Current Astro Events- December 1,2023

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly

Written By Lisa E Zimmerman

We shift gears in December, with Mercury and Venus changing signs and Neptune changing direction. Although it’s barely moving, Neptune is Stationing to turn Direct this week, radiating subtle, yet profound multi-dimensional frequencies that activate Divine Love and Oneness, to awaken us when we turn within.

Dec 1 – Mercury in Capricorn. Following Mercury in “yes to everything!” Sagittarius, Mercury grounds into rational, cautious Capricorn, sign of planning and creating things that last. This will help you get organized for the coming month and even 2024.

Dec 2 – Mercury sextile Saturn. Because Saturn rules Capricorn, this extends the energy from yesterday and is helpful for clarifying, planning, decision-making, connecting and focusing on projects, budgets, goals and priorities. This is productive energy pre-Mercury Retrograde, so use it well.

Dec 3 – Venus square Pluto. Relationships will be tested and the experience you have will likely be determined by your communication skills, personal accountability and connection to your partner (or the other person). This can bring up issues around trust, $$, imbalances of power, manipulation or hidden agendas – or it can offer an opportunity to explore an issue and create a breakthrough, providing you both have the desire to do the work and pursue a common goal or outcome.

The square indicates conflict, but it can lead to transformation if you get real (vulnerable). No guarantees, but it’s possible. Whatever the case, something dear to your heart may be challenged in a way you hadn’t anticipated, perhaps causing you to feel threatened or in need of protection. Or maybe it’s in the global world and not personal, as a relationship or $$ power struggle comes to the forefront.

Dec 4 – Venus in Scorpio. This follows Venus square Pluto, as Pluto rules Scorpio. Venus is your values and what you love – and Scorpio is deep, passionate, private, intuitive and very careful about who it allows in. Venus in Scorpio goes beneath the surface to discern what is really true (the detective); it connects by going on a deep dive. Venus in Scorpio asks you to honor your reality and don’t play games with yourself or others. Explore any unexpressed desires that are buried within you if you are moved to do so. Stay tuned for what may be revealed…

Dec 5 – Venus trine Saturn. This goes to your priorities and what you value. Saturn takes practical actions to ensure that anything that’s important to you will be well taken care of so that it is sustained. This is good for clarifying your priorities, stabilizing relationships, $$ and honoring your Self. Yes, yes, yes!

Dec 6 – Neptune Stations Direct. Neptune turns Direct, but it’s at 24o until Dec 28, so even when it begins to move in a few days, it is literally inching along, barely perceptible. The lack of movement increases its impact on us, especially if you’re having a Neptune transit – then you’ve been feeling it for so long, you’re used to it. Neptune’s mission is to call your energy within, to the peace of the higher realms.

Neptune dissolves old ego structures within your consciousness, but it’s so subtle, you may not know what’s going on and it can manifest as confusion. Know that confusion is an opening, an unwinding of the old structures. The antidote is to operate via your intuition or by your gut feeling. Trust your instincts, not your mind if you’re in a Neptunian fog – or just wait for a moment of clarity – and don’t panic. Trust that ALL is well.

This is higher consciousness that inspires you to connect with your transcendent Self to seek the meaning of your life, a mystical journey and departure from the 3D world. Spiritual practices, being in nature, prayer, music and going within facilitate access to higher energies, with grace and utility, for peace – and your Highest Good.

Dec 7 – Sun trine Chiron. The potential for healing, an awakening, forgiveness or a new perspective is available if you are willing to do the work or are blessed by a healing connection. A gift. 🙏

Also, Mercury trine Jupiter – Good news, optimism, positive thinking, smart plans and opportunities, with communications that lift you up and/or expand your world. This is a stellar day!

Mercury Retrograde is Dec 12 – Jan 1, 2024. The holiday season will slow down, be a little backwards with mail snafus likely. Prepare for travel, shopping, planning, not for fear or worry, rather to create extra space, knowing that the slowdown will serve our minds and nervous systems to have a little rest.

This is a wonderful week of productivity and organization, in preparation for the future. At the least, contemplate your priorities for the coming year and how you can prepare. Make the most of

Wishing you a blessed, powerful, transformative week. Take time to go within and be still.

“The rational mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master.” ~ Carl Jung

“May you awaken to the mystery of being here and enter the quiet immensity of your own presence.” ~ John O’Donohue

As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.

