Current Astro Events – Jan 26, 2024

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly

Written by Lisa E Zimmerman

Transformational Pluto entered Aquarius on Jan 20 and we shifted from Pluto in Capricorn into futuristic Aquarius, ruled by Uranus. The Full Moon in Leo on Jan 25 invited creative expression of your Authentic Self (opposed by Pluto and squared by Jupiter), potentially activating displays of Higher Truth and breakthroughs – or exposing shadowy displays of drama, to be witnessed and integrated.

Jan 27 – Uranus Direct. The Great Awakener Stations Direct after five months in Retrograde, but Uranus has been at 19o Taurus since mid-Dec ’23 and will be there until mid-March ’24, barely moving. If this connects with a planet or point in your chart, an aspect of you or your life is changing in a radical way. Whoever or whatever you were before is now becoming something entirely different and you can kiss that old identity goodbye!

The power of Uranus is multi-faceted: the revolutionary change it brings, which is for your highest good – breaking you out of old, stuck patterns, behaviors, routines, lifestyles, jobs and blind spots. Anything can shift in a heartbeat if it has outlived its usefulness in your life, but Uranus never takes anything that you need for your soul’s journey.
Uranus is making harmonious aspects this week, which is a blessing, but when you experience sudden change, self-care is the antidote to help you ground, rather than becoming a human reactor. The magic of Uranus creates rapid change; it carries you from one space to the next, without effort or planning. It just happens. It’s being in the Now.

Uranus also represents your genius, brilliance and Higher Mind – innovative ideas that you don’t know are there but can be accessible when you brainstorm or focus and allow yourself to open to unconventional or radical solutions. You may think you don’t have this. Not you. But what if you are more clever than you realize, but you’ve been asleep? Someday, you may discover your Inner Genius that changes your whole idea of your Self!

Jan 27 – Mercury conjunct Mars in Capricorn wants to accomplish something, makes prudent decisions, clear communications, plans, is assertive and will release anything no longer needed or helpful. Conversations are direct, boundaries are clear, everything has been thought through with the long term in mind. Very productive and grounded.
The Mercury-Mars conjunction is squaring the Nodes of Fate (Aries and Libra), you can feel what you’re still attached to from the past (that you need to release) – and what you need to go toward to move into the future (ready or not). This feels informational, so you don’t play games with yourself and pretend that you aren’t aware.

The South Node (Libra) is what you’re meant to let go of – people pleasing, codependency, looking good even if you’re miserable, sacrificing your Self to keep the peace. The North Node is what you’re going toward – putting your Self first, speaking your mind, setting boundaries, deciding what you want and doing it, not seeking approval, permission or agreement.

Jan 28 – There are multiple aspects today that are all beneficial and about connecting.
Venus sextile Saturn – is a stable connection in relationships, supporting commitments, agreements and what you love. It’s not flashy; it is devoted, loyal and it illustrates what matters to you – where you put your time and energy.
Mercury trine Uranus – can be bright ideas, lively conversations, stretching your mind, new technology, brainstorming, mental stimulation, new social circles, psychic friends’ network, channeling your genius. Make the most of this!

Venus trine Jupiter – is a love aspect, pleasure, opportunities, harmony, available resources, abundance. This aspect, along with the two before it (Venus-Saturn and Mercury-Uranus) is a great time for making connections, activating plans, socializing, dating, going beyond your familiar routine and doing something special that speaks to awakening a dormant aspect of you.

Jan 29 – Mars trine Uranus – is all fired up and ready for action in some experimental way because Uranus is in the mix. Uranus doesn’t follow rules and will make it up on the fly – and it will work! It’s the innovative, intuitive “knowing,” along with the Mars in Capricorn focused energy that’s a winner in a combo. Uranus is wild and Mars in Cap is measured – and in harmony, they work, so if you want to make something happen, this is your day.

When Uranus Stations Direct on Jan 27, ALL planets are Direct until Mercury turns Retrograde on April 1. This allows for forward motion with an unobstructed flow for processes and the action in general. Focus on where you’re meant to be going next. And if you don’t know – dream, brainstorm, play, and see what comes up when you give yourself space rather than pressuring yourself to generate.

The last three days of January are going to be very fertile, and you can be highly productive on a variety of levels, in whatever area of your life you want to focus. The choice is yours – and you should know what is calling for attention. The rest of the week is quiet. Allow yourself to adapt to the changes that are occurring within and around you for the most seamless way of being in flow.

