Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog

Your world is spinning in your hand



Check out all the new Cosmic Consciousness from Christine Clemmer, Shelly Leal and Anne Harris

Another huge day has arrived. This is the major turnaround moment that represents the culmination of  all the clearing we’ve been through these past weeks. The turnaround feels simultaneously challenging and relieving, and it can be very difficult to figure it all out at this time. Don’t try. Let the dust settle, let the chips fall where they may, and when everything is more solidly manifested it will make much more sense than it does now. 




There are three major planetary events that occur today, not to mention that we are still powerfully in the Mercury station. Yes, Mercury went direct yesterday, but he isn’t moving quite yet, and certainly those Mercury storms are not to be discounted. Mercury manifests with Pluto for the second time this week, and this is actually the third manifestation, making it the completion, the tangible, actual result of this new mental transmutation. No doubt we are all aware of it by now, though the complete changing of the guard between Mercury and Mars has not taken place yet.

Speaking of Mars… Mars comes together with Quaoar and the Galactic Center today, and this very powerful new cycle is a part of the Equinox energy, coloring the entire season ahead with its multidimensional out of bounds energies. Mercury currently reflects the transmutation of the mind, and Mars is in the middle of the most significant physical transmutation we’ve ever known.

We are being completely rewired, at every level of our BEING. Mars comes together with Quaoar, the new archetype that brings us into full capacity to create a new thought system. Consider how difficult it is to produce an unprecedented thought. It is not even possible with the lower mind. Once we are free of the constraints of the fear based reactive mind, we can, if we are willing to let go of everything we think we know, perceive what has always been there, beyond the limits of our perceptions.

Combine this capacity with the new (out of bounds) physicality, and a new body (and a new world) is born. Mars is and has always been the trigger for new events and new cycle. A Mars Quaoar conjunction is by definition a new cycle, and it is a long time coming. Mars was coming close to 28 Sagittarius  before he went retrograde earlier this year. This new cycle was delayed by about 7 months so that Mars could undertake those transmutations he went through while retrograding in Scorpio.

Venus moves into Scorpio today too. There is an amazing common thread that just keeps on showing up among the lower four body rulers. This is further evidence of the great transmutation that is taking place. Just let it all happen today. In a few more days this will all start to make sense.

Here is Ellias Lonsdale’s meditation for today’s Mars Quaoar conjunction. It is reprinted with the author’s permission from his book Star Sparks:

Sagittarius 28:   A witch’s ritual dagger.

Being directed to the point to stay on it feverishly. Being surrounded by every distraction imaginable. Yet honing in on the pivotal point every single time.

                Blessed with an uncanny instinct for how to penetrate through. Drawing to the self those factors and forces which bring life toward the surface and toward conditional patterns and delusionary systems.

                The endless battle to stay on with what counts and to cast off the spell of what is both irrelevant and dangerous. The collective syndromes are played off of as deadly to the touch. A different approach must get through somehow.

                Linked utterly with a way of being which was generated long ago and protected to insure that it a can now still be on the beam with subtle magical faculties. The inheritor of those who can never fall for established truths and who remember the piercing power of direct insight.

                The fabulous struggle to protect and guard these rare abilities and to make sure they are never exploited or turned against themselves. It is almost inevitable that what is most feared will happen over and again. And then what counts is the inward response.

                Is there sufficient reckoning to come back from these major deaths and once again be fresh and new in perceiving and sensing along the subtle tracks? Can the core of the soul hold to its edge even when it’s lost, even as the sacred space is violated?

                This is the path of bearing something invaluable for the collective through dangerous times. It is the tapping of a lost magical faculty and the sticking with what seems to be no end of trouble. Ultimately, this is the sparking of light in deep and veiled forms, just as called for.”


   Grief can be the garden of compassion. If you keep your heart open through everything, your pain can become your greatest ally in your life’s search for love and wisdom.
― Rumi

If you’d like to have a personal reading from Ellias Lonsdale, you can. Call 831 425-3134 to set up an appointment.