Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog

                  Sideways Elevators

Registration is now open for my 2020 Live Summer Solstice Webinar, “What on Earth is Happening Here?” The event will take place on the day of the solar eclipse, Sunday, June 21 at 2pm EDT, and we will explore all there is to know about the wild unprecedented events that are producing the very unusual year we are having. CLICK HERE for details and to register. PLUS MEMBERS CLICK HERE (Exchange: $33) You don’t have to be on the live call, your registration will secure your copy of the MP4. 

HERE’S MORE COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS FROM  Shelly LealJan Finley, Christine ClemmerSonreyaand Vivian Small!

This day features a Mars Neptune new cycle, and it has been building for a while. We can look at this new beginning (because that’s what it is) from each of the dimensions of consciousness. In 3D, we can say that there is anger and powerful pushback against both the state of human equality and the overwhelming state of boredom and unrest that has resulted from months of being locked up inside. Mars represents our energy and drive in 3D, and our capacity to take RIGHT action in 5D. Right action is the action that comes from the heart. It is informed by the heart and not the ego-driven, fear based mind.

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