2018 Sagittarius Full Moon

Vivian SmallMoon Report

FULL MOON over ocean


2018 Sagittarius Full Moon

Tuesday May 29, 2018

10:20am EDT, 7:20am PDT, 3:20pm GT

8 Sagittarius 10
The Taurus New Moon took us to our inner guidance system and provided us the opportunity to try out new controls, maneuvers, and programs that we may not have tried or knew existed.  It may have felt like riding a new bike, or driving a new car, all with an upgrade for better performance. There is nothing like a step into the unknown learn that you can handle the situation far better than you may have believed, and that mastery was on hand. The New Moon took us through this uncharted inner territory in our own private landscape. The Moon is our most visual, reliable source for tracking the development of our own consciousness. It is worth remembering that our consciousness is continually expanding, second by second, just through breathing, and can be tracked, just like a tree growing year after year.

“Woodhall” painting by Ronda Wiebe
Similarly, we do not stand still. We are not always aware of the change and expansion that is constantly takin place within us, and this is by design. We see where we have gone and what we have become, always when the time is precisely right. The designer and commander of that timing is Ourselves, our Super Consciousness, co-creating with Source. The Taurus New Moon provided the means for refreshing our awareness of this process and included a number of planets at 8 degrees (Saturn, Juno, and Orcus) in relationships with each other and with the Soul Star (Moon North Node) and Earth Star (Moon South Node).  The number 8 signifies power and balance in sacred geometry, and this Full Moon at 8 Sagittarius 10 is the flowering of what we gained by exploring our inner guidance system.

The Sagittarian quality of consciousness is exuberant in its desire to share wisdom gained through the journey of life. Sagittarius is that part of our consciousness that yearns for and is driven to search for Truth. Specifically, this relates to how our personal life experience connects to Source and what it all means.  Sagittarius is where we are willing to explore and discover the Truth, even if it means venturing into uncharted and uncomfortable territory. The wisdom gained from the search is that which feels like it should be shared with others, and right now. This is one reason why the Cosmic Consciousness symbol for the fire of Sagittarius is the bonfire.  A bonfire is more than a simple fire to warm and provide light to one or two people. It is a jubilant celebration, drawing in others to take part, and creating a contrast with the surrounding darkness. It sends a message. On the exterior level, this could mean sharing with others in new ways.  Internally, it is the opportunity to connect different parts of ourselves together in ways that may have previously eluded us. This Full Moon provides more than enough energy to transcend any reluctance for doing so.
The Sagittarius Full Moon is disposed by Jupiter, and Jupiter is at 15 Scorpio 51, a world axis point.  World axis points are where we tap into our collective consciousness. Feel certain that any wisdom shared will go as wide and deep as we can imagine at that moment. Our imperative is to be sensitive to how we share our wisdom, whatever it may be. The words we speak may be lofty or mundane, this aspect of our words does not matter so much. What does matter, and quite significantly, is the energy we bring as we speak our words.  Mercury at 29 Taurus 10 is still coming out of a new cycle with Sedna at 26 Taurus 40, indicating that how we communicate at this time contributes directly to the rememberment process of the Divine Feminine. Blind sacrifice of the Feminine to the Masculine is still being played out and needs to be recognized for what it is. The needs of the many are not satisfied over the long-term through martyrdom, and this blinds us to discovering solutions that bring everyone along–male and female, in their own way–together.
There have been 12 men who walked on the Moon during the Apollo Missions from July 1969-December 1972, and as of last week, only 4 are still alive.  Alan Bean, who tagged himself as “first artist on another world,” transitioned on 26 May. Art transports us to the point where we feel free to imagine something that we would not have seen or felt before. Alan Bean used Apollo Mission photographs to create paintings that show us how it felt to be on the Moon, our collective vision of the feminine.

