SonreyaCosmic Consciousness Articles

Ixion, the promise our soul made when we entered this incarnation and plane of existence, turned direct September 10, at 26 Sagittarius 33’. Ixion is conjunct the Part of Fortune at 28 Sag 59’.  The way individual aspects like Ixion direct conjunct the Part of Fortune are emerging as predominant briefly in the stellar background field of what I feel DEEPLY is the actual birthing of Christ Consciousness (Virgo New Moon stellium Grand Trine August 30th) and the second coming of Christ Consciousness to Earth a few days later ((Mars new cycle with Orcus in Virgo – Our awareness and consciousness of our True Immortal Self – on September 4th) I am going to give a little more latitude to the orbs allowed for aspects, especially to the 5th dimensional ascension planets and asteroids. My working definition of Christ Consciousness is awakening and remembering that we are all ONE, including with Source. Now that Christ Consciousness is now tangibly here en masse in our third dimensional world, it is pretty darn exciting and gives us all great hope for what is transpiring on the planet, stressful and challenging as it is to the limited perceptions of our ego minds.
Let’s take a look at what Ixion retrograde meant. When a planetary body is retrograde, it is returning to the Light, to Source, to gather ascension frequencies that have never been here on this planet in the third dimension before. When that body of Light turns direct like Ixion did on September 10th, it delivers the new gift of ascension frequencies, all at once, to the planet and all beings who share it as a whole. It does not dole the gift out in small bites. It does what it turned direct to do – it delivers the gift; hands it to us. It’s ours now. Happy Birthday. And many more. There is nothing partial or doled out over time about retrograde gifts.
No wonder retrogrades frighten some people – they bring back such intense new and definitely unfamiliar frequencies and energies for the beings who live here to ground, integrate, balance and align and express in their lives. Sometimes, yes, Mercury retrograde and other retrogrades can appear to us to be disruptive, but that discomfort has not come from the retrograde planet, Mercury, Ixion, or the gift of Source energies being given to us. That discomfort is coming from us disrupting things around us. WE are so darn rigid and fixed in our ways, so attached to how we think things are, that it is our own resistance to the gift that overloads and breaks a few of our own circuits – not the retrograde planet and not the gifted ascension frequencies. We’re doing it to ourselves and blaming the retrograde and the planet. Projecting our issues externally out into the world around us and assigning blame onto others is, sadly, a common human habit of separation.
Think about it.  It is our own resistance to new frequencies that fries our circuits internally and sometimes externally, not the wonderful loving gift of retrograde energy just gifted to us. Perhaps be vigilant for peace and especially mindful to take extra good care of yourself when retrogrades are around. Be prepared to welcome and ground the wonderful new energies, perhaps through a celebration and welcoming ritual. Do some intentional spiritual work with how and where that retrograde planet is transiting through your chart during its retrograde and especially when it returns and hands you the Birthday gift. When you ground, integrate and balance the newly delivered Light frequencies it is important to put them to use so they become a comfortable and natural part of your experience. Eat healthy, exercise, meditate and do service, and you will sail easily through every retrograde cycle of awakening and ascension.
Ixion, the archetype in our Higher Minds of our soul’s purpose, has just handed us an amazing Birthday present conjunct the Part of Fortune! This absolutely goes hand in hand with the Virgo New Moon stellium Grand Trine and Mars bringing up the rear as the Virgo stellium moved past Orcus, our Immortal Self. In fact, Orcus has just handed us a whole lot of Birthday presents! The Part of Fortune says Birthday Party to me! It’s definitely a Birthday party from Ixion/Part of Fortune for each and every one of us, and for all sentient beings here, when our Immortal Selves start new cycles of Christ Consciousness and then Ixion, our individual (and the collective) soul purpose/promise, partners with the Part of Fortune to inspire each of us to take our places and create the New Order. Heaven on Earth, 5th dimension, the beginning of the next Golden Age – however you choose to look at it. The Real YOU just got re-born here with a brand-new physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body and life (all the personal planets in that Virgo stellium Grand Trine New Moon on August 30th) WOW!  Our Soul Purpose and the global purpose partnered with the promise of our Fortune fulfilled and manifested.
BUT WAIT! If you act right NOW, this Ascension Special comes with a set of stainless steel bowls and Ginzu knives! (If you are old enough to catch that reference)! Kidding, kidding. That used to be an informercial selling something I can’t even remember what. It was so hokey – like happiness for people is bowls and knives for the kitchen. THIS Ascension Special comes with SO MUCH MORE! Stephanie just brought to my attention – and this is HUUGGE! – that transiting Ixion at 26 Sagittarius is conjunct the GALACTIC CENTER at 23 Sagittarius! How had I missed that the Galactic Center, the central black hole of our Milky Way galaxy also moving retrograde, connecting us to and bringing to us the Language of Light from Source Energy, is conjunct this whole story?!



I believe that All energies passing through the Galactic Center are ascension frequencies. Spirit has described black holes to me as step down generators and step up generators. Another word for generators in electrical engineering jargon is, are you ready for this – transformers! The function of step down and step up generators is to transform electrical energy from one frequency to another so that the energy can be used effectively.  If you’re interested in the mechanical concept you can check  out this page https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/textbook/alternating-current/chpt-9/step-up-and-step-down-transformers/  and simply translate what you read into your own spiritual understanding about pure Light energies and the Ascension process.
With our personal and the collective soul purposes, the promises we each made coming into this lifetime, conjunct the black hole at the center of our home galaxy, here is my intuition about step down and step up transformers:
Source steps down the Language of Light through an interdimensional (non-space/non-time) system of what astronomers and scientists currently refer to as black holes. They all agree that black holes are phenomenally powerful. That’s putting it mildly. Let’s not leave out the connections between Laniakea, the Super Galactic Center, and the limitless beyond that bring and deliver the Birthday gifts of the Language of Light into our galaxy, through our Sun to our planet Earth, and then through Terra Gaia to each of us. There is a triangulation between our souls, this planet, and our bodies.  Terra Gaia steps down the Language of Light from Source through our spiritual, mental, emotional and then our physical bodies.  When the Language of Light has entered this triangulation, we can become aware of it through our neurological system at our physical level. That is the process of a step-down generator, more accurately called a step-down transformer. The Light gifts from Source are most definitely being given to us to transform us.


