Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie Azaria & Shelly LealCosmic Consciousness Blog

HERE’S MORE COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS FROM  Shelly LealJan Finley, Christine ClemmerSonreya, Beth Nolte and Bernice Kadatz!

If you missed Stephanie’s master class “The Turning Point” it’s not too late. Click Here to purchase your copy.

AN UPDATE FROM  STEPHANIE: I am recovering slowly but surely, still having some trouble with my eyes, waiting, according to doctor’s orders, another few weeks to see if things get better. The sabbatical I’ve been on is doing me a world of good. I am feeling far more buoyant and hopeful for the future and what it holds. I am incredibly grateful to Shelly for holding down the fort for me as she has, and for all the others who contribute to the site on a regular basis.
Today Mercury recovers his retrograde shadow, and the New Moon in Pisces occurs. By themselves, these are big energies. By returning to the degree where he began his retrograde, Mercury begins a whole new cycle of thinking and communicating, just in time for the last New Moon of the winter season. This is a turning point, a harbinger of spring and a new beginning of its own. But there’s more!

Ready to begin anew, Mercury resources the Galactic Center as well as the New Moon. Just a few degrees away, in Aries, the Ceres Chiron new cycle occurs, also a major new beginning of healing, alignment and wholing. As if that wasn’t enough, Vesta and Orcus commune for the 2nd time, reviewing our devotion to accessing the immortal part of our Selves.
Neptune disposes the New Moon, and yet another new cycle occurs, between Venus and Neptune, only 3° away from the New Moon, and such a big part of it. With clarity of heart and Source-based thinking, our capacity to create anew is limitless—there is no telling what can result from the 4 communions occurring today.
For more information on today’s energies, please see Christine Clemmer’s Weekly article, my Monthly column and Beth Nolte’s amazing New Moon Report.
Below are Ellias Lonsdale’s meditations on the Pisces New Moon and the Ceres Chiron new cycle, reprinted with the author’s permission from his book Star Sparks:

Pisces 24:  A spring festival. The participants are in a state of ecstatic frenzy.

(New Moon in Pisces)

            “Being plunged into the deepest layers of collective, ancestral and personal remembering and restoring of everything that seemed to be gone. Working on the deep inside. Cast into spaces that are hard to understand at a conscious level.
                Offered the wondrous chance to connect with the Earth Spirit in a complete way. Being chosen to carry this stream within and to water it and foster it in every way. Even being propelled into cycles and phases of a kind few would expect, dream, or seek.
                Very strongly being inspired with a sense that structures must give way and Universal Spirit needs to be the cornerstone of our existence. Almost overwhelmingly pulled, magnetized, called into depths which make the usual round of things obsolete.
                In an ultimate sense, being given a trance possession, which in most instances is infinite relief and release. But this is an all-pervasive trance. It makes it much easier to penetrate through without a lot of ego baggage. We can access what we need to and still be quietly attending, inwardly receptive, not going all over the map with it.
                Those who do take up such trances may not know apparently what they’re doing. The camouflage can be pretty thick, the protective veils convincing. Yet there are telltale signs of what is really going on in here.
                The deep soul signals in distinctive ways that we are in tune with a taproot, synchronized within a part of Earth existence generally forgotten. And that soul sends forth the message, even if faltered or garbled, that the primal oneness is at hand.
                Communing with Source is an inward matter. It allows us to drop all appearances so fundamentally that if we allow it, we will truly awaken in the dream and find the real world.”

Aries 8:  A lizard dressed in blue satin and pointed shoes.

(Ceres Chiron)

               “Putting us all on. Semblances sensed as an open portal into playing with appearances to make them come out any way we want them to. Getting so far into this style that we can design our self-presentation to fit any situation that arises, or further whichever dynamics we feel identified with or wish to be representing and trying on for size.
               A dazzling quality of self-impersonation. We are just like ourselves, only perpetually exaggerated and played up. We are allergic to the subtle, the gradual, the unimpressive secondary factors. We just want to be there now and get it over with.
               The capacity to entertain, to impress, to charm, to manipulate, and to do whatever it takes. The motivation to toy with what we don’t take seriously anyway. Recognizing what is ephemeral can be experienced in its own wild sphere and partied with, taken anywhere we please.
               A tremendous temptation to abuse this edge and go over it into more serious errors and distortions. If we push it too far, if we really think we’re clever and cute, we are capable here of driving ourselves and everybody else crazy with the fascination, the compulsion, the addiction. But all of it is invented, contrived, put on.
               Even at our worst, all we are really doing here is experimenting. We are seeing how far we can go in each direction we feel most drawn to and unable to deny. We are intent upon making the most of our chance to become many ways or to momentarily track with whatever happens to arise.
               There is often denial linked with this frequency. We won’t let ourselves consciously realize what we are doing and why. Usually this component is the one that stops us the most. The skillful means is to take it all the way, to be ingenious and resourceful and just a bit wild and wacky. When you’ve got it and you flaunt it, this can be quite a gift, or it can be a stuck place if you let it.”
The Venus Neptune new cycle will be posted tomorrow.

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