Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog


Registration is now open for my 2020 Live Summer Solstice Webinar, “What on Earth is Happening Here?” The event will take place TOMORROW, on the day of the solar eclipse, Sunday, June 21 at 2pm EDT, and we will explore all there is to know about the wild unprecedented events that are producing the very unusual year we are having. CLICK HERE for details and to register. PLUS MEMBERS CLICK HERE (Exchange: $33) You don’t have to be on the live call, your registration will secure your copy of the MP4. 

You may now register for my upcoming brand new Cosmic Consciousness ZOOM virtual classroom, which will begin with a 6 part series on How to Read a 5D Chart. Classes will be 90 minutes, weekly or in some cases every other week, on Saturday afternoons at 1pm EDT, beginning in Mid-July. Please email me at to be placed on the class list. Due to the interactive nature of the subject matter, classes will be kept small.  (Exchange: $75/ per class or $400 for the entire course, prepaid). CLICK HERE to Register.

HERE’S MORE COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS FROM  Shelly LealJan Finley, Christine ClemmerSonreyaand Vivian Small!

The people at Night Sky Pix asked me to post this pretty amazing video they are offering on how to properly and safely photograph a solar eclipse. You can Check it out right here. As of 5:44pm this evening, (EDT) the Sun crosses the world axis, entering Cancer, and producing this year’s Solstice. The Solstice is an interesting phenomenon, in that it is the closest thing to a station of the Sun that we have. The Sun never goes retrograde, but when it approaches a solstice, either in June or in December, it slows down a great deal, so much so that it barely moves for three days. In the Northern hemisphere, the Sun has reached its zenith point. That is, after today and tomorrow, it will rise in the heavens a little bit lower each day. n the Southern Hemisphere, the Sun has reached its lowest point, and will begin to rise in the sky a little more each day from here, making the days longer until the next Solstice.

What makes this year’s Solstice so interesting is that THIS solar station coincides with the New Moon, producing a solar eclipse. A reboot of consciousness right smack on the world axis. That means that everyone on the planet is affected by this restart of the consciousness generator that is our Sun. This particular eclipse is an annular eclipse, also known as the ring of fire eclipse… The entire Sun is not blocked by the Moon, but it looks like the Moon is lit by a ring of fire instead. This eclipse will not be visible from the United States, because it occurs in the middle of the night. But that won’t make it any less potent.
Also, just two days ago, Mercury went retrograde conjunct Sirius, another point that affects every chart on the planet. Sirius is a star that carries some very conscious multidimensional energy, which in turn is being downloaded to every mind (Mercury) on the planet. And two weeks from now, a lunar eclipse that WILL affect th United States very directly, will occur exactly bridging (opposite) this Mercury/Sirius station. That implies that the downloads and new consciousness flooding in now will produce a major emotional shift in a couple of weeks.
I mentioned at the Spring Equinox that every season this year is intertwined with the others. There are greater events that span the entire year, and they can’t be seen as being apart from each other. It all goes together and counts as one gigantic transformation, courtesy of Pluto and his important transiting associates, Jupiter and Saturn. These three planets have produced just about everything that’s happened that has made this such an intensely different year.
Also today, to add to the gear shift that we have just begun, the Black Moon turns direct at 7 Aries. She is currently dancing with Chiron, and also with Eris and Uranus, busily waking us all up and bringing us into a perfect inner harmony of mind, heart, body and spirit. This is known as wholing. The Black Moon, the Great Unveiler, is slowly but certainly revealing the Truth that has always been there, but that the shadows and spin have prevented us from perceiving. It’s happening slowly, but those days are over.
Be prepared for the eclipse in the wee hours of the morning. Meditate or get your Self centered before you go to sleep tonight. This is a new Moon in Cancer, the first of two new Moons in Cancer in a row. Make your wishes, but then let them go. That is, turn them over to the universe, aka your own higher Self, to bring those dreams into full manifestation.
Here is Ellias Lonsdale’s meditation for today’s Black Moon station, reprinted with the author’s permission from his book Star Sparks..


Aries 7:  A double-headed eagle, the heads face in opposite directions.

               “Seeing something you can only view from two divergent vantage points. Keeping in your sights a polarity which can become either tremendously complicated or paradoxically and infinitely  resolvable into a whole different unity. But compelled to see and know and witness what never can be reduced to any given perspective or facet whatsoever.
               Being made to open vulnerably to the outside and the inside pulling us apart. Needing to be exposed at this level of intensity. For we must recognize the emergent facet which only comes when we have exhausted the usual round of explanations, interpretations, evaluations, and we must again meet directly just what is there.
               The trauma, the wounding, the violation. The healing, the wholeness, the reconciliation. The issues and the ropes, the beliefs and the projections. The discovery of how to find everything within us and all of it useful, necessary, and just what evolution needed us to be part of and awaking within.
               The endless pros and cons which are so persuasive, yet not at all. For we sense with rare acuity that the land of “both and” is claiming our allegiance and demanding that we burst open any and all remaining praise and blame, right and wrong, should have and shouldn’t have. It’s all in a day’s planetary awaking across the full spectrum of manifest phenomena.
               We have a potential here for something far more. We are knocking at the door of a future worth living in.  The only thing needed to enter and become conversant with open-ended mysteries is the slaying of the dead mind. A small thing to ask for such a great reward.
               We are granted a form of seeing which begins where others leave off. We become so in tune with what comes through all factions converging that we lose that hard ancient edge.”


“I prayed
without words this morning.
Earth answered
with wild poppies.
When I listened, she sang
the silence of flowers.
We come in many colors,
umber and cinnamon,
persimmon, olive and gold.
But we share one breath,
and surely, it is green.”
~Fred LaMotte