© 2023 Lisa E Zimmermann • All Rights Reserved • Soul Level Solutions

Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer, Transformational Coach and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey. ❤

Current Astro Events – Nov 24, 2023

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly

Written by Lisa E Zimmerman

Sagittarius focuses on the big picture, your ideals and expanding your world via travel, education or your consciousness. Rise beyond the mind to tap into a dream, a vision, or a mission that you feel compelled to fulfill to access a higher expression of your potential (and idealistic Sagittarius). This can be profoundly inspiring and deeply meaningful when you connect with your true ideals.

Nov 24 – We step into the holiday shopping-marketing frenzy with the Sun, Mercury and Mars in impulsive Sagittarius, ready to seize opportunities, invitations and offers without a second thought, which can create an abundance of material items, activities, bills, or clutter (mental, emotional and physical). More isn’t always better, especially when consciousness is lacking. If you’re on a buying spree, what is activating your choices? I invite you to inquire within…

Nov 25 – Mars square Saturn. A reality check, as you are faced with decisions after the enthusiasm of yesterday, which may be a blessing. Saturn is the adult in the room asking, “What do you really want and what are willing to do to get it?” Limits, boundaries and plans are healthy for optimistic Sagittarius, as you can make your inspiration practical (which Sag doesn’t do). Let this work for you, be prudent and if you hit a “no” or a delay, take it as a sign to reconsider your choice, your expectations and trust the timing.

Nov 26 – North Node conjunct Eris. The North Node of Destiny (or Fate) and Eris, the female Disruptor, are exact in Aries today and tomorrow on the Full Moon, but they’ve been a degree apart for a few months, activating world chaos. Personally, this can trigger anger, pain, rage and shame that’s been buried deep within you – and if so, try to embrace the wounded part with love, rather than pushing it away so you can feel your way through it. Love yourself and every aspect of your experience. Running from pain won’t heal you. Stay present with it, knowing that the pain isn’t YOU, and if you need help, ask for it – there is so much available. See everything in your experience as an opportunity for your growth and evolution and know that our world is being turned upside down, inside out, to lead us into a new frontier.

Nov 27 – Full Moon in Gemini @ 4o at 1:17am PST. This is a complex Full Moon with six planets in mutable signs indicating movement and flexibility. The Moon in Gemini wants communication and info – and it’s ruled by Mercury in Sagittarius – not good with details, speaks before thinking, honest but can be blunt and zealous. A great preacher, teacher, motivational speaker. Not the best listener.

The Moon in Gemini is easily distracted, loves to connect and wants to know everything! The Moon squares Saturn, so communication will not be as forthcoming as usual and info will likely be withheld. This dampens the mood of this normally upbeat Full Moon, making it more subdued. The Sun conjunct Mars is impulsive, impatient and wants action NOW, but is squaring Saturn – so it’s blocked, delayed and frustrated. Higher expression: Sun-Mars is energized and motivated with restraint and discipline, able to channel the energy into other productive activities.

Mercury (ruler of the Full Moon) squares Neptune, which creates misinformation or confusion in 3D for those who are left-brained or linear. The higher use of this energy is to go within and *feel* the big picture vision that’s calling to you for your future; not what your mind thinks is possible, but what your heart and soul feels for you.

Don’t think about the “how” – honor your unique expression, what you love and what resonates with you. Journal and do stream of consciousness writing (writing is a Gemini activity) to see what comes through for you. Neptune is nonlinear – let whatever you do be easy, in flow, with effortless action. By tapping into your higher vision, you activate a metaphysical principle that becomes energized by being recognized.

This is an opportunity to use your intuitive gifts on the Gemini Full Moon to see what you discover. You can meditate, be in nature or do any relaxing activity that connects you with your inner Self and allow dreams, visions and ideas to appear. Set your intention to discover your big vision (no matter your circumstances, age, etc). Let this be a spiritual practice and be curious (Gemini). Wonder and awe (Neptune) are elements of childlike innocence, that are rejuvenating and spiritual fuel. Feed yourself what you really need.

Nov 29 – Mercury conjunct Galactic Center. The Galactic Center is at 27o Sagittarius, the center of the Milky Way galaxy – the Black Hole, a portal to higher consciousness that allows us to access frequencies that clear lower energies and recalibrate our minds. Give yourself quiet time to open to incoming downloads and allow your mind-body space to integrate and upgrade with the newly arriving frequencies.