The flow is reversed in a step-up generator/transformer. It is us as individuals communicating with Source through the Language of Light up through the intergalactic and interdimensional system of black holes.  Quantum physics theorizes that there are a minimum of twelve dimensions. The number twelve is most familiar in our sacred histories and systems of understanding – obviously noting twelve houses of the tropical zodiac. Humans have developed multiple understandings and rituals around how we remain connected with and can communication with Source. The Institute of Noetic Sciences, which performs research on human consciousness and energy, has done and gathered quite a few studies on the real power of prayer. Shamanic traditions around the world and throughout our history have been build on ways to communicate with other realms of existence and what we call Great Spirit using the Language of Light. The Mayans and other ancient spiritual traditions speak of connection through a stellar River of Light.
The current, brilliant Ascension stellium of Pluto (the ascension phoenix), Saturn (Heaven on Earth) , the South Node (completing forgiving ourselves), Arawn (Bringer of the Light), Ultima Thule (beyond the known world), and Chariklo (the steadfast, gentle grace and devotion of our True Christ Selves) is an unprecedented step up transformer. It will soon be expanded beyond imagination by transiting Jupiter joining the stellium. The birthing of and coming to every one of us of Christ Consciousness had to precede Jupiter expanding this ascension stellium. We are being prepared spiritually according to our understanding, mentally, emotionally, and physically for the ascension of Terra Gaia and this entire solar system and our own ascension. This is one heck of a Birthday party getting going here!
The South Node is the key in this ascension stellium step up transformer. It is the key to our personal step up transformers. It is our responsibility to forgive all our unresolved karma from, at a minimum the past 28,000 years, and more likely ALL of millions of years of personal, human, and interspecies karma of judgment and separation from the True Oneness of the Sunship and Source. We have free will to awaken and grow at our own pace. We forgive by letting go of our karmic accumulations of judgments and errors by sending them to the Light for purification. We RECEIVE THE LIGHT and we GIVE BACK TO THE LIGHT by letting go of the separation from the Oneness of all Beings through our free will choice of forgiveness.
I think most of us are aware that the planet we know as Terra Gaia/Earth is a sentient being in her own right and that she is also ascending. There will be plenty of parallel planet “earths” in the holodeck program for those who choose to take their time waking up and choosing LOVE and ONENESS, but the planet we live on right now is ascending in her own right. She is not our victim, much as it looks like she and other life forms are. We’re all in this together. In Truth there are no victims and perpetrators. I’ll save that for the book.
This extraordinary Ascension stellium in Capricorn, the sign of manifesting Heaven on Earth, is not here to cause suffering. That is on us. What is happening now is that we are sitting in a step-up transformer that serves brilliantly as a way for us to forgive what we have made using our own free will to judge and divide ourselves and separate ourselves from all other life forms.  And Ixion conjunct our Fortune is in an ascension stellium with the Galactic Center, the closest step down / step up transformer to our solar system! I am SO grateful to Stephanie, in the midst of her own ascension process, to see and take the time to let me know that Ixion is conjunct the Galactic Center so I could properly edit this blog!
No special gifts of stainless-steel bowls and Ginzu knives with this Ascension special. But here is some delicious frosting on the Birthday cake: Ixion conjunct the Part of Fortune and the Galactic Center is making a delightful semi-sextile to the Pluto/Saturn/South Node events in the latter degrees of Capricorn. Personally, I don’t think any aspect is a minor aspect. People have just not been aware – busy looking for overt ego dramas – so perhaps they miss for a while the still, subtle voice of Spirit communicating through the Language of Light.  Ixion/Part of Fortune/Galactic Center in semi-sextile is attracting the ascension stellium energies of Pluto (the ascension phoenix), Saturn (Heaven on Earth) , the South Node (completing forgiving ourselves), Arawn (Bringer of the Light), Ultima Thule (beyond the known world), and Chariklo (the steadfast, gentle grace and devotion of our True Christ Selves)! A semi-sextile requires a wee little bit of effort from you – nothing more than just the letting in of the new frequencies you just got gifted with.  Just in in-breath.
SO – “What’s in your wallet?”  You might want to take a look.  Where are the master degrees of 27 – 30 Sagittarius in your Starry Map/birth chart? Where is your natal Ixion and Part of Fortune and where is transiting Ixion and Part of Fortune today moving through your Starry Map?  We can all easily pull our Starry Maps up on Astrodienst, click on “Free Horoscopes” and then click on “Natal Charts and Transits”. The Part of Fortune, Ixion and the Galactic Center are in the “Additional Objects” column on the left. Click to see where these three bodies are in your natal chart and where they are transiting right now. A good thing to contemplate on perhaps as you eat your Birthday cake.


Sonreya / Pamela Chamberlynn      
 IXION TURNED DIRECT – “WHAT’S IN YOUR WALLET?” © Permission to share with credit to author
Pamela does Ixion Soul Purpose Readings. Contact me at (850) 329-6638 or pchamberlynn@comcast.net with subject heading ASTROLOGY