Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog

                Mars Jupiter New Cycle

Stephanie’s Master Class entitled The Political Landscape of 2020 took place on March 7. It was a lot of fun looking at all the relevant charts and possibilities… You can purchase the MP4 RIGHT HERE.  (Fee: $35)

Stephanie’s Cosmic Consciousness Certification Course is underway again and all are welcome.  If you would like to join the class, there is room and I would love to have you!  Please email me at for details…

HERE’S MORE COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS FROM  Shelly LealJan Finley, Christine ClemmerSonreyaand Vivian Small!

The Saturn Pluto new cycle turns out to be the reflection of our most recent war. We are at war with a virus. The President has declared Martial Law, and let’s pray that’s just temporary. We are each fighting the good fight in our own personal spaces. No matter how you slice it, the moment has come to cut away all superfluous limiting beliefs… all those ‘less than’ ideas we have carried about our Selves for so long. Everything is being cut away. Work, school, money, friends everything about every day life has changed. We are in the middle of a Mars Jupiter new cycle that is delivering us to the Jupiter Pluto communion that marks the rest of the year. SOMETHING is about to get much much bigger, but consider that what that something is is still up to us.

Just as the Sun moved into Aries and Mars came into range of this new cluster of planets in Capricorn, the language turned war like. We are fighting an entity we know little about. I learned when I was dealing with Cancer that the dis-ease is a guest… a visitor that requires the same kind of TLC as any guest would deserve. When you Love the state you’re in, Love wins, every time.
I have stopped watching the news. No matter what anyone’s interests or motives are, fear is being spun at speeds we have never seen before. We don’t get it and we may never be able to understand… but what we can do… always… is to BE RIGHT where we are and let it all be, just exactly as it is, without fear. Everything is all right. It is always all right. No big buts allowed please. Logic is not your friend right now. It is the mind’s weapon and it will lead you down the rabbit hole every time.
Yesterday and the day before yesterday Arawn came together with Jupiter and Mars. Today Mars comes together with Jupiter and he will come together with Pluto on Monday morning. These aspects are all energizing the upcoming Jupiter Pluto new cycle that begins on April 4th and continues all year long, completing in Mid November, after the election.
The Black Moon forms resources with all of these planets today. If you take your hands off the driver’s wheel, if you stop trying to figure out what’s really going on, you will catch glimpses of the Truth that will rock your world.
It serves to remember that this is Saturn’s last day in Capricorn, his own sign, until later in the year, when he retrogrades back in for the election cycle, to bring the lessons home. (Don’t get too excited… the lessons we learn have not been determined yet, and they come down to what we do with this battle royale we are moving through at warp speed right now.)
I printed Ellias Lonsdale’s meditation for today’s Mars Jupiter new cycle yesterday, because Arawn is also present at this degree. I will offer it up one more time, because it’s amazing. Thank you for your permission Ellias! You can purchase Ellias’ book Star Sparks RIGHT HERE.

  Capricorn 23:  An old priest using oil to anoint a carved stone lingam.

               “Command of ancient forces. The set apart path of one who must recapitulate previous karmic attainments and make sure to fulfill them now in a quintessential fashion. Driven by destiny from the start in unmistakable ways. Guided to hold true to lineage, to stick with the hidden teachings, and to regenerate the old stock by waking up within it, as this life time inevitably pulls toward.
               Detached witness consciousness. Inwardly timeless and sage-like. Gifted in acute discernment. Most adept at the very things modern consciousness slides over and misses. The throwback.
               Bearing a grave continence, a solemn presence. Purposive, concentrated, no fooling around. Set definite ritual tasks within the framework of research, investigation, and uncovering hidden clues and cues.
               Brilliant in ways that can go quite far. If training and opportunity permit, a boundless supply of useable awareness to fulfill the task and keep at it. Not to be denied.
               Involved within the ancient masculine brotherhood hierarchies, and guiding streams. Working from behind the scenes. Wielding power with strength and determination. Not very receptive and easy going. Far more emphasizing the virtues of dedication and commitment. Missing many parts that would complete the picture.
               Narrowly, one-pointedly setting out upon a destiny course that is supported by previous lives and hidden forces. Instruction as constant from the dawn of the world to the indefinite future.
               Most deeply gifted with the rare ability to tap a vital sourcespring that never runs dry. This can go on forever. It only get stronger and clearer as it ripens and holds steady.”


“Stock up on poetry not toilet paper,
Grace rather than guns.
Gorge on love,
Which multiplies like loaves and fishes.
Call people and talk for hours,
Fill their hearts with hope.
Hoard every sweet moment of your life
And then release each one into the world
To seed more joy.
Be stingy with nothing,
Least of all yourself.
Ensure the shelves of your heart never fall bare,
That your soul seeds new sprouts
And the wings of your imagination
Refuse containment.
May you realize what matters, who matters,
The rock that you can be,
When the world is shaking.
Stockpile only what is limitless,
And can be shared with all.”
~Mary Reynolds Thompson