Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog

      LION’S GATE Approaching

Please join me for a most momentous Astrochat, “OPHIUCHUS the 13th sign and the new Cosmic Consciousness” –  Saturday, August 15. 1-4pm EDT. Everything has changed. Come and help me fine tune the new Cosmos… Exchange: $75      CLICK HERE to Register.

HERE’S MORE COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS FROM  Shelly LealJan Finley, Christine ClemmerSonreyaand Vivian Small!

That Power Cross is dominant and boy is it palpable. that kind of stepping stone/Light Bridge energy just steps everything up. If we remain centered and still, focused on the Self, it is far easier to bear. But the pressure builds, and we must continually find ways to let off that steam. Here is another day filled with many aspects. These are not all of them. These very busy days make for a lot of activity, but it’s often the kind we can sense but not actually be able to discern very clearly. It’s best to let it be, let it go, let it show itself in due time.

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