Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog


Don’t miss my 2017 SPRING EQUINOX WEBINAR THIS COMING MONDAY, featuring all the Cosmic Consciousness you’ll need for traveling the Light Bridges and navigating the unprecedented events of the new season. CLICK HERE for details and to register. Exchange: $30.

Check out all the new Cosmic Consciousness from Christine Clemmer, Shelly Leal, Ray Rolando, Marie DesRoches, and Anne Harris!


The Sun continues to make its unrelenting connections with one 5D planet after another. This has been going on for two or three days, and there’s more to come. Today the Sun connects with Ixion and with Sedna, and these are the 7th and 8th of 9 Soular connections that constitute a major rewiring of the conscious awareness. The second of these aspects was the Full Moon, the Sun Moon bridge that effectively ended the worm hole and delivered us to a whole new realm of our Self awareness. That this delivery was followed by a major 5D recalibration is significant, and becoming aware of it can mean great inner transformation. This is what Cosmic Consciousness is for.










These two dynamic aspects dominate the day, and promise to continue to move us into new conscious territory. The Scorpio Moon also manifests with (trines) Neptune, which promises to transmute our reality by further lifting the veil that has so obviously kept us from the Truth. The Truth will out and it will set us free. All we have to do is watch.


And speaking of watching, the LIGHT BRIDGE is about to gain a great deal of wattage as Uranus and Eris come together for the third time early tomorrow morning. This third conjunction produces the 90 plus year new cycle of Uranus and Eris. This pair produces a consciousness for an entire expanse of a human lifetime. That is, everyone alive on the Earth today is working through the same Uranus Eris cycle. This particular one occurred in the late 20’s at 0 Aries.


Since 0 Aries is a world axis degree, (meaning its effects touch everything and everyone alive on the planet) AND it is the zero point, the alpha and omega of life on Earth, this Uranus Eris cycle promises to offer life on earth a new beginning. These are the two Great Awakeners, and we are certainly being awakened this year. What’s going on is truly eye opening.


Uranus and Eris are half of a major 5D Light Bridge, forming a long term polarity with Haumea, and this year being charged and no doubt majorly expanded by the presence of Jupiter. Jupiter and Haumea are coming together all year this year, and will finally manifest a new cycle in mid September.


A Light Bridge is a connection between at least one regular planet and a 5D planet. It is a connection of polarity (formerly opposition), which is more of a relationship than almost anything. With a consciousness that transcends duality, something most of us reading this have achieved, that polarity can be seen as a major connection, a conduit, between two polar sides of one reality.


When planets reside at either end of such a polarity, they produce a solid frequency that we can walk with our consciousness. That frequency is defined by the brackets that are the archetypal energies generating the connection. We are awakening to the consciousness of unity and wholeness.


The new cycle of Uranus and Eris is SO big it will be hard to pinpoint, but we are all feeling it’s vast meaning, and we will be living in the reality of the new cycle for the next 100 years. For best results in realizing the Truth of this new cycle, stay tuned to you.


“We shall draw from the heart of suffering itself the means of inspiration and survival.”

Winston Churchill