Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog

Check out all the new Cosmic Consciousness from Christine Clemmer, Shelly Leal, and Nicholas West!

An exciting email I received from Jan Finley:

“Today I was explaining to a friend about what I experience when I am using healing energy… As I was telling her how Reiki, La Ho Chi, and Karuna feel so very different from each other when I use them, I received a huge cosmic smack in the forehead! I was using the word “frequency” to describe the difference.

This is one of the upgrades, only a huge step further!!  We are being upgraded to actually use and communicate with different frequencies. This explains why I have had ringing in my ears, humming, popping and why I have occasional bouts of disorientation ad dizziness.  I am have not even begun to plumb the depths of this revelation but I am completely blown away at and excited by the possibilities.  To actually be able to change frequency and choose which “channel” to communicate on is mind boggling. This explains the verbal difficulty that has been my world these last months.  There are “channels” were words are not necessary.  Instead of feeling occasionally annoyed by non-stop ringing or the inability to communicate verbally what my Heart/Mind is telling me, I can now say: Bring It On!! I want to experience all these glorious channels!! Communication is going to become something so much more than we are used to and I am so happy to be part of it.”

Amazing! Thank you Jan… And speaking of frequencies, are you all ready for a major Uranian day?


1 20 16 Sun enters Aquarius


The frequencies very obviously shift today, as the Sun moves into Aquarius (10:28am EST), and comes into the realm of Uranus. We move from Saturn’s frequency to Uranus. The Great Awakener will be heading up the atmospheric vibrations for the next month, so an open mind, heart and eye(s) are prerequisite. This portal (cusp) that connects Saturn and Uranus is also Chiron’s realm.. That is, this is exactly where Chiron is located in our Soular System. This is the path from the lower self to the higher Self, and we awaken to so much right here.


The Uranian arrival at center stage is followed up closely by the second of three Mercury Uranus stepping stones, which occurs today at 1:27pm EST, and kicks off the entire Mercury-Uranus-Pluto event. This second of three Mercurial meet-ups with the outer planets represents what could be considered the most crucial piece of of the ongoing operating system swap out so far.


This is where the new mind, all hooked up in all the right places, gets turned back on, and all the connections fire for the first time on their own. This is what the next two days (and two weeks) is all about. The Mercury Uranus stepping stone today brings up the need to step up into the higher awareness we have worked so hard to attain. We are on our own now, ready to forge the new world with our new mental capacities.


There is nothing to rely on from the past. At least, relying on the past would be a very silly choice to make. Bringing the past into the now can only … ONLY… recreate the past. The past does not exist and it has no place here in the new world. Tomorrow’s Mercury Pluto conjunction promises to bring plenty of new and crystal clear understanding of the new mentality we have been fortunate enough to have achieved. We worked hard for many centuries for this new way of mentally relating to the world.


Let the past go now, and live right here in the moment. Everything you need is here, and can be nowhere else. The past is gone, and the future is just now being created by you. Live here now, BE here now and you will find you access to anything and everything you could ever possibly require to create the world you most want to live in.


“Only the truth of who you are, if realized, will set you free.”

– Eckhart Tolle