In just two weeks, we will have Mercury Retrograde on Dec 12-Jan 1, 2024. The holiday season will be slowed down, a little backwards and the mail will have extra snafus likely. This is a heads up so you can prepare for travel, shopping, planning. Not to be in fear or worry, rather to create extra space, knowing that we need the slowdown for our minds and nervous systems to have a rest.

Don’t over-schedule yourself; allow yourself and your loved ones to be present and exhale… Wishing you a blessed, powerful, transformative week.

We must not allow the clock and the calendar to blind us to the fact that each moment of life is a miracle and mystery.” ~ HG Wells

“A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer. A bird sings because it has a song. ” ~ Maya Angelou

As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.

© 2023 Lisa E Zimmermann • All Rights Reserved • Soul Level Solutions

Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer and Coach, and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey. ❤

Current Astro Events – Nov 17, 2023

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly

Written by Lisa E Zimmerman

Nov 17/18 – Focus on a vision for your future, as we kick off a powerful week with Mars conjunct the Sun – and both trine Neptune, activating a turbo-charged drive and perseverance that can propel you toward creating dreams come true. Mars-Sun in Scorpio has relentless determination, goes deep, and can release stale energies, while Divine Feminine Neptune brings a Higher Consciousness perspective, beyond 3D.

This initiates a new beginning for Mars, planet of action – and because it rules the North Node of Destiny, it has even more significance after a long period of feeling like we were spinning our wheels, unable to get any real traction. The Sun-Mars will be closely connected through Nov 22, so this can be a “cosmic launchpad” as we approach the end of the year. Don’t squander this opportunity to jumpstart a project, a dream, movement or to evolve your life!

Nov 20 – Sun sextile Pluto offers clarity of purpose, strength and conviction to your Sun-Mars vision. It also provides greater certainty and ambition to any decisions or actions needed to proceed or succeed on your mission. Tap into this powerful energy when making decisions, taking actions and making connections with others, as there is magnetic mojo if you are working
for the Greater Good.

Nov 20 – Mercury trine Chiron can be a healing, an amends, an apology from you to another or vice versa. You may have a new perspective that opens up your world – maybe you made yourself wrong (or someone else) and now you see another viewpoint with more compassion. The potential for healing is here around your thinking, words that need to be said or judgments
against yourself or others (including the global stage).

Nov 21 – Mars sextile Pluto. Continuing the theme of power moves, this high intensity duo can accomplish difficult tasks, so use it well. You will have great stamina for tasks that require major focus and energy, with enthusiasm and determination. What a way to close our Scorpio, on a high!

Nov 22 – Sun in Sagittarius. We enter into sunny, upbeat Sagittarius, sign of Higher Truth, meaning of life, belief systems, spirituality and foreign travel (and so much more!). You will feel a shift from deep, intense Scorpio feelings into the optimistic, impulsive energy of Sagittarius, inspired by social causes and sometimes zealous fervor, which is the day before Thanksgiving
and the shopping frenzy that kicks off the holiday season in the US. Sagittarius wants to say “Yes!” to everything, so be mindful — this can land you in overwhelm, with too many things going on…

Venus opposes Chiron. Take good care of your heart, as someone or something may trigger an old wound, an issue or something you didn’t even realize was still there. If so, give yourself nurturing, soothing TLC, either through Self-help tools, a loving friend or a loved one you can share with or other resources you have. But know, this is here to show you what still needs
healing. You are not meant to suffer forever. Get the help you need to integrate what is not You, so you can be whole, peaceful and free.

Nov 23 – Sun square Saturn. With the Sun in Sagittarius all hot to trot, Saturn is here to slow you down and give a reality check. This can be delays, obstacles and change of plans or disagreements about how to do things – the traditional way by the old guard vs. a fresh approach by the new generation. This is on Thanksgiving in the US, so be prepared to be flexible, as weather events or travel issues can affect what happens. Know in advance, it will be good to give yourself extra time and space for travel on the holiday, to add to relaxation – and easy does it with the elders.

With a world in chaos, it is imperative to recognize and be grateful for your blessings. Know what you stand FOR, not what you are against. What you stand for brings you into an expanded consciousness, whereas what you are against anchors you in duality (us vs. them).

That’s the trap the world is in – us vs. them – and we will never evolve from that space, which is
what we are here to do.

Wishing you a blessed, powerful, transformative week.

“We have passed the time when a leader can show us the way. We must find a new way – walking together into uncharted territory. This means we will spend time in the unknown. But that is exactly where creation lives.” ~ Ann Bradney

As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.

