Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog

Check out all the new Cosmic Consciousness from Christine Clemmer, Shelly Leal, and Nicholas West!

Here we are smack inside the Eris station. There is a lot of intense “blowout” energy around, and of course, what is ‘out there’ is exactly what is within us. If you see it outside of you, you have not yet taken response ability for the discontentment and anger you feel. Don’t be afraid of anger, it is one of the most creative forces in the universe… but only when you hold it lovingly, without fighting it, judging it, or resisting it. Let it be, and it will take you to places you’ve never dreamed of. Such is the essence of Eris.


1 12 16 Venus Uranus Manifestation

1 12 16 Eris turns Direct








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