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” ~ Socrates

“The future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious.” ~ John Sculley

“If you believe in yourself enough and know what you want, you’re gonna make it happen, make it happen.” ~ David Bryon Cole / Mariah Carey / Robert Manuel Clivilles

As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.

© 2024 Lisa E Zimmermann • All Rights Reserved • Soul Level Solutions
Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer, Transformational Coach and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey. ❤

Current Astro Events – Jan 19, 2024

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly

Written By Lisa E Zimmerman

Transformational Pluto, planet of Divine Power, leaves Capricorn to re-enter Aquarius on Jan 20 until Sept 1, 2024. The Sun meets Pluto at 29o Capricorn early on Jan 20, then moves into Aquarius, followed by Pluto in Aquarius joining the Sun at 0o Aquarius.

The death and rebirth process between the end of Pluto in Capricorn that rules banks, governments and traditional top-down hierarchies – and the continuing awakening of Pluto in Aquarius, governing tech and science innovations, rebellion, colonization of space, digital $$ and global consciousness is just the beginning of a grand restructuring that will take years to unfold.

We don’t know exactly what “progress” will look like, but as the world assumes new realities old cherished traditions will become obsolete. Some advancements will make life more convenient and functional, some will benefit the natural world, some will serve health and wellness – and some will likely undermine our personal freedom and privacy in the name of efficiency.

Jan 20 – This is a monumental day, when the Sun conjoins Pluto at 29o in Capricorn. A chapter in your life is ending, complete, or you need to take a stand. Capricorn is the Authority, and you must trust yourself, rather than seeking approval or agreement from an outside source in order to claim your Authority. Approve of your Self. If you’re giving your power away (Pluto), you know it, because you don’t feel free. Also, 29o Capricorn can be the abuse of power or powerlessness.

The Sun enters Aquarius and we are in the archetype of Authenticity – independence, innovation, rebellion and invention, likely feeling greater possibilities than when you were in traditional Capricorn. This is the sign of radical change, online reviews and recommendations, rule-breakers, equality, humanitarian causes, organizations and groups, networking and like-minded types that gather for a common cause.

We’re entering a 20-year phase with Pluto in Aquarius, as you are invited to elevate your perspective and seek a tribe of like-minded friends, colleagues, peers and others who are aligned with you. This is a space where you can be fully Authentic, inventive, weird, brilliant and all that you truly are without holding back, in service to a cause that is greater than your personal interests. This is a powerful motivator and a transformational connection with the group for the Greater Good.

This week you may have a personal experience or feel buzzy and intense with the new Pluto in Aquarius frequency in the air. Practice impeccable Self-care (the basics – extra rest, good food, connect with caring souls) and choose the vibration of love, as you focus on what you Keep your focus high and don’t drop into drama.

Jan 25 – Full Moon in Leo @ 9:54am PDT. The emotional energy is heightened as we approach the Full Moon, and this is with the Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (power) opposing the Moon in dramatic Leo, that wants to be seen and heard.

The Full Moon on the Leo/Aquarius axis is about creativity, Self-expression and your Authentic Self, to be shared for the Greater Good. You were given your gifts to be used (not to keep hidden away!), and withholding or denying them is the illustration of a wound.

With Pluto conjunct the Aquarius Sun, your Authentic Self is turbo-charged and powered to show up, opposing the Leo Moon that wants to be seen and heard. Express yourself! With Jupiter squaring them, it can support both your Sun and Moon in opening up – and it can help to bring down any walls that block the full expression of your creativity and Authentic gifts.

This can also be a setup for a conflict between a leader (Leo Moon) and the masses (Aquarian Sun) – or it can be a conflict in two opposing areas of your life, with Jupiter blowing things out of proportion. If so, what is in conflict, out of balance, unsupported, overdone? Get the message, find a solution and don’t get hooked on Leo drama (wasted energy).

Community is a part of this Full Moon, and remember that belonging is one of your most important human needs, especially when you are encouraged to be and accepted as your Authentic Self. Finding your tribe is the cure for all who were ever made to feel that they were “too much” or unacceptable to be fully received, accepted, appreciated and adored, just as you are! Being fully accepted is the ultimate stress reliever and a deep heart healing.

Be mindful during this highly emotional week and Full Moon in dramatic Leo. Drama is perfect for the stage and performances, but toxic in daily life. Vision, tap into your innovative higher mind, meet up with friends and use the creative energy to express yourself.

Know that you are here on purpose and you have gifts to share with your community and the world. Do not downplay your role and dismiss your importance (false humility). Every single one of you counts and together we will

carry the mission forward, as we usher in the new frequencies that are arriving on the planet daily.

