Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie Azaria & Shelly LealCosmic Consciousness Blog

HERE’S MORE COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS FROM  Shelly LealJan Finley, Christine ClemmerSonreya, Beth Nolte and Bernice Kadatz!

If you missed Stephanie’s master class “The Turning Point” it’s not too late. Click Here to purchase your copy.

AN UPDATE FROM  STEPHANIE: I am recovering slowly but surely, still having some trouble with my eyes, waiting, according to doctor’s orders, another few weeks to see if things get better. The sabbatical I’ve been on is doing me a world of good. I am feeling far more buoyant and hopeful for the future and what it holds. I am incredibly grateful to Shelly for holding down the fort for me as she has, and for all the others who contribute to the site on a regular basis.
Today is a huge day astrologically, with a plethora of important aspects. Venus has been following the Sun for weeks, and today they finally come together in a new cycle. As if that isn’t enough, Black Moon and Uranus commune for the 14th time, and the Mars Soul Star Chakra (N. Node) new cycle occurs as will…all before noon.
The Sun Venus new cycle is really a triple conjunction with Salacia. It focuses our consciousness on what our hearts truly want, what we truly value, as we create our new world and in turn are being changed by it. Salacia reminds us that this can be joyful and, pardon the pun, lighthearted. In addition, Venus resources Quaoar and makes a Light Bridge to MakeMake, signifying the rightness of what we discover in our hearts and how it fits in with the divine plan. After all, we are part of the divine plan.
Quaoar connects with Venus, the Sun and Pallas today. That brings the balance that creates higher thought into our hearts, sparking the consciousness that arises from the awakened heart. Ceres connects with the nodes, infusing new life into our intentions for the future.
Black Moon is busy too, communing with Uranus once again, and making a great eliminator with MakeMake, as she did a few weeks ago. These new revelations are easier to understand when we choose to see them as part of the greater cosmic plan.
Finally, Mars conjoins with the dharmic Soul Star chakra, connecting our physicality (which includes our environment, the climate, and the world around us) with the evolutionary side of the nodal bridge. We know our bodies are adapting to the higher frequencies that permeate our world. We must apply conscious wisdom to see what motivates our actions, and if it’s not Love, it must be changed. In order to act appropriately and with compassion, we must Love with the mind and integrate it with the heart. This is the path towards the future.
Here are Ellias Lonsdale’s meditations on the Black Moon Uranus communion and the Mars Soul Star new cycle, reprinted with the author’s permission from his book Star Sparks. Please see yesterday’s Sun Salacia meditation at 6 Aries, it is the same degree as today’s Sun Venus new cycle.

Taurus 9:  A talkative woman with tape over her mouth.

(Black Moon Uranus communion)

            “She exists on several levels at once. The outward level is for her a throw away. So much so that she will almost invariably deprive herself of outlet, of easy ways to spread or disperse or scatter her seed. Instead of those masculine out-breathing frequencies of putting everything out there on the line, she will go further inside and try the next level.
                However, the same litany occurs at this next deeper level. Once again, she discovers that she could use up her inspiration in idle chitchat, perhaps now of a more spiritual kind and more respectable, but this is counter indicated by her instinct for carrying through to satisfaction and fruition.
                Such a sequence can occur at any level. There is always the impulse to splurge, to make everything happen, to explain and justify and prove. Then there is the wisdom and constraint to be silent, to be watchful and wait. Each time she does this, whenever she holds her tongue and plunges further within, something uncanny happens.
                She finds that what she holds to steadily and faithfully builds up a resource, a reservoir that can become a real force to be reckoned with. Whereas whatever she seizes upon and grabs hold of as momentary flirtations, fascinations and curiosities, falls apart in her hands and leaves her stranded.
                Even so, it is surpassingly difficult to heed this kind of lesson consistently. This is because such a frequency is out-of-step with the world around. It is seeking instead of currency and legitimacy a world apart, a space of peace and wholeness having no interface with the usual considerations.
                She is called upon to develop spiritually and to make entirely inward the nature of her path. Once she agrees to do this unreservedly, she will be shown how to integrate an innermost source spring of inspiration with the heart of the world.”

Gemini 14:  A sorcerer materializes an amethyst cross.

(Mars Soul Star Chakra N. Node new cycle)

               “Working very hard to generate something new. Being assigned the task of doing everything required in order to make innovations, discoveries, and breakthroughs possible. A way of life dedicated to becoming the vehicle for invisible forces to work their magic through, for better or for worse.
               An exceedingly amoral way of approaching these matters. Coming from pure empirical levels. Only believing and following what shows up. Perhaps even tuned out altogether to whatever can’t be used, can’t be turned to good account.
               Wildly excited about the prospects of the latest discovery or project. Awake to all the implications and reverberations. Tending strongly to identify within, losimg the self inside of the enthusiasms, the currents which take charge.
               Talented beyond any boundaries in directions that can be abused, offered up, exploited endlessly. Raw material for making something happen here. The combination of intelligence and practical stuff to generate awarenesses that really might go anywhere, and that want to go everywhere the spark flies.
               Most especially granted a knack for putting the final touches on multiple factors coming together.  The completion of old business and venturing into areas previously untouched. The movement from worlds of old into worlds emerging on a whole different horizon.
               The somewhat overwhelming responsibility to wield effectively and ethically that which is inherently lawless and defiant of any and all imposed standards. Yet the objective is to bring forth something that is high frequency, that really means something. And to make that possible requires a whole lot of fast growth and evolvement and maturing.”


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