Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog


Don’t miss my 2017 SPRING EQUINOX WEBINAR, featuring all the Cosmic Consciousness you’ll need for traveling the Light Bridges and navigating the unprecedented events of the new season. CLICK HERE for details and to register. Exchange: $30.

Check out all the new Cosmic Consciousness from Christine Clemmer, Shelly Leal, Ray Rolando, Marie DesRoches, and Anne Harris!

The Mercury Sun superior conjunction last night was profound, especially if you’re ready and able to let the Truth emerge without imposing your judgments or preconceived notions on what you are perceiving. There is an entirely new paradigm being revealed at every level of our lower body system, as we learn to travel the new High Ways that are being generated by the powerful Light Bridges. These multidimensional roads less traveled are open and readily available to all. Gaining access to them is a matter of discipline, focus, and the single minded will to let go of the past. The past has a way of infiltrating the new, and developing anything original out of a past-infused present is not possible. 


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