Being empowered and living from your heart are necessary to thrive in the world today. You need to create strategies for dealing with doubt, fear, and uncertainty so that you don’t lose steam while we’re in this collective unfolding. Welcome to life in the new age of Pluto in Aquarius.

“I only want what is in full alignment with my Divine Self.” ~ Sue Cimino

“Your life is changing in ways that may be uncomfortable at the moment, but which will bring rewards in the future. You are like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon. Don’t force the process and don’t cling to the cocoon. Whether you realize it or not the changes that are occurring right now are clearing a new path, one that will bring its own rewards.” ~ Christine McCabe

As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.

© 2024 Lisa E Zimmermann • All Rights Reserved • Soul Level Solutions

Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer, Transformational Coach and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey.❤

Current Astro Events – Jan 12, 2024

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly

Written By Lisa E Zimmerman

We are in the wake of the Jan 11 New Moon in Capricorn, still fertile and receptive for intention-setting for 2024, as we traverse the end of Pluto in Capricorn before it re-enters Aquarius on Jan 20, only to return to Capricorn from Sept – mid-Nov ’24. Then we will have Pluto in Aquarius for the next twenty years. For now, focus on what you want to increase or create in your life and make your intentions (if you haven’t already). The time is right, this is auspicious, fertile ground to take responsibility for actively creating your future.

Jan 12 – Mars trine Jupiter. This is the perfect aspect to launch your New Moon in Capricorn intentions, as Mars-Jupiter energy inspires and propels you forward, generating momentum. Make the most of it by taking targeted actions that support your goals with this boundless energy – and get as much done as possible! This is a gift.

Jan 13 – Mercury in Capricorn. During its December Retrograde, Mercury moved from serious Capricorn back into idealistic, big picture Sagittarius, where it is not at its best for dealing with details or handling business. Now it’s Direct and returns to Capricorn, excellent for making decisions, schedules and plans for the long term that will serve you well. Down to earth, realistic, foresighted, pragmatic, strategic – Mercury in Capricorn is the adult in the room and it has your back when it comes to paperwork, contracts, decisions, projects and growth with support. Perfect timing…

Jan 15 – Sun sextile Neptune. The practical Sun in Capricorn in harmony with Neptune invites dreams, visions, creativity, spiritual practices, intuition, channeling, nature, compassion and Oneness as a way of expanding beyond 3D. Utilize this nonlinear, right-brained energy to rest, relax and go within, using your preferred method to seek guidance or inspiration that informs you further that you can bring into your everyday life.

Trust whatever you feel and honor the still, small voice within. Listen. Dream and vision. Maybe you lie in stillness in a sound bath or a sea salt with lavender bath as you float. Open in silence. Honor your evolving experience, recognizing how, through this energy, less can be more.

Jan 18 – Mercury sextile Saturn. Back to reality. This speaks to prioritizing, strategizing, methodical plans and commitments, and any decisions made are very clear. Mercury is in Capricorn (Saturn’s sign) – and in harmony with Saturn, it supports organizing your thoughts and creative ideas to bring them down to earth, so you can make them real. After the Sun-Neptune expansion, this is a

helpful container in the “birthing process” of your evolving Self and unfolding path, as you prepare to encounter the upcoming Sun and Pluto in Aquarius.

This is a week of expansion and grounding, contrasting energies day after day, yet all are extremely useful for your growth and evolution. Make the most of what’s available for you by aligning with the energy that’s present. It will support your process, whether you’re pursuing a professional activity or adjusting your personal life to accommodate changing circumstances.

Stay curious and open – the more you are engaged in the changing world, the better your experience will be. Resistance (trying to keep things the same) is futile when life is transforming. Remember, your soul chose to be here at this time – and if your ego needs to catch up, it’s better to focus on what your role may be as our new world unfolds.

To thine own Self be true. That’s the path. Ask for help if you need it during these fertile, life-changing times. We don’t know where we’re going, but we’re making a major turn… and we’re doing it together.

“I think 99 times and find nothing. I stop thinking, swim in silence, and the truth comes to me.”
~ Albert Einstein

“If you must doubt something, doubt your limits.” ~ Price Pritchett

As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.

© 2024 Lisa E Zimmermann • All Rights Reserved • Soul Level Solutions

Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer, Transformational Coach and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey.❤

Current Astro Events – Jan 5, 2024

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly

Written by Lisa E Zimmerman

We continue along in the process of Pluto transiting from 29o Capricorn into the new paradigm of innovative Aquarius on January 20. Mercury is picking up steam as it squares diffuse Neptune (which you’ll feel all week), interfering with left-brain processing and slowing us down.

