Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog

REGISTER NOW FOR THE THIRD COSMIC ENCHANTMENT Q&A, with Ray Rolando and my Self, on Tuesday evening, MARCH 1, from 7-9pm EST. Here is your chance to get your most personal questions answered as Ray and I channel the Masters and Archangels. CLICK HERE to Register. Exchange: $33

Check out all the new Cosmic Consciousness from Christine Clemmer, Shelly Leal, and Nicholas West!

What came up for you yesterday, along physical lines? I heard from so many of you, and I my Self had an experience of my own. My daughter had a procedure scheduled to check for certain problems. We both took the day off to go, but when we arrived we were told that her appointment was canceled. We rescheduled for next week. While we might have been put off, it actually felt more like something had become a no thing. I had the same kind of experience. I had an appointment with my oncologist, because I’ve been uncomfortable. A LOT uncomfortable. I waited for many hours to see her, and after a pretty extensive exam, she declared that all I need is some massage for my lymph nodes. Something into NO THING.


2 19 16 Sun enters Pisces


I heard some much more intense stories, from a friend who is struggling with an infection that won’t go away, that’s making her feel unattractive and horrible. But I told her she is clearing in preparation for a much more efficient physical operating system and she got it in a snap. Something to NO THING. To a woman sitting next to me in the blood drawing room who was vivacious and full of life was chatting on and on about how she is going through her fifth round of chemo and has stage four terminal cancer. She was light hearted about how upset they were in the back room, when they got her numbers. She was at peace and she was spreading her Light and her heart centered presence was unmistakable.


What has come up for you? Pay attention to the bigger picture of it all. It’s all pointing toward a new way to be in the world, especially on the physical level. I am convinced that there is no longer any such thing as a ‘death sentence’. Transition is a physical fact of life, but it is far more a choice than we have believed till now. It is time to realize how much Truth there is in that statement.


The Sun enters Pisces first thing this morning (EST). When the Sun changes signs, the general atmosphere of our conscious awareness shifts to a new part of our energy field.   Our individual energy field is made up of 12 or 13 different qualities of consciousness. We move around this field in different ways all the time. When the archetype of our waking consciousness (The Sun) moves into a new mansion of our being, it brings Light and new life to that area. Pisces is the limitless field of possibilities. The implications are obvious.


Pisces is the sign that belongs to Neptune. Not coincidentally, Neptune is set to have a meeting with Ceres early Sunday morning. Ceres was upgraded to dwarf planet status on the same day that Pluto was demoted and Eris was categorized as the same. These three planets are inexorably connected for all of the new order. It could be considered a new mythology story, one in which these three archetypes of mother/midwife, gatekeeper to the new consciousness, and the female awakener all influence us en masse. You can’t get ones influence without the others. This trio goes together from now on.


Neptune Ceres should deliver us to a new vision and a new capacity to step up into our enlightened Selves. This new cycle promises to reveal a whole new world, much like the song. Since Neptune is the dispositor of our waking consciousness for the next few weeks, this conjunction with Ceres seems very significant.


Neptune is also a big player in the upcoming Mars retrograde cycle (Mars goes retrograde at ( Sagittarius in mid April in an exact stepping stone (square) with Neptune, and Saturn goes direct in mid August at the exact same degree, 9 Sagittarius, ALSO squaring Neptune. This brings Neptune squarely (pun intended) into the new physicality story line.


It’s like a launch party for the body.


“Fear not the strangeness you feel.

The future must enter you long before it happens. 

Just wait for the birth… for the hour of new clarity.”
~ Rainer Maria Rilke