Cosmic Consciousness Weekly

Christine ClemmerCosmic Consciousness Weekly









For the week of October 31 – November 6, 2016

After last week’s deep dive underground into the hidden realms within, we’re navigating and exploring even deeper through subtle aspects this week, moving us towards a massive crescendo on Saturday that awakens the heart and activates the soul’s original blueprint for this incarnation.  This is a significant moment of realignment, planting us on a whole new path, and there’s no going back.

Anytime we travel through darkness, our extra sensory perception becomes heightened, and our ability to intuitively open through subtle vibrations develops and refines, producing fine tuned personal mastery.  We’re moving from a “10” vibration of October into the “11” vibration of mastery in November.  The New Moon in Scorpio literally planted each of us as the original divine seed of Love, in purest form, and our destiny now is to become the full manifestation of Love in physical form, through the expression of our unique individual mastery.  We’re experiencing the powerful transformation from seed to full bloom expression, embodying the sacred tree of life, while shaking loose and releasing the old manifestations from attachments to the illusions and distractions that we’ve held onto or hid behind until now.

Imagine waking up from a black and white dream to discover high definition technicolor vision for the first time, or experiencing the difference from 2D to 3D graphics, and now from 3D consciousness to 5D Cosmic Consciousness.   It’s difficult to explain the subtleties with mere words, but once we experience the new expansive potential, there’s no going back to the old limitations and recurring cycle of projections.  It’s like peeling off a layer of cloudy residue that we didn’t realize was even there, residue that was stagnating the original quality of vibration, now revealing brilliance underneath that inspires new life and nourishes creative potential.  Before we can fully bloom ourselves into the next chapter, we must acknowledge and relinquish our old attachments and identifications with limiting structures and definitions that have flattened and dulled our experience of ourselves and Love.   Love is the highest vibrational currency in 5D….Love is the air we breathe, the water we drink, the currency we exchange, and the flow of life that animates and restores our bodies and the earth.  In 3D, we needed money and power, time and space, but in 5D, we recognize that Love transcends all barriers, limitations, and conditions.  Love is the answer, and our capacity to awaken and expand AS the divine presence of Love is the most powerful force of nature that shifts our reality on a dime.

When we allow ourselves to become the seed of divine love, encoded with our unique individual blueprint, we can plant ourselves literally anywhere and become the answer to our global condition, through the expression of our own personal mastery and contribution.  Many of us are feeling physically scattered or unsettled right now, unsure of where we belong or where we feel called forth.  It’s important to trust and surrender, and know that wherever we are in this moment is exactly where we’re meant to be, until the moment we find ourselves moving somewhere else.  Each current moment moves us to the next.   When we vacate ourselves, even for just a moment, wishing we were somewhere else, we disconnect from the divine blueprint within our seed, and we disconnect from ourselves.   That disconnection throws us back into the repetitive loop that dulls down our experience of life and flatlines the expression of Love.  It’s important to remain present and awake right now, it’s the only way to consciously navigate into the next moment.  Sitting on the edge of our seat with hearts wide open.

The week begins with several subtle intimacy aspects, creating an environment that sharpens our awareness and brings our full undivided attention to each moment.   Our presence is palpable, and the air is ripe for transformation.  Anything can happen in the blink of an eye.  On Tuesday, The Sun manifests with Neptune, and the thinning veils become completely clear.   Our vision is restored, what was hidden comes to light, revealing major insight that we may have been sensing for a while but unable to recognize or address until now.   All is revealed, beyond a shadow of a doubt, in plain sight.

On Thursday, Mercury is resourceful with Pluto, the Sun and Jupiter are in an intimacy aspect, and the moon is void all day from 6:30am to 11pm, which hasn’t happened in a very long time.   Within that void moon, there is profound stillness, activating deeper and deeper layers of intuitive communication in preparation for expansion.  It’s the calm before the crescendo, the foreshadow of intensity to come.

Saturday is the beautiful explosion of creative potential.  Venus manifests with Eris and Uranus while conjunct Ixion in a new cycle, which means Ixion is also manifesting with Eris and Uranus.  The fact that Venus is just beginning her out of bounds journey indicates that this manifestation is unlike anything we’ve ever experienced before, completely uncharted, resulting in massive awakening that shows us what’s possible when we unleash and uncensor our hearts, allowing Love to express freely as the divine light that sparks devoted passion, the kind that ignites a revolution at the soul level, and there’s no turning back.  This is the threshold into a whole new chapter that involves the divine blueprint of the soul, merged with the heart, which means it’s spiritual destiny serving an evolutionary purpose.

On Sunday, the Sun and Saturn are in an intimacy aspect as the Sun sits on the world axis, leading up to the election in the US.  Our consciousness is defining the outcome, moment to moment, and Love is the answer, always.