© 2023 Lisa E Zimmermann • All Rights Reserved • Soul Level Solutions 

Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer and Coach, and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey.

Current Astro Events – November 10, 2023

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly

Written By Lisa E Zimmerman

The main event this week is Uranus, the Great Awakener, that’s in the mix this weekend and opposes the New Moon in Scorpio on Monday, bringing sudden changes to shake up your life and twists to disrupt old patterns. This also gives you the opportunity to make needed changes to prepare for 2024.

Nov 10 – Mercury square Saturn. Mercury in Sag shows up with a big idea (always) – and Saturn shuts it down (the adult in the room). Mercury in Sag is full of fire, but doesn’t think things through. Saturn is the reality check, extra work, or something that either deflates the balloon or creates a delay by forcing a process to be fulfilled. Not necessarily bad, just extra work. Or it’s a conflict of viewpoints, having to defend your position or explain yourself to clarify.

Nov 11 – Mars opposite Uranus. This is a pattern-breaker and freedom-seeker. Mars wants independence and Uranus is a disruptor, activating the unexpected – and in opposition, this is a combustible duo. Could be an earthquake, a surprise attack, a breakthrough, a brilliant innovation or breaking out of a rut, but something will happen. If you feel stuck, this aspect can spur you to make a move, and if you’re impulsive- get a second opinion before taking action. Be mindful and move consciously today, as people may be on edge and easily triggered.

Nov 13 – New Moon in Scorpio @ 20o at 1:27am PST. Set your intentions and take action toward something you want to call into your life. Mars conjoins the Sun and Moon and they oppose Uranus, creating a volatile energy that can be explosive, can generate breakthroughs, breakdowns, and can

disrupt the status quo, whether world events or your personal life. The goal of the breakdown- breakthrough is always a “cosmic-upgrade,” and it only takes what is no longer viable and needs to go. If something leaves your life, know that it will be followed by something that’s more congruent with your evolving Self.

Scorpio rules transformation and power and the ultimate result is transcendence over old, stale, non-working patterns, structures and relationships. Trust in the cycles of life, knowing that whatever comes up that is uncomfortable or dark has come up to be recognized and healed, released or integrated – and you are being asked to step into your power.

Uranus rules your Authentic Self, so look at how you’re living and where you’re out of alignment with your truth. It deadens your spirit when you abandon yourself to fit in, rather than daring to be real. Now is the time to break the chains (inner or outer) that keep you locked in old patterns, living like a hostage. It is so freeing to be your Self – and you deserve to experience that, even if you take baby steps to get there. If you need help, let me know.

Neptune is in harmony with Mars, Uranus and the New Moon, calling you within and inviting you to attune to your inner state of Being and discern where you are. Your inner world is rich and filled with insights when you learn to go in and explore. The outer world is noisy, whereas your inner world is peaceful and it’s your North Star – your *true* reality. Don’t miss the beauty of the magical, nonlinear world where All Are One.

Nov 15 – Mercury sextile Venus. A flowing, social, light, easy way of connecting with anyone, but especially those who you hold dear in your heart – or expressing your creative gifts joyfully. A pleasant, easy day – and we love that!

The world is in a state that is too harsh for the heart and mind to process, so it’s important to maintain a witness space. Stay high, don’t allow yourself to be dragged down by the drama. Choose love, do your personal work to center your Self and stay on your path.

Stop judging. When you judge others, you judge yourself. Make it a spiritual practice to stop judging and see what happens. 

Projection is a Scorpio-ruled domain of the unconscious. It’s all about you. The things that bother you in others are your disowned material. Don’t miss the opportunity to evolve, awaken and integrate unconscious beliefs by living in judgment of others, no matter how it’s disguised (caring, analysis, etc.). And watch your beliefs – they interfere with you being fully present, no matter how right you think you are. Human egos created all these wars, conflicts, extreme rules and laws – with everyone thinking they are right.

My idea of power is the ability to access your gifts, strengths and talents and utilize them joyfully, in service to the Greater Good.

Wishing you a powerful, transformative week.

“Life altering experiences are always unexpected, otherwise, they would never be as impactful as they are.” ~ Stephanie Azaria

“Potential is always bigger than the problem.” ~ Rev. Michael Beckwith

As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.

© 2023 Lisa E Zimmermann • All Rights Reserved • Soul Level Solutions

Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer and Coach, and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey. ❤