Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog

          Mercury Turns Direct

Join me for my next Master Class, THE WHITE HOUSE CHARTS, a look at what’s really going on with this administration. Fun and interactive. THIS COMING SATURDAY, July 18, 1-3pm EDT.. Exchange: $35 (Your registration will secure your MP3, even if you can’t be on the live call…) CLICK HERE for details and to register…

HERE’S MORE COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS FROM  Shelly LealJan Finley, Christine ClemmerSonreyaand Vivian Small!

Finally, finally,. Mercury has reached his station and he wil lgo direct early this morning at 4:26am EDT. Mercury, you may recall, was the main dispositor of this long long worm hole we are STILL moving through. He went retrograde in the middle of the eclipse passage and now he goes direct inside it, with still a full week to go before the next Cancer New Moon delivers us to the end of this wild and crazy journey. Mercury will be recovering his shadow until July 26, when he once again connects with Sirius, the God Star. That’s right where he went retrograde. That station alone would tell major tales about this recent Mercury cycle, but it was only a small piece of all that Mercury has achieved inside these past two months.

When the worm hole opened, on May 22, it was a Gemini new Moon, disposed by Mercury. Whatever a planet that is disposing such an event is doing during the event is vitally important. During that Gemini new Moon Mercury was conjunct the retrograde Venus, ALSO in Gemini, making the entire worm hole all about the Mercury/Venus (Mind/Heart) connection… or should I say REconnection?
Venus went retrograde only a few days before the worm hole opened in May, and she went direct a little more than a week ago. She retrograded entirely in Gemini (Mercury’s sign) and Mercury retrograded entirely in Cancer, deeply associated with the heart and Venus.These two lower body rulers have been making their ways to a brand new inner calibration that we can all call our own as this worm hole comes to an end.
Add to this the upcoming Mars Chiron new cycle (tomorrow), along with the MakeMake/Salacia Light Bridge that Mercury is forming an intersection with today, and we have the makings of some much higher lower body existence. After all those planetary stations last week, a powerful gear shift has taken place and by tomorrow it should be clear to anyone with eyes to see that the world has changed radically.
True, it’s been changing all along, but I am referring to some higher changes… the kind only those with faith and open hearts can perceive. Please trust me, the new reality is here. Let’s give it till the end of July, when Mercury bridges with Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto to see what we can see.
In the meantime, here is Ellias Lonsdales’ meditation for today’s Mercury station, reprinted with the author’s permission from his book Star Sparks.


Cancer 6:  Medusa’s head with writing snakes for hair.

               “Brought up short and hard against internal images and expectations. Forced to confront the destructive impact of living in any kind of fear or doubt. Tyrannical pictures flood the consciousness with “what might happen if…”
               The arduous track of cutting through our innermost and fondest notions concerning who we are and what our purpose in life really is. If we bring to the question of destiny, the middle of karma, a heavy  of thematic past experiences and impressions, we will indeed prejudge and never truly show up here in any measure of open soul experience.
               In order to facilitate the process, we are prone to   amplifications, intensification’s, dramatizations of what we inwardly held as categories and skeletons in the closet. As we feel through the overwhelming impact of the outer confirming the inner pictures, we skate dangerously close to believing our own projections, and infecting ourselves with the poison of feeling right about being stuck and caught and    .
               This is not an easy one to move through. It will test us sorely. We will eventually be hurtled out of our convenient containers and brought up very directly against what we have been fantasizing and trying to avoid. And when it is time to be right there with it, we will be able to pass through if w


e can learn from our endless curves of proving ourselves right and proving ourselves wrong.
               For in the crux point of destiny, we are meant to discover that if we stand within ourselves and are quiet and attentive, neither pulling toward nor away from that primal place we face, we will not be attacked, we will not be put through any further rounds of this terrible ordeal. Instead, we will look ourselves in the eye and slay the force of self-hatred.”


“The heart surrenders everything to the moment, the mind judges and holds back.”
~Ram Dass, Love Serve Remember