The practice this week is to surrender and return to the heart, as the original seed of divine Love, with full presence and awareness.  With every inhale, imagine opening more and more to the infinite center of your heart.   Allow every exhale to release Love unconditionally, uncensored and uninhibited, beyond any initial interference, discomfort or distractions.   The more deeply and fully we can occupy our own heart space, the more open and expanded our roots become, stretching outward, connecting us all together, circulating the flow of divine Love with abundance.  This is an important week to plug in deep, and allow the flow to expand unconditionally.

“A person experiences life as something separated from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of consciousness.  Our task must be to free ourselves from this self-imposed prison, and through compassion, to find the reality of Oneness.” ~Albert Einstein

Contact Christine Clemmer at to set up a private session on the phone or remotely.

Cosmic Consciousness Weekly

Christine ClemmerCosmic Consciousness Weekly









For the week of October 24 – 30:

After an intensive week of revelations and awakenings, we’re moving forward into the Scorpio themed energy of alchemical transformation, where shapeshifting is not only accessible, it’s the way of physically navigating in the new world.  Shapeshifting requires letting go of attachments to physical appearance, form or structure, so that the physical dimension can be liberated to manifest as Love in accordance with the highest vision, one that we may not have even considered yet.  If we think we know where we’re headed, we can’t possibly imagine the exact depth and dimension of every single detail, so it’s best to allow and be called forth AS the new vision, instead of thinking the vision is an external destination we will someday arrive at or achieve through planning.

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Cosmic Consciousness Weekly

Christine ClemmerCosmic Consciousness Weekly









For the week of October 17 – 23:

Get ready for another multidimensionally active week as the powerful Full Moon in Aries continues to reverberate, awakening new possibilities in unexpected ways.   Unification is the theme, and we must awaken to unify.  As the intensity builds around and within, every discomfort and distraction ultimately delivers us deeper and deeper into the core of our own conscious awareness and into our hearts.   There’s nowhere else to look but within, and there we discover our wholeness:  the collective composite of every thought, reaction, experience, response, and expression of our being, throughout all dimensions, lineages, and lifetimes.  When we can see it all, with clear vision and wisdom, we activate the power to choose and create what comes next.  Every thought manifests as vibration, creating texture, color, sound, frequency, and multi sensory experience that manifests as our physical reality.  Change the thought, and the paradigm behind the thought, and a whole new world emerges.

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Cosmic Consciousness Weekly

Christine ClemmerCosmic Consciousness Weekly









For the week of October 10 – 16, 2016

After the wild and crazy ride from last month’s wormhole passage, we’re finally beginning to observe the results of what’s been occurring within.  Now that Mercury has fully recovered his shadow and is traveling through Libra, get ready for some crystal clear tangible reflections of the upgrades that have been calibrating through our internal operating system.  Any recent confusion and congestion start to come to light and make sense as Mercury leads the way to a very powerful Full Moon in Aries at the end of the week which will awaken life altering potential through our ability to create anything with our minds…instantly.

That intense Virgo wormhole was such a deeply cathartic and rich process of unearthing the karmic attachments of our lower 4 body system while upgrading and attuning our operating system to a higher octave of sensitive communications at the cellular, collective, and cosmic levels, making us much more available to experience relationships through unity consciousness.  While our operating systems were undergoing such profound adjustment and reconfiguration, we couldn’t fully observe what was occurring, or what the impact would be.   For many, it felt like being under anesthesia during a surgical procedure, which is the only way to create a fully surrendered still point that could allow such extreme upgrades to the system.  When a computer is being completely overhauled, it has to shut down and become incapacitated during the installation.   The reboot can be slow or disorienting at first, but soon the results are crystal clear and the upgrades provide new options and possibilities that can literally change everything!

We’re still coming back online through the reboot process, and this week activates our new potential like nothing we’ve ever experienced before.    The veils are lifting, the cloudy stagnancy and confusion is clearing, revealing the brilliant intelligence that we’ve been downloaded with.   It truly is a whole new world, or better stated, our perception of what’s always been there is brand new, and our ability to experience what’s been there all along is expanded and redefined.   Our capacity to send and receive information and communication via frequency is amplified to digital lightning speed.  Our new capabilities are the foundation for rapid awakening and expansion of consciousness.   Not only are we aware of the holistic integration of our lower 4 body system (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) but we’re also developing the acute ability to integrate and whole every dimension of our being – past, present, and future – into the now.   With our awareness of the physical dimension and the need for time and space on this planet, we can access higher insight, wisdom and understanding of what’s coming and where we’ve been, with the sensitivity, compassion and emotional wisdom to allow all that is unfolding now in this moment.

We are already awake, we are already home, and we are also right here, right now, experiencing this current moment exactly as it is.   We can travel lightning speed anywhere our thoughts can imagine, with clarity and high resolution communications, allowing us to bi locate and even multi locate anywhere and everywhere.   And yet it’s more important than ever to remain grounded in our body, in this moment, in this reality, as a point of reference.   The body is our portal to the infinite that keeps us connected to the earth, once our body is fine tuned and calibrated to unconditional love and aligned with our Cosmic Self.  We truly are grounding Cosmic Consciousness into the earth and into our cells and all things physical.   The laws of the universe are now connecting with and taking root in all things physical and man made.   There’s a lot of massive shifting that will occur, AND it’s already done.