Jan 8 – Mercury square Neptune. Factual info may get lost in a fog, as confusion and miscommunications are possible, so rely on your Inner Guidance for direction (yes-no). Use email for documentation whenever possible for backup and support. Mercury square Neptune is nonlinear, inviting you to dream, be creative and use your intuition and spiritual practices to relax in consciousness and arrive at answers experientially if you have questions that aren’t data-driven.

You can’t get all the answers to life’s questions with your mind. There’s a higher dimensional space – and that’s where this is. Be in nature, bask in silence and let your nervous system relax and reconnect with the natural world. This is fertile ground for messages from the higher realms. Use this energy to envision your soul’s desires or journal stream of consciousness writing and see what comes through. This writing allows you to channel your unconscious – perfect for creating intentions and gaining clarity.

Jan 9 – Sun trine Uranus – This is the energy of liberation, freedom and stimulation – you are inspired to do something different, go in an alternative direction or make a change that is enlivening for you. This is especially powerful if you feel stuck or trapped and need a release. Honor your Authentic Self and pay attention to your inner promptings; you have no idea how life-changing they may be!

Jan 9 – Mars sextile Saturn – Clarify your priorities, make decisions and use this highly productive energy to focus on what needs to happen for the long-term. This action-structure duo supports plans, projects and practical efforts that require commitment and dedicated effort. And this goes perfectly with the Sun-Uranus aspect, as Mars-Saturn can support or facilitate any changes you want to make in practical ways.

Jan 11 – New Moon in Capricorn on Jan 11 @ 3:58am PST. After the New Moon you can set plans in motion and take actions toward your intentions for the coming year that will create your foundation. This is a powerful new beginning for 2024, as Capricorn is the sign of commitment, structure, discipline, your Inner Authority and things that last. Release what is no longer needed or working, align with your integrity and get real about what needs attention. This is when you decide to fulfill a vow to your Self (after all, you are your life partner :)).

Capricorn is a practical earth sign, which speaks to your physical reality – and the New Moon trines Uranus (change), so this can pertain to your body, your health, your habits, your location or your home. Maybe you’re ready for a change in one or more of these areas. Mars (action) in harmony with Saturn (structure) and Jupiter (expansion) indicates that they are all working together to create stability and a strong container that you can rely on. Opportunities, possibilities and change!

Venus trines Chiron on the New Moon, offering the potential for heart-healing, compassion and feeling, rather than living from the mind. Lovingkindness is the greatest gift you can give to yourself and others. Open your heart and notice what blocks you from receiving, loving, being loved, being well paid for your work, or feeling good about who you are (not just for what you

do). Then commit to taking actions to correct whatever is blocking the flow of love from coming in or out of your heart, if needed.

This is an extremely fertile New Moon; all planets involved are making aspects to others, creating an abundance of productive energy. All planets are in Direct motion except for Uranus, which will go Direct on Jan 27, so it won’t be long before the pace will pick up and we’ll be flying!

That’s why it’s a good idea to get your ducks in a row as much as possible now. Use the New Moon in Capricorn energy to serve your well being and to prepare for going forward. It is my belief and experience that you don’t do things until you’re ready. If you know you “should” be doing something, but you don’t, it’s probably because you’re not ready on some (inner) level. I suggest finding support to help you get ready.

It will be very helpful to focus on your intentions for 2024 or for the near future. They have more power than you can imagine, so want the best for yourself. Remember the truth of who you are – what you have to offer, to contribute and would like to participate in.

We will be moving into a new world that will welcome your gifts, strengths and talents – and it will be very different than the world we have today. It won’t happen right away, but we are in preparation mode, so I remind you that you are here now, on purpose, to fulfill a role that you are perfect for. Sit with that and contemplate…

The only limitations you have regarding your Self and your future are in your mind. The more you envision a bigger picture for yourself, the more possible it is – and this is in the context of who you came here to be.

The world will miss your needed contributions if you play small. Please don’t minimize who you are and why you’re here. This is your soul contract.

“It is not our abilities that show what we truly are. It is our choices.” ~ Professor Dumbledore, Harry Potter

“You’re rescuing yourself every single day by changing the consciousness of this earth and planting seeds of peace.” ~ Kryon, channeled by Lee Carroll

As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.

© 2024 Lisa E Zimmermann • All Rights Reserved • Soul Level Solutions

Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer, Transformational Coach and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey. ❤