Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog

               Chiron/Earth Star Communion

Stephanie’s Master Class entitled The Political Landscape of 2020 took place on March 7. It was a lot of fun looking at all the relevant charts and possibilities… You can purchase the MP4 RIGHT HERE.  (Fee: $35)

Stephanie’s Cosmic Consciousness Certification Course is underway again and all are welcome.  If you would like to join the class, there is room and I would love to have you!  Please email me at for details…

HERE’S MORE COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS FROM  Shelly LealJan Finley, Christine ClemmerSonreyaand Vivian Small!

It’s Friday the 13th. For the first time in a long time, that’s scarier than usual, probably because of the backdrop of terror instilled in so many of us because we are face to face with the unknown. It’s important to remember that we are ALWAYS face to face with the unknown, and that only something that threatens “death” can get us to stop pretending we know something we don’t. We don’t know anything. We NEVER do. It’s important to be able to surrender to that Truth, so that we can learn to live with this virus.

It strikes me that this new virus can only be connected to the bigger transits… And the ongoing, long term Quaoar/Earth Star communion certainly has a lot to do with it. We must look up…altar our thoughts… make sure we are looking at the positive, the Source, and not the negative and the fear.
I received this amazing column from one of our community, Lucira Jane Nebelung, and with her permission, I am reprinting the entire column here.

When the World Falls Apart, People Come Together

(Blessings offered to us by COVID-19 to grow, mature and evolve as human beings):

We learn that we are in this life together and that we must be equally responsible for ourselves and all others in our choices.

We see the interdependencies in our societal-economic-political system and its pathologies.

We see the interdependence between our individuality and the collective.

We learn to appreciate and respect facts, evidence and science.

We learn to appreciate the value and importance sound, competent governance and business stewardship based in truth, integrity, transparency, and accountability that comprise Leading as Love.

With our externally driven, busy lives with its distractions and entertainment removed, we are invited to go within in self-reflection and listen to our Soul.

In our “isolation”, we learn to appreciate our connection and unity as human beings and with Life.

Life gives what we need to grow and transform not what we want to stay in our comfort zone of the illusion of separation.

This Quaoar Earth Star Communion offers us the prolonged chance to lift our fear based reactions to the higher purpose and begin to see the reason for it all. There is always a reason. ALWAYS. Quaoar gives us the capacity and the creative power to manifest thoughts and beliefs we’ve never dared to have before…
Don’t entertain your fears for a moment more than you have to. And the only time you have to is when you’re unaware that they have taken hold. Stay awake. Look after you. All is well. All is always well.

Prema Agni

“The fact is that everything is energy and everything has a frequency. May the frequency of this protect you and your family from coronavirus and any virus that is not in alignment with love. LLLD”
~Derek O’Neill