Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog

                 BLACK MOON TURNS DIRECT

Stephanie’s Spring Equinox Webinar will take place on Saturday April 4 at 12 noon EDT. Please stand by for the registration link, which will appear very soon….

Stephanie’s Cosmic Consciousness Certification Course is underway again and all are welcome.  If you would like to join the class, there is room and I would love to have you!  Please email me at for details…

HERE’S MORE COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS FROM  Shelly LealJan Finley, Christine ClemmerSonreyaand Vivian Small!

Well it turns out the Quaoar Earth Star Communion became exact yesterday, at 1:02am EDT. It will remain in effect unti March 24, when the Earth Star Node will pull away from Quaoar by more than 1 degree. By April 5, the Earth Star Chakra will be exactly half way between Quaoar and Ixion. And it till take until MAY 4 for the Earth Star Node to reach the end of Capricorn, enter Sagittarius and come together with Ixion at 29 Sagittarius 59. World Axis. I have talked about Quaoar and Ixion traveling together many times. Everyone alive on the planet right now has these two planets no further than 10 degrees apart, and usually much much closer. It is a “communion” that marks every single birth chart for all of humanity at this time. They will not begin to move away from each other until approximately 2050. That should tell us something about the timing of our entry into the new order.

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