Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog


Don’t miss my 2017 SPRING EQUINOX WEBINAR THIS COMING MONDAY, featuring all the Cosmic Consciousness you’ll need for traveling the Light Bridges and navigating the unprecedented events of the new season. CLICK HERE for details and to register. Exchange: $30.

Check out all the new Cosmic Consciousness from Christine Clemmer, Shelly Leal, Ray Rolando, Marie DesRoches, and Anne Harris!


The Sun continues to make its unrelenting connections with one 5D planet after another. This has been going on for two or three days, and there’s more to come. Today the Sun connects with Ixion and with Sedna, and these are the 7th and 8th of 9 Soular connections that constitute a major rewiring of the conscious awareness. The second of these aspects was the Full Moon, the Sun Moon bridge that effectively ended the worm hole and delivered us to a whole new realm of our Self awareness. That this delivery was followed by a major 5D recalibration is significant, and becoming aware of it can mean great inner transformation. This is what Cosmic Consciousness is for.










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