Friday, February 5, 2016
I have been and still am traveling, visiting family and hanging with friends. I am out of my usual routines of meditating, exercise and eating, and having alone time. Seeing people you love in different circumstances provides so many lessons and realizations, about who they are, and ultimately, about who I AM. It is a constant realization that I have dropped out of my heart-center, and upon that realization, to go right back in, and observe how everything changes and softens. When something appears to go wrong, I visualize what I want to happen as already happening,….and it happens! Trust and surrender are they keys.
We all know how Venus connecting with Pluto brings up issues of powerlessness and victimization. I feel somehow this is an issue that affects women more, even though it affects men as well, as we are all One. Even in the world, where one woman is in the forefront, and another has been shut out of the debate, it is playing out. Will we stand up for ourselves or remain silent? From personal experience I am learning to speak up, but if it’s not done with Love, with the intention to clear the air and speak one’s truth, if it’s done with anger and shouting, then the result is just resistance from the Other (which is really resistance within oneself). The only way out is through Love. And that begins with each of us, for our Selves.
Today also, Vesta connects with Uranus in a new cycle, where we access our devotion to our own intuition, our own awakening. This is occurring in the Aquarius hour of unconditional Self Love. We are in service to ourselves here, and Venus is coming to make a stepping stone to Uranus/Vesta, requiring us to step up our Self-esteem and to remember to value our Selves.
The Great Eliminator inconjunct between Mars in Scorpio (in the hour of emotional power) and Uranus/Vesta in Aries (in the hour of loving ourselves unconditionally as Source does) provides us with a choice: we can ignore/resist being loving to ourselves and have those lessons be delivered suddenly through actions from others or some physical event, or we can allow/accept whatever comes, with the understanding that this acceptance is HOW we love ourselves. If your body talks, it is leading you to your Heart; listen and be grateful.