Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog

                  Scorpio Full Moon

IRegistration is open for my upcoming Cosmic Astrochat… It’s a new kind of workshop (2 – 3 hours) that I’ve only done live and in person before. It’s a format that lends itself well to a small zoom gathering. It includes a discussion of a current transit, something very timely and significant, followed by a one on one 15 – 20 minute reading for each person present as to how the transit is personally affecting your chart… It’s great for those who want a small reading, and even more fascinating for those who are interested in the astrology and how to read a chart. I am keeping the attendance to a small group, no more than 10 or 12 people, and it will be first come first serve. I will offer these Astrochats every other month, and if there is an overflow of people, they will be the first in the next event. There’s room for a couple more people, but if you’re interested, let me know right away, at  because I will automatically schedule for the next event. The workshop will cost $125, the same price as a short session with me. It will also include the MP4, which will be a great teaching tool. Stay tuned for the details…

An entirely new section of my 2020 Cosmic Consciousness Certification Course begins next Monday evening. It’s time to learn about the 5D application of all the planets. If you’re interested in taking the course, this is the perfect time to jump in. Email me at for details…

HERE’S MORE COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS FROM  Shelly LealJan Finley, Christine ClemmerSonreyaand Vivian Small!

The Scorpio Full Moon occurs early this morning (EDT), bringing much of the deep and transformational emotional energies to a powerful crescendo. It is hard to ignore Pluto when he is dominant, and he has been in charge since the beginning of the year. (He will remain so for the next two years, just saying…). Today the full Moon belongs to, is disposed by, Pluto. The one thing Pluto requires is submission. PEACEFUL submission. If you can do that, in the fact of all that is happening right now, you have the opportunity to make excellent use of Pluto’s powers. What Pluto offers is rebirth and resurrection. It comes from the metamorphosis that happens when you allow your Self to be transformed. If you look beyond the pain and suffering, the difficulties of the moment, it’s almost impossible to deny that a major alchemical shift is taking place.


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