Birth of the Aquarian HeartMind

SonreyaCosmic Consciousness Articles

I feel like things unfold over time in a logical way that builds and layers energy and consciousness. Looking at tonight’s Venus conjunct Alcyone at the degree of purity of 1 Gemini, this building and layering really stands out to me.
On May 20, 2012 there was a Solar eclipse New Moon conjunct Alcyone at 1 Gemini.  Seeds of ascending consciousness were planted here in our realm of experience. Hello 2012, the year that everything here began its’ metamorphosis!
After the appropriate years of gestation, on November 23, 2018 there was a Full Moon at the same degree of 1 Gemini to activate those seeds of ascension as they began to break forth through the surface of our mundane awareness. Our wombs of consciousness began to grow full with the purity of this Gemini 1 Full Moon.
Then, on May 21, 2019, there was a Sun Mercury superior conjunction, also at 1 Gemini. The soular consciousness of our solar system brought in a new cycle of the Divine Masculine through the Diamond Mind. The Illuminated Divine Masculine began to lay out the Devic framework for the birthing room of the Diamond Mind of Aquarian Consciousness in the first degree of Gemini. All that was needed would be included. Mercury’s preparations have included opening a wormhole on the Gemini New Moon on June 3. If a wormhole is not a birth canal, I don’t know what it is! Mercury is so thorough in his support of the Divine Feminine that he will also return to Source in a retrograde cycle while in this wormhole that he rules.
June 08, 2019, we continue this process of ascension that started in May 2012 with the Divine Feminine Venus, midwifed by Alcyone, giving birth at the degree of purity 1 Gemini to our HeartMind, now embodying and grounding the new Aquarian cycle in our solar system and here in our lives on our Earth.  Of course, the birthing Venus is surrounded and supported by her select sister goddesses in the master degrees of Taurus – Sedna at 28 Taurus (Keeper of the Divine Feminine, now remembered) and Astraea at 30 Taurus (the fully integrated Divine Feminine – exactly what we are birthing into this world).  The Aquarian HeartMind to be birthed is Whole; Divine Feminine in sacred Partnership with Divine Masculine.
I wondered where our dear midwife Ceres, that brings us out of the dark places, is in this momentous and deLIGHTFULL flow of events. Of course, she is quietly providing her support from the higher Mind of 5 Sagittarius inconjunct Uranus, the great Awakener at 5 Taurus, providing the simple choice for unconditional Love as we undergo the labors of the changes that awaken us. I hear Ceres’ soft, calming midwife voice whispering to Venus to just let go, let go of all that stands in the way of your BEING all that you Know You are here to Be. Awaken to the Wholeness of your HeartMind. Chiron, the Master Healer, at 5 Aries, is part of this birthing of HeartMind in a fire/unconditional Love trine to Ceres at 5 Sagittarius as she lends her midwifery support to Venus and her birthing team.
I have to feel that the Taurean earth stellium of purification and power of Ultima Thule at 18 Capricorn (Beyond the known world),  Saturn at 20 Capricorn (manifesting Heaven on Earth), Arawn at 21 Capricorn (Bringer of the Light), Pluto at 23 Capricorn (the Phoenix building it’s new ascension body of rainbow light to fly away to the mythic “land of milk and honey”), and Chariklo at 24 Capricorn (Gentle, giving devoted service) are also attending this birth of the Aquarian HeartMind through their powerful earth trine to Sedna at 28 Taurus and Astraea at 30 Taurus. I gladly give a stellium a larger orb. There can be no question that Chariklo at 24 Capricorn has gathered the power of the Capricorn stellium and is joining this power stellium of Heaven on Earth in trine with Sedna and Astraea at the master Taurean degrees. The strong presence of the earth element at Venus’s birthing the HeartMind at 1 Gemini is the completion of the grounding of Aquarian manifestation into this realm. There is no doubt in my mind about the date when the Age of Aquarius is birthed onto this 3D planet.
Eric Francis associates Alcyone with the Star card in Tarot: “I think basically that what we have here is an image of a unified consciousness; a holos or integrated cosmos. The card is associated with Aquarius.” Origin stories tell of the presence of a great Star at the birth of Jesuah and other great master teachers, all of whom are archetypes of Master Consciousness of the HeartMind in human form in this world. Taking in this progression of energies at 1 Gemini in the Diamond Mind since May 20, 2012 to tonight’s birthing of our Aquarian HeartMind at 1 Gemini on June 8, 2019, we can see Alcyone as the bright Pleiadean Star over Venus as she brings forth the fully developed new Aquarian Diamond HeartMind. She – WE – are well attended. May we choose Love without limits and allow our star HeartMinds to shine forth through everything as we move through these times of birthing the Golden Age.
Sonreya with great Love