Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog

               Black Moon Dancing On and On…

PLEASE JOIN ME for my ANNUAL SPRING EQUINOX WEBINAR… Saturday April 4, 2020 at 12 noon EDT. CLICK HERE for details and to REGISTER. (Fee: $35)  PLUS MEMBERS CLICK HERE

Stephanie’s Cosmic Consciousness Certification Course is underway again and all are welcome.  If you would like to join the class, there is room and I would love to have you!  Please email me at for details…

HERE’S MORE COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS FROM  Shelly LealJan Finley, Christine ClemmerSonreyaand Vivian Small!

These next few days are wild, delivering us to the Aries New Moon early Tuesday morning… Saturn, the inner Teacher has left his own sign temporarily, and he will be moving through Aquarius for the next couple of months. This will change our social consciousness, bringing us all together in more and more profound ways. The Black Moon dances incessantly for the next few days. She whips up a frenzy wherever there is darkness or cloudy perception. She has na uncanny way of pulling the Truth out of the shadows, like sticking in her thumb and pulling out a plum. She’s a master at it.

As you can see there are NINE important aspects that occur on this 22nd day of March. 22 is a master number. It produces new structure and meaning in those places most in need of them. The Black Moon crosses the world axis today and enters Aries one more time. She will dip back into Pisces, crossing the world axis two more times, once on April 12 and again on April 17, and that’s the last time the Black Moon will move through Pisces for nearly 18 years. That portal that connects the limitless realm of consciousness (Pisces) with the very personal realm of Self-realization (Aries) can be considered the birth canal. It is the place where we all move from spirit into the ‘idea’ of Being.
This is important happening at this time, as Saturn shifts into humanitarian Aquarius and begins to resonate with Uranus (who disposes Aquarius), now transiting Taurus. There’s a certain kind of new groundedness to this shift, and it comes on the heels of three planets changing signs this weekend (Vesta, Saturn and the Black Moon).
Uranus manifests with Quaoar today too. This is a very VERY rare aspect. It awakens us to the higher levels of perception that have opened to us through all the stress and strain of the global experience these days. Mercury finds resource with both Uranus AND Quaoar, delivering us at the level of the higher Mind to an entirely new set of parameters for perceiving the world.
Tomorrow the Black Moon comes together with Chiron, Salacia and the Sun, and by the end of the day the Moon also enters Aries, in preparation for one of the most important new Moons we’ve experienced in a long time. That New Moon joins the crossroad that has been ongoing in the earlier part of the power signs. New beginnings are upon us.
Tomorrow, while the Black Moon dances through FIVE aspects, it’s a perfect time to take an inbreath and suspend all limiting belief. Prepare for what might be next. Don’t try to recreate what has already been created. Let it all be. Let it unfold. Be present for the birthing of the new world.
“As a moment of relief for most Light workers, with suggestions of a personal quarantine to slow the spread of corona virus, now we have the perfect invitation to continue rebuilding our life force energy for the Light we are called to anchor in honor of our awakening humanity.  
I assure you humanity is steeped in a collective awakening, where the opportunity to transcend fear first comes from becoming more aware of it, which this current new headline era of reality has ushered in to perfection. While it is helpful to remind people to not drain their immune system by being steeped in fear, the most compelling way to convey such wisdom is through demonstration. As each of us rebuilds the reservoirs of energy throughout our field, much like the regular charging of a cell phone, we are able to withstand the gravity of other people’s fears without being swept away by patterns of scarcity and survival mode.”
Matt Kahn