Unification is the theme, and we are unifying yin/yang, and also inner/outer worlds.   Polarization becomes unification…when we master the zoom lens, we can see both/and/all instead of limiting our perspective to either/or.  The more polarized our experiences become, the more stretched out our vision expands, allowing us to then elevate up and witness the wholeness of a wide panoramic lens.  Add depth and dimension, and suddenly we’re seeing in 5D, unifying the invisible realm with the visible.  Our dream state is becoming unified with our waking state, allowing us to navigate in both realms with greater ease and understanding.  Until unification is perceived, there appears to be an extreme pendulum swing of conflicting duality.   Once the duality comes full circle, and the end merges into the beginning, the boundaries dissipate and wholeness is experienced.   I am you and you are me.  There is no end and no beginning.  The pendulum becomes a unified field of infinite energy.  The mirror becomes animated with full intelligence and empowered consciousness to respond and create.   Nothing is inanimate, everything is living consciousness.  Everything visible is alive with the invisible, interacting and participating.   The physical dimension is elemental, and elements have energetic qualities and properties of consciousness.  Everything is consciousness.

Libra holds the consciousness of relationships.   If we’ve been looking through the lens of relationships to find our balance or our grounding, we will suddenly be noticing a shift and recalibration, which can feel disorienting and uncomfortable.   If we’ve counted on the mirrored relationship for stability, trust, and safety to know where we stand and who we are, that’s changing.  The only mirror that can reflect the ultimate truth is a 5D mirror that has been purified and upgraded to bridge the lower 4 body system with the Cosmic Self.   We’re becoming that, but the outer world isn’t an accurate reflection yet (and it already IS, for those who can consistently operate from that consciousness.   There’s a time delay occurring for most.)  It’s important that we tune into our authenticity, that we remind ourselves and each other of the truth of who we are, and that we become mindful of the times when we project lower consciousness onto each other.  If the mirror is to fully awaken, we must awaken and take responsibility for our projections.  Once we do, all of our relationships will reveal a whole new perspective and possibility.

Mercury (our newly calibrated operating system) makes a lot of important aspects this week, leading us up to the Full Moon in Aries on Sunday.   On Tuesday, Mercury conjuncts Jupiter in Libra for a new cycle of expansion of social consciousness through the upgraded operating system.  Mars and Neptune are resourceful in revealing the higher truth of our physicality.  On Wednesday, Venus is in a Great Eliminator with Eris and Uranus, and Merucry is in Great Eliminator with Neptune.   These are major choice points for the awakening heart and the enlightened mind.

On Thursday, Mercury and Mars are in a stepping stone, and on Friday Mercury is resourcing Saturn.  That’s a lot of activation and elevation occurring in the mind/body connection and the use of our higher authority and personal power.  On Saturday, Mercury and Pluto are in a stepping stone intersecting with Sirius, Venus is bridging Sedna, and Ceres retrogrades into Aries, working with Eris and Uranus and supporting the upcoming Full Moon and delivering humanity to the ultimate awakening and remembrance.

The Full Moon in Aries occurring early Sunday morning is conjunct Eris and Uranus, in a bridge with Haumea…WOW!  In Cosmic Consciousness, Aries is the sign of mental power, the spark of creation that is the infinite potential of our thoughts, and the mental discipline to choose loving thoughts as our default programming.   When we elevate our thoughts to the higher frequency of Unconditional Love, we begin to manifest and create a physical world of Love, the physical expression and embodiment of Christ Consciousness.   On the Cosmic Clock, Aries is the bridge to Libra, and this incredible bridge sparks the power of the mind/body connection.  When we awaken to the full potential of our mental power, we also awaken to the limitlessness of our physicality and the liberation from any physical condition or limitation.   This Full Moon in Aries is a major game changer on our planet, revealing that awakened consciousness truly is the ultimate medicine of the future. And it’s free, abundant, and sustainable.  We are the pioneers of this new revolution!  When we access and embody our awakened consciousness, we also access our wholeness, which eliminates the need for healing.

The practice this week is to develop the mental discipline to think loving thoughts.  Be mindful of the moment when you choose a thought, and notice if that thought is rooted in love or fear, separation consciousness or unity consciousness.   If you notice a thought coming from fear, simply choose again, choose a new thought.   There are infinite possibilities to choose from.  Use your personal authority to choose a more empowering thought, and watch the old habitual patterns unravel.   The more disciplined we are with our own thoughts, the more power we harness to manifest a brand new world.   Be attentive to the inner most private conversations that usually go unnoticed, and practice elevating every thought to Love.  We are the pioneers of an awakened and transformed world, and each individual thought is the match strike that sparks the flame!!! 


Contact Christine Clemmer at to set up a private session on the phone or remotely.