“Hello Universe” by Alan Bean 2002, http://www.alanbeangallery.com/HelloUniverse-story.html
Orcus, our connection to our immortal Selves, is at 8 Virgo 7 in a perfect light intersection (formerly a T-square) with the Sun (our conscious Self identity) at 8 Gemini 10 and the Moon (our intuitive emotional nature). This provides us with the opportunity, at the moment of the Full Moon, to experience our connection to the universal truths that we hold dearest. On an individual level, this is a time to allow ourselves to recognize that the moment that separated us from oneness with the Mother is also the one that began our physical individual lives. Allowing ourselves the experience of separation and the vital reality of being alive simultaneously is possible by using this light intersection to feel everything that comes up. Our immortal selves do not change wither we feel separate or one.
Venus (what and how we love) at 11 Cancer 58 is coming into a new cycle with the fixed star Sirius (where we access universal insight) at 14 Cancer 19, and both are joining in a watery grand manifestation (formerly trine) with Jupiter (our social consciousness) at 15 Scorpio 51 and Neptune (our capacity for clear vision and enlightenment) at 16 Pisces 22. A manifestation is a free flow of energies that becomes something tangible. With the heart leading the way, it is possible for us to explore our deepest wisdom (Jupiter) with clarity (Neptune), calming any tendency we may have to bully ourselves, and project this outward. Sirius is in a new cycle with the Sun in the natal chart (Sibley) of the United States. Given the global influence of the United States at this time, this manifestation provides the energy to start imagining a new collective vision for this role.
Mars (how we are physically motivated) at 4 Aquarius 39 is in its retrograde shadow and moving into the first of three conjunctions with the Earth Star (where we experience and revisit the old familiar cycles) at 7 Aquarius 33). The first of these three conjunctions is beginning to gain strength during the Full Moon, and it can be used productively to liberate ourselves from patterns that feel repetitive and seem to be blocking our expression of Love to ourselves and others.
Sagittarius embodies the journey of the spirit triumphing over all that keeps us from realizing the Truth of who we are–Source. Our ego is but one tool we can use to help us realize that our original sense of woundedness (emergence from the birth canal) is but one sensation of life on earth and does not need to drive everything we do. Coming from Source itself, we actually are beacons of Love. The Full Moon in Sagittarius is a moment where we can experience both our quest for Truth and see what we can leave behind as we make discoveries about our own consciousness and how we connect to others.  It is a time to aim high for ourselves and for each other.


Please read Stephanie Azaria’s daily blog, Christine Clemmer’s weekly write-up, and Shelly Leal’s monthly report for a complete description of all the aspects occurring for this Full MoonIf you have any comments, you can send an email to: viviansmall2017@gmail.com

2018 Taurus New Moon

Vivian SmallMoon Report







Tuesday May 15, 2018

7:48am ET, 4:48am PT, 12:48pm GT

24 Taurus 36

 The Scorpio Full Moon on 29 April provided us a pathway to go deep, and since then we have been moving out of that deep place. It could be like waking from a deep sleep or ascending through deep water upward in a scuba suit. Either way, the journey to the surface may have felt a bit otherworldly, as if we were shifting dimensions. A Scorpio journey always involves dimensional shifting, though we may not always notice it. The Scorpio quality of consciousness experience can be very precious, though,  because going deep and moving from this point is actually effortless if we trust the process and allow it to happen. The Scorpio and Taurus qualities of consciousness form a bridge between our inner guidance system (Taurus) and our ability to manifest our true inner vision (Scorpio). The support for this bridge is built on trust in our Selves, faith that everything that happens is for us, and our willingness to stop struggling with ourselves, and surrender. Faith, Trust, and Surrender are the tools that the Scorpio/Taurus polarity offer up to us, and they take time and practice to learn to use. In classic astrology, Scorpio and Taurus can be depicted as signs that revel in sensuality and pleasure; what we see in Cosmic Consciousness is that these descriptors are like paper party masks and have very little to do with the essence and function of these two signs.

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2018 Scorpio Full Moon

Vivian SmallMoon Report

FULL MOON over ocean


2018 Scorpio Full Moon

Sunday, April 29, 2018

8:59pm EDT, 5:59pmPDT, 1:59am (4/30) GST

9 Scorpio 39

The Aries New Moon on 15 April provided the medium for a refreshed view of how we create new ideas or constructs through our emotional responses. We have greater access now to the origin of our responses, thanks to the 5D calibrations that have occurred since the end of the wormhole. The Black Moon Lilith’s interactions with Saturn, Mars and Pluto have been pivotal to activating, or “turning on” our recognition processes, so we see just how much of our responses to the world are based on age-old social structures that once seemed so solid. The Aries New Moon lit the spark, so to speak, and now the Full Moon at 9 Scorpio 39 is illuminating the foundations of these social structures.  It seems like we are getting to see something finally being revealed, or getting to the “bottom” of something, but actually it has been “hiding” in plain sight all this time.

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2018 Aries New Moon

Vivian SmallMoon Report


Sunday, April 15, 2018

9:57pm EDT, 6:57pm PDT, 2:57am (4/16) GDT

26 Aries 02


The Libra Full Moon on 31 March gave us the opportunity to really examine how we look at “the Other”, that is, what appears to be “not us.” The journey from that Full Moon to this New Moon brought into full view all the ways we identify something as ‘not us.”  The reality is that we are part of everything. Each of us is a unique expression of Source, and the life each of us is living is a one-time deal. What that means is we have this one lifetime to achieve the plans and goals we set in place before we were born. This is reflected in the natal chart—which can be considered our own plot of land where we have placed key qualities of consciousness (signs) and archetypes (planets and points) to assist our navigation through our spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical body experiences.

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