Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog

    Sideways Elevators/ Power Intersection

If you missed my June solstice Webinar, please CLICK HEREto purchase your copy. (Exchange: $33)

And registration is now open for my upcoming brand new Cosmic Consciousness ZOOM virtual classroom, which will begin with a 6 part series on How to Read a 5D Chart. Classes will be 90 minutes, weekly or in some cases every other week, on Saturday afternoons at 1 pm EDT, beginning in Mid-July. Please email me at to be placed on the class list. Due to the interactive nature of the subject matter, classes will be kept small.  (Exchange: $75/ per class or $400 for the entire course, prepaid). CLICK HERE to Register.

HERE’S MORE COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS FROM  Shelly LealJan Finley, Christine ClemmerSonreyaand Vivian Small!

As you can see, there are many planetary aspects taking place today.. making this a very busy day. The Black Moon is active, which means much is being unveiled, but we are not necessarily going to be made aware of all that gets revealed today. Rest assured, though, we will be able to witness it all very soon, and we can take this day to practice having faith and trusting that all is well, and it’s all happening for our highest good. A closer look at all the aspects reveals that with the exception of the Mercury Ceres Manifestation early this morning (EDT), the rest of the aspects belong to a very exact intersection that involves the Black Moon and Eris in a Light Bridge with Haumea and Arcturus, and all being accessed by the Jupiter Pluto stepping stone, which is about to become exact for the second of three times this year (on June 30).

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