comes from active force.  With this recent retrograde cycle, and the elevation to 5D consciousness, we’re realizing and awakening to the authentic role of Mars as the co-ruler of the feminine, the white dot in the black half of the yin/yang symbol.  Because Mars connects us to our bodies and the Earth, Mars reminds us to embody our nature (the heart), and to honor our bodies in harmony with the collective environment.  We access true strength and power when we live in accordance with nature.


When we awaken to our true nature, when we self-realize, we can embody that god spark of Light and Be who we came here to Be.  If we try to override our true nature and the messaging system of the heart, we engage in a power struggle against the laws of nature, and the divine intelligence of Source.  If we use our free will to force ourselves to go against our nature, to break away from our divine essence, we generate imbalance and disharmony.  When we use our free will to align with nature, our thoughts and actions are motivated by the heart, and we engage in cohesive resonance with our environment and the laws of nature.


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Cosmic Consciousness Weekly

Christine ClemmerCosmic Consciousness Weekly


For the week of January 11 -17, 2021

This week delivers the final conclusion of the Scorpio wormhole/eclipse passage that began on November 14th, and we’re crossing yet another important threshold of a significant ending/new beginning.  Expect the unexpected as we experience some sudden shifts and pivots along the way.  Like a plane coming in for a bumpy landing, it’s important to find our seats and buckle up.  It’s been an intense and unpredictable ride!


This week’s Capricorn New Moon is the completion of that passage, and a new beginning of the next chapter…more change.  In order to establish new ground, we must be willing to let go of the current ground we’re standing on.  We can’t get to 2nd base if we cling to 1st.  Every conscious leap into the unknown requires faith and trust, and access to a higher vision.  Otherwise, we’re just spinning in circles and chasing our tails, repeating the past all over again.  We’ve been there, done that, and this is an opportunity to truly initiate our greatest reinvention, the resurrection that transcends where we’ve been for lifetimes.


We’re returning to our true nature, and in the process, learning to honor and take care of nature…our environment, each other, and the higher laws and principles that serve to protect.  This shift in consciousness doesn’t just happen overnight, there are moments of awakening that shake us to the core, allowing us to loosen up our attachments to what we think we’re seeing, and shine light through the blind spots of our limited perceptions.  Dynamic change and transformation require consistency, diligence, and practice.  Over time, we begin to see the higher vision manifesting and taking shape, but in the beginning, it starts with our commitment to be the change, whether we can see it or not.



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Cosmic Consciousness Weekly

Christine ClemmerCosmic Consciousness Weekly


For the week of January 4 – 10, 2021

Welcome to 2021!  As we transition into the “5” vibration of this year, we’re already feeling the accelerated frequency of dynamic change, transformation, and the new potential for growth.  Along with our social consciousness now in Aquarius, we can count on revolutionary sparks to fly when we least expect it.  Our relationship with change is important, being agile and adaptable while navigating the road ahead is key.


Change, by nature, can trigger a stress response in the body, highlighting our vulnerabilities, sensitivities, and blind spots.  Unexpected change can trigger old wounds and traumas, revealing the opportunities for deep healing and inner caretaking.  As we step into a year that’s designed to initiate dynamic change, it’s important to cultivate a healthy relationship with change and transformation.  And it’s especially important to slow down through the transitions, get present, find our footing, and open to all the new consciousness that is available.


We’re still in the final hours of a Scorpio wormhole passage ending on January 12th/13th.  This incredibly rich and intense passage is disposed by Pluto, the archetype of transformation, alchemy, and death/rebirth.  Not by coincidence, the New Moon in Capricorn that concludes the wormhole initiates a brand new beginning, also conjunct Pluto.  No matter how you look at it, change is here…and that can either be exciting or scary, depending upon which lens you’re looking through.


We’ve all had the opportunity to recalibrate our lens of vision in the year 2020, restoring our inner equilibrium and orientation to what matters most, from the heart.  The number “4” vibration from last year supported us in cultivated a new foundation, a place to stand – fully empowered within ourselves.  As we move forward now, we can see what needs to be seen, we welcome the clarity of Truth like never before.  As truth is revealed, we have a choice of how to respond.  Now that Mars has fully recovered his retrograde shadow, we have an even more important choice to make…do we respond from Love or fear, from new consciousness or old muscle memory, from faithful optimism or from the wounded skin of our past traumas?  Which lens of consciousness is motivating our thoughts, interpretations, actions, and results?   And are we present enough to notice?


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Cosmic Consciousness Weekly

Christine ClemmerCosmic Consciousness Weekly


For the week of December 28, 2020 – January 3, 2021

The week ahead delivers the transition of a lifetime as we usher in a brand new year and deliver ourselves across a nourishing threshold of divine awakening.  We are not who we were a year ago, that’s for sure.  Everything has changed.  More importantly, the lens through which we’re navigating is different now.  With fresh eyes, the world looks brand new.  With higher vision calibrated from the heart, we recognize that WE are brand new, from the inside out.


Our inner landscape has shifted.  The old reference points and attachments have been dissolved, altering our perception and orientation.  Through the process, we’ve established an inner equilibrium like never before.  A fierce resilience to go deep inside, finding peace in the unknown, safety and comfort inside the presence of our own quiet heart, and solid ground within our capacity to trust in a higher lens of vision.  By recalibrating our lens to 20/20, we’ve attuned to a higher mechanism for clarity and truth, shedding the illusions and distortions that congest our ability to commune with Light.  Finding Light at the end of the tunnel, we’ve actually found ourselves.  Surrendering through the birth canal of transformation, we are delivered…wide awake, in new skin, in a brand new chapter of social consciousness.


It’s important to remember that every transition includes a completion and new beginning.  The threshold in between is a portal of truth, a still point (the void).   Every ending includes a dissolution, a journey through the alchemical fire of transmutation into an anti-gravity threshold of suspended empty space.  From here, we can shed any final debris as we return to pure formless consciousness, birthed into a new chapter, new intention, new foundation.  How well we navigate this threshold matters.


Perhaps the most universally symbolic transition from old to new is the official New Year’s Eve countdown.  Humanity mindfully counts down the days, hours, minutes, and seconds with focus and precision.  If we all realized that the countdown includes a portal of alchemical transmutation and a threshold of zero gravity to dissolve our wounds, suffering, and attachments, the world would truly be born anew.  This year, we’re in a Scorpio wormhole/eclipse passage disposed by Pluto, bringing us even more intimately aware of the process of death/dying, shedding, dissolving, and the alchemy of transformation/rebirth/resurrection like never before.  It’s fresh in our consciousness, and the gift is acute awareness of the preciousness of Life and the gift of conscious choice to be here, now.  Fully present and awake.


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