Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie Azaria & Shelly LealCosmic Consciousness Blog

HERE’S MORE COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS FROM  Shelly LealJan Finley, Christine ClemmerSonreya, Beth Nolte, Cari Campbell and Bernice Kadatz!

If you missed Stephanie’s master class “The Turning Point” it’s not too late. Click Here to purchase your copy.
AN UPDATE FROM  STEPHANIE: I am recovering slowly but surely, still having some trouble with my eyes, waiting, according to doctor’s orders, another few weeks to see if things get better. The sabbatical I’ve been on is doing me a world of good. I am feeling far more buoyant and hopeful for the future and what it holds. I am incredibly grateful to Shelly for holding down the fort for me as she has, and for all the others who contribute to the site on a regular basis.

Looking for a reading? For a 5D astrology reading based in Cosmic Consciousness, please email Shelly at Shelly can also assist with editing, email for details. For further adventures, check out The Other Side of 60. 


Do you notice how a day without major aspects often seems to precede a day with plenty of them? Yesterday there were only Black Moon connections, and today she’s still at it, making 4 aspects, one of which is yet another communion with Uranus—their 15th. Today is chock full of aspects, among them Mercury and Venus each making new cycles, with Chiron and Eris, respectively. This is one dynamic day, filled with lots of awakening and movement.

The Mercury Chiron new cycle delivers us to a new alignment of the mind, so necessary as we apply conscious discipline to letting Love enter our thoughts. With the energies so fast and distractions everywhere, that is no small feat. This new cycle is in an intimate (semisextile) aspect with Uranus, higher octave of Mercury, so it’s important to listen to the revelations or intuitive hits that might come along.
Black Moon connects with MakeMake and Vesta, before her meeting with Uranus. Divine timing is always perfect, and it is time for another wake-up call, to pay attention and listen for our truth. There will be more communions in store, but the fact that so many aspects occur today indicates that this one is more potent than most. And this conjunction is just minutes away from Albion; if we’re quiet we might be able to pick up the sounds of awakening.
But Venus leads the way, the first of the personal planets to commune with Chiron, and today she merges with Eris. The heart enters a new chapter, getting shaken and awakened by the pain of past wounds that come up for healing. The new revelations may prove surprising, but they will ring true.  Saturn’s manifestation with the dharmic Soul Star Chakra provides authenticity, structure and strength that will help move us forward.
Here are Ellias Lonsdale’s mediations for the Mercury Chiron new cycle and the Black Moon Uranus communion, reprinted with the author’s permission from his book Star Sparks. The Venus Eris new cycle will be posted tomorrow.

Aries 10:        Roots of a tree entwined around the statue of a nude woman.

(Mercury Chiron new cycle)
               “I am bound by vows to take my stand here. My wandering days are over. For I am meant to bear witness, to balance the equation, to reveal what only shows itself to me when I stay within the focus of the mysteries.
               Even as my outward movement ceases, my internal authority intensifies. The less I go out and do, the more I can accomplish by being present to this extraordinary chance I am given, which is to be active on the inside and be free of the turbulent waters, released to be strictly myself.
               Much of my focus is to root myself within myself, to take my body and soul and empower them to drink of the cup of this world without ceasing. I learn to make no apology for my considerable obsession. I must make something new arise out of all the old stuff I burn and compost and liberate.
               This interior quest is so fierce and demanding that I relinquish all claims upon reputation and currency, and supplant these with putting all my life on the line for something that can grow through me. I have no proof, no certainty, no guarantees. Yet so many Earth forces support that fiery instinct once I join them, tune in, go deep, and stay put.
               Everything tells me to get to work on myself and to do everything I possibly can to eliminate the costly error of the feverish attempt we easily succumb to. We want to be approved. We need to be appreciated. So we sell out our souls routinely. That’s what I stand against.
               What can happen is I become present to the here and now, authentic to the one I’ve always been, and from there hearken toward the one I am meant to become. What if I persist in the core practice of getting straight and getting clear and don’t sell this short for anything? What will come of this experiment?
               I do know where it goes. I do know what I’m doing. I’m tapping a wisdom older than the world. The only thing it tells me is take courage, walk courage, stay on with what is in you.”

Taurus 10: A man exhaling clouds of iridescent smoke.

(Black Moon Uranus communion)
            “Giving substance to dreams. Making manifest what is inward and ethereal. Being accustomed to the edge consciousness; the threshold sensibility that reaches into dream and vision and every inward state, seeking to turn it into something visible, tangible, and integral to the common world.
               Placed in pivotal positions to influence outcomes. Able to slip in there and suggest or insinuate what would otherwise seem out of reach, strange, remote. Specializing in turning insides out, turning worlds over, while remaining overtly calm, quiet, almost eerily removed.
               A trained will. Prepared and primed to bridge, to allow subtle spirit to permeate and do its magic between the lines. Often doing all this in a trance of subconscious carrying through on something agreed to long ago.
               Persistently eloquent in letting the edge speak. Getting out of the way so that awareness itself can perform its magic, often in seemingly ordinary ways. It all depends upon projecting an image of casualness, no big deal.
               Seeking to import, transfuse, or alchemize ingredients and factors which have been missing or neglected or marginalized. Perpetually on the look out for the X-factor which shifts the equations from almost to right on. Excellent at practical results. Always ready to make a difference, to serve, to get right in there and keep working until something shifts that really matters.
               Somewhat prone to contemplating this condition with a certain smug self-satisfaction. Definitely susceptible to self-consciousness and blowing one’s own horn. Always having to learn to dissolve those structures of assumption and to view self and world once again with beginner’s mind.
               Almost too good at doing something rarely accomplished. Obviously doing all this on special assignment. Given all the passwords and cues to crack through and insert that vital piece.”