Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog

               Sideways Elevators

If you missed my June solstice Webinar, please CLICK HERE to purchase your copy. (Exchange: $33)

Register now for my brand new Cosmic Consciousness ZOOM virtual classroom, which begins  THIS WEEKEND with a 6 part series on How to Read a 5D Chart. Classes will be 90 minutes, weekly or in some cases every other week, on Saturday afternoons at 1 pm EDT, beginning THIS COMING SATURDAY, JULY 11 !!. Please email me at with any questions you have… Due to the interactive nature of the subject matter, classes will be kept small.  (Exchange: $75/ per class or $400 for the entire course, prepaid). CLICK HERE to Register.

And announcing my next Master Class, The White House Charts, a look at what’s really going on with this administration. Fun and interactive. Saturday, July 18, 1-3pm EDT.. Exchange: $35 (Your registration will secure your MP3, even if you can’t be on the live call…) CLICK HERE for details and to register…

HERE’S MORE COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS FROM  Shelly LealJan Finley, Christine ClemmerSonreyaand Vivian Small!

We are in the middle of the greatest gear shift I can remember. Planets are changing direction on an almost daily basis. This is practically the only day this week that does not feature a planetary station, but it might as well be one, as stations are generally far more far reaching than just the day of the event.  Right now we are in between Salacia, Ceres and Black Moon stations, which have all occurred within the past few days, and the Haumea, Chiron and Mercury stations, one of each of which is on tap during the next three days. All this shifting and changing has two effects, probably more… First, it’s very disorienting and bit crazy making, but more importantly it is producing the change that is so very essential at this